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looking toward Jerusalem on a fine spring morning..
photo courtesy franciscan CyberSpot Dominus Flevit

As we approach one of the most sacred seasons of our year,
we celebrate His entry into Jerusalem.

Hosanna to the Son of David, 
Blessed is He who cometh in the Name of the Lord!


We have listened to this story so many times, replayed the events, taken the images to our hearts !

This entry into Jerusalem, the city of peace, would have presented an extraordinary temptation to any mortal man. He fulfilled the prophecies, He entered, riding a donkey, the symbol and symptom of peace, and the rule of God. Yet the city itself was ready for a more violent, if less profound revolution. The city leaders knew this and spoke with him about it. Right there, he could have taken over the city - and perhaps the world, for all we know. No agony in the garden, no bloody sweat, no crucifixion. 

What a dilemma ! 
The people shouting, calling out, dancing in the streets, recalling the glory days of King David, and our Lord, knowing himself Lord, Lord even in the sense in which they meant it, knowing that if the people said nothing the very stones themselves would cry out. And yet, and yet, the sense in which they meant it, meant death, blood in the streets, one person lording it over another, one people murdering another. 

For he was fullfilling the inner meaning, not just of the prophecies, but of their heart. The Kingdom of God is not just show. The King riding the donkey was not just a symbol to provoke an uprising, but the inner message of Kingship itself. Royalty, wisdom, healing, - and - later in the Temple, the violence of purging. This is a message about government, and about government of self. 

Jesus journey begins with his weeping over Jerusalem and his foretelling of terrible grief to come.

And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,
 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things [which belong] unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

This is the physical fulfillment of his Temptation in the wilderness, when he was offered the Kingdoms of this World. His people welcome him with open hearts and arms, and wild cries of joy, but his rejection of that temptation to become the Earthly King, will  lead to betrayal, scourging and a crown of thorns. 

This is the real Kingdom, the real Power, and the real Glory. It is a choice that  will also lead to the Resurrection and Ascension, and to the presence of his inexorable gentleness in our lives near two thousand years later.  If we are lucky he will change our minds, our hearts, our souls and our expectations as He once purged the Temple.  As we are transformed into a House of Prayer, instead of a house of commerce, so we become powerful agents of change, and even of a deeper revolution, a deeper freedom in the world about us.

With His Blessing, let us too cry, Come Lord Jesus !

Hosanna to the Son of David, 
Blessed is he who comes 
in the name of the Lord !

and looking out over the city, Jesus wept ..
 llustration found by vickie^: provided by the generosity of Lady Oh:

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