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Snow Applets 1

Midi Playing is : "This Kiss" By Faith Hill
This is Amanda's favorite song.

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I would like to take a moment to thank 2 very special people
that helped me with these snow applets.
Visit Ingrid's Welcome To My World. You will really enjoy her pages. They are beautiful!
Visit Carol's Window On My World. Her pages are beautiful as well. Don't miss out on the
opportunity to meet and make new friends.
Thank you both so much for all your help.
~ * Love & Angel Hugs * ~
* ~ SASSY ~ *
Oh and PLEASE when you go visit their pages make sure you
sign their guestbooks.

Hope you enjoy your visit to my little piece of the WEB!
~ Love ~ Hugs ~ Smiles ~

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Silk's Holidays Year 'Round
to view more graphics like you see here on this page.
~ * Thanks * ~

My ICQ # is : 23488397

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If you got here via "Web-Ring" then click ~HERE~ and it will take you to my page of Web-Rings. ~ Thanks! ~

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visitors since this site page was created on March 13, 1999

The Background and Images on this page were created by ME !
Click on the logo above and start building your very own webpages.
~ * Smiles * ~