How do you wish to spend
your time here?
The Porch
provides the following information
and choices.
I don't know about you, but
I've passed more than one reflective moment in Church Porches over the
years. Going in or coming out, browsing a leaflet, reading notices, sometimes
a year old concerning an Annual General Meeting - or a Charity - or a card
from a visitor - news of the orphan being supported by the parish, and
so on. Here too is news from the diocese and the world wide church, Magazines
from Church office and prayers for the community. Often there is
something that catches my attention to be thought about or prayed about
while I'm in the sanctuary, Other times it is on my way out. Of course,
nowadays in New Zealand such reflective hours are few and far between.
Churches are locked for fear of vandalism.. but here, in this place, we
can still do these little browsing things, with a little view of a chapel in the background.. |
In some ways the whole of
Sanctuary could be described as a series of pamphlets and newsletters,
maybe as reading rooms in the crypt. This part of the porch describes what
you can find, though the summary is available in the SiteMap and there
is a short form in the chapel and on the Welcome page: By the way, except
where it appears on the sitemap itself wherever you see the Alpha and Omega,
that represents a way back to the site map. It looks like this
The Site
Map will show you your way round in more detail, and provide a
place for you to sign the visitors book or to leave mail for the Web Weaver.
Here's a description of the
extras available at present:
There is a newsletter
about The Sanctuary for regular visitors in 'Doings and Plans' . I try
to update it whenever there are changes or additions to the site so it
might pay to keep an eye on it. But then I tried to do away with it, only
to have and outcry.
Disclaimer is just that. (smile) Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition,
but one's private thoughts and meditations can sometimes upset theologians..
resources provides some links. Not all of them Christian or Anglican,
but all of them conducive to a growing spirit of love for Our Lord
and His lovely universe.
Meditations of My Heart:
A daily quiet time e-mail
Gospel reading, reflection
and quote from great pray-ers past and present.

Parish News
A weekly newsheet, with
readings, reflections, stories and intercessions for the wider world, the
church and our own personal needs
the Newsletter

Urban Hermits
This is a list for all who are now living or are interested in living
the solitary life, either in an uban setting or otherwise. List owner is
a brand new Episcopalian. All Christians welcome, but no doctrinal arguments
will be tolerated. This list is for sharing the fruits of our prayer and
meditation, the way we practice our vocation, and encouragement of one
another in our commitment to silence and solitude as a specific path to
union with God. List Type: Unmoderated discussion Subscription: Does not
require owner approval Archive: Readable by subscribers only Created: Sep
29, 2000 Owners: Wyrd Sister, Patti McClellan To Join: Subscribe here,
or send an email to urbanhermit-subscribe@topica.com To Post: Send mail
to 'urbanhermit@topica.com' Stats: 24 subscribers / 3 messages per day