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What's New ?

Updated on June 25, 1999 : Well it's been a while since I updated these pages. I have several things to tell you about so bare with me okay? First off I have started a new page of graphics. You can take a peak at them by clicking here! There are lots of things there so take your time and I hope you can find something that you would like to use on your webpages. There are 9 Background Sets, 45 Tiled Backgrounds, Tips and Tricks Page, and 2 pages of ICQ Plus Skinz to download. Also a link to download the ICQ Plus. If you don't have it you can get it there.
I have also started a page dedicated to my favorite Comedian *Lucy*. You can view those pages Here!. As of right now there are 89 photos of Lucy. I have been collecting articles from newspapers, pics, and stories of Lucy since about 1985, but I have been a fan of hers since I was a very little girl. Watching her "I Love Lucy" show is one of my most favorite things to do. This is my way of keeping the Queen of Comedy alive. I hope you enjoy the pages and if you know anyone that is a Lucy fan send them to my page. Things will be added to those pages as soon as I can get the time. Well that's about it for now. If you have any ideas or suggestions for my pages please leave me a message by email or sign my guestbook. Until then....
~ * Love N AngelHugs * ~

Updated on April 2, 1999 : Well I have been at work again on my pages. Not alot though. *S* Basically all I added was 5 new pages to Poetry And Stories. I would like to add music to all the pages that I have created on that page but I am quickly running out of space here on angelfire. :-( Anyway I hope you enjoy the new things I have added. Share them by sending them on to all your friends and family. Thanks and have a wonderful day.
Luv N AngelHugs
~ * SASSY * ~

Updated on March 19, 1999 : I just added several new pages. I hope you all like them. I worked very hard on them and still have the music to add but just couldn't wait to get them up so I am putting them up without having midi's on them. The page is called Poetry And Stories. I created them hoping they would be pages that we all could send to our online friends. You know the *sharing* thing. ~smiles~ Anyway thats about it for now. 'Til next time...
* ~ Love N AngelHugs ~ *
~ * SASSY * ~

Updated on March 15, 1999 : I just added a new page called Rainbow. You can view it by clicking HERE. Have fun and I hope you enjoy my rainbow room. I made this page with all my online friends in mind. You see they are all special and each one of them bring a new color into my life. All of them make up MY RAINBOW. To all my friends, I love each and everyone of you.
~ * Love & AngelHugs * ~
* ~ Sassy ~ *

Updated on March 13, 1999 : Well 2 new pages have been added to my site. I know, I know I said before that I was done working here but I just can't help myself. ~ smiles ~ I added a new Family N Pets 2. I had to...I got pics developed and they were just too cute to leave lying around the house. * grins * And then I added another page of pictures but this one isn't just a plain simple picture page. You will see once you get Here. ~ laffs ~ Okay, Okay, You know I can't keep a secret. I created a Snow Applet Page. There are you happy? :-). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my new pages.
~ * Love & Angel Hugs * ~
~ * SASSY * ~

Updated on March 11, 1999 : I have just added a new page. When it comes to holidays you can spend countless hours looking and surfing. Through all the looking and surfing I finally compiled some that are my favorites. Just remember that alot of people just put up their holiday page for that certain holiday. So if you come across some links on the page don't work that is the reason. They put them up and then take them down after that certain holiday is over. If you find that there are some links that are dead please email me and I will take that link off ASAP. Here is where you can find my new page. Sassy'sHoliday Links Page. I also totally redone Amanda's coloring book page. You can view it by going here. Amanda's Color Book. Thanks and have a GREAT DAY!!!

Updated on March 9, 1999 : Well here I am again. I have been working for about 2 days now moving things around and making graphics for the new page I have done. I originally had my pages listed with all the other links that I enjoy visiting but have since decided that, that wasn't the best idea I ever came up with so I moved my pages to a seperate page. You can get there by clicking here Sassy's Pages ! The page is pretty graphic intense so be patient while the images load. * smiles * I think its worth the wait! I also added an awards page. You can view it by going to Sassy's Awards Page. Another page that I have been working and finally got done is a lake applet. I have dedicated it to Heather. She has and always will be my inspiration. You view it by going to this link. Safe In Jesus Arms. I will be adding one more page soon. It will be dedicated to Amanda, my 7 year old that is going on 20. *smiles* She is the most beautiful and loving child any mother could ever ask for. So check back soon to see if I have it done or not. After that one is finished I don't think there is alot more I can add to my pages. I will start concentrating more on my graphics site which you can view at this url. Silk's Holidays Year 'Round. And also I have started working with my sis on a site that is totally dedicated to children. You can view what we have done on it by clicking on this link. Sis and Sissy's Precious Moments In Time. You can also get there by going to Sassy Pages and clicking on Amanda's Coloring Book. As always remember to give me feed back on my pages so that I know what you like and what you don't. I try to keep my pages simple so that they load fast but then you lose the part of you that goes into the pages. I would like to think that I decorate my pages like I do my own home. Well anyway let me know what you think and I hope all of you have a FANTABULOUS DAY!!!

Updated on March 2, 1999 : IMPORTANT ~ Please Read ~ I have been gone for a while now due to my back being out but when I did come online today to check my guestbook I found that alot of people had been signing and putting images in my guestbook when they signed. I do really appreciate all the work that you put into your images but it took my guestbook 15 minutes to load. I didn't feel like sitting there that long so I went in and edited my guestbook and took out the images. ~ Sorry ~ If you would like to put images in my guestbook I ask that you keep them small and in jpg format. I know they don't take up space on my account but other people view my guestbook too and I don't want them to have to sit and wait that long for it to load. I hope I do not affend anyone by this but just keep the images small. Thanks Sassy!!!

Updated on February 20, 1999 : Hello and welcome to my "What's New ?" page. I am creating this page because there are people that come here often and this will make it easier for them to surf around my pages. Now you will know what pages I have updated and when they were last updated. I hope you like all the changes that Sassy's World is going through. I have given my index page a totally new look. I added the "Sky Test" to it. That is where the background stays, only the text moves. Unfortunately this only works with IE4, sorry Netscape users. But eh, I have good news for the Netscape users, you can go download IE4 HERE. You can get to my page of Web-Rings by clicking HERE I also added some thoughts to A Mother's Love. A picture of my hubby was added to My Family & Pets Photo Album. I have more pix to be developed and will add 'em just as soon as I can get 'em back and get 'em scanned. I would like to take a moment to thank you in advance for signing my guestbook. *smiles* Shame on you if you haven't done that. It's always encouraging to see what your friends and family have said about your web-pages. You can go ~ Here ~ to sign or view my guestbook. You can email me ~ Here ~ with comments and suggestions. Well that's about it for now. ~ * hugs * ~ Oh yeah...And don't forget to stop by my graphics shoppe at Silk's Holidays Year 'Round I have Background Sets there and lots of ClipArt for your web-pages. Thanks!!!

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