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Heather Bell
Beside Still Waters

"A kind heart is a fountain of gladness,
 making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles."
 - Washington Irving


I checked the calendar and it was the third Thursday in the month so the C.W.I would be
meeting in my home today.  I did my usual tidy up, then set out the chairs, moved the table and sat down to await the first arrivals.   Time passed and nothing happened, so I
rang the next door neighbour, and she laughed at me for getting the day wrong.  She
decided to come and visit, seeing I had everything ready for visitors. We sat down to talk and it was as if the floodgates had been opened. So much sorrow and resentment, all dammed up in her body just waiting to get free.   She talked and talked, talked as she had not had the chance for years.

At the end of the visit she looked 10 years younger and you could see the lightness of
her step as she walked away from me.  I just love it when the numbers on the calendar
move to make a different day. 

Thank you Lord for caring about us so much.

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I want so much to talk about Jesus and how my life is lived because of Him...