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**~~Happy Birthday Amanda~~**

Another year's gone by and you're growing up so fast!
I want to slow time down...I want to make them last.

You're only little once, please don't rush it so,
But then...Aunt Gayle would worry if you really didn't grow.

First there's kiddygarden, oh no, it doesn't stop here.
Before we can turn around twice it'll be graduation year.

We'll hold each day in our heart & we'll take one day at a time.
I guess this is the end 'cause I've just run out of rhyme!!

***Here's One More***

What a lovely little lady you're turning out to be.
You see, it's not so bad to look an awfully lot like me!

~~Love ya,~~
~~~~Aunt Gayle~~~

To a very beautiful young lady...I want to wish you the world of happiness and know that no matter what comes along I will always be there for you...wishing you the BESTEST birthday this year Amanda...know why?...because I am ya honey...boy only seven years old...only a few more years to go and you would have caught up with you always honey...Aunt Lyn

Happy Bday from IBIA
Thanks IBIA!!!
Love N AngelHugs...Sassy

Dear Amanda, WE would like to wish you a Happy Birthday and many more to come. You are a very special little girl and you will always hold a special place in our hearts. I wish we could be there for your Birthday!!! We love you very much Sweetie and we think about you alot. Like I said you are a very special girl and very smart and intelligent.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Amanda,
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Have a wonderful, funtabulous,great,fun Birthday!
Aunt Tammy, Uncle Randy, Tara, Nathan,
Jessie, Eric, Sam, Sammy, and Darian

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Kids Jokes, Color Book Pages, School Daze, NSYNC Pics, ECT...check
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Thanks RedCoupe for helping me out with this applet.
Visit the RedCoupe by clicking on the above link.
You will find lots of very kewl things there.
Everything from Jave Script Links to Jave Games.
I literally spent hours there looking around.
Have fun and ENJOY.
Oh and Thanks for stopping by Amanda's Birthday Page!!!

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~ * smiles * ~