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~ Gifts From Some Very Dear Friends ~
Background created by ME...

On this page I have put buttons that FRIENDS dear to my HEART have made for me.
I love you all so very much. Hope you know that. *SMILES*

Sis...I love this one...and yes every moment we have ever shared is :
~ * Golden * ~
Love ya Sis!

Gift From My Sis
Sis...I am so glad you are my Sis too.
Thank you so much for this precious gift.
Not the one above but for the gift of YOUR FRIENDSHIP!!!
~ * Love N AngelHugs * ~
* ~ SISSY ~ *

Sis...I love this are the GREATEST...and I can't wait til you get here...
I am so excited Sis...
adfkj;sdlkjf;lksdjf;lkjsd;lkfj;lsdkjf;ljasd;lfj;sdljf;l...can you tell..?..
*Laffs*...Love ya Sis...

Sis, This one really means more to me than any of them.
It reminds me of us.
Yes we are like VELCRO...*laffs*
I love you Sis.
Friends Forever...Sisters For Life...

Baby Sis
Yahoooooooooooooooo...I have a BIG SIS...
Thank you so much Sis...
If Sisters were flowers...
I'd pick you...*smiles*

Pam Tribute



This was given to Amanda by Lyn.
Thank You Lyn!
Love, Amanda!

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This counter was placed on this page on March 23, 1999

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~ * Smiles * ~