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In Memory of My Dad

Carl Everett Stellar
November 22, 1927 to April 16, 1990

      My dad was a kind, gentle man, occasionally prone to anger, but never toward his children. He loved fishing, hunting for mushrooms, the great outdoors (although he didn't go camping as we know it), and he loved his children more than anything in this world, although he didn't know how to show it often.

He was a very intelligent man, knowledgable in nearly everything there was to know about trees, building a home, and everything that goes into a house. He also loved his family history, and would tell me stories about our family every chance he got.

During the last few years of his life, he was very ill, with a lung disease called emphysema. This terrible disease robs a person of every breath they take, and it's heartbreaking to watch a person gasping for each breath, fighting to take in oxygen as they inhale.

I was "Daddy's little girl," there wasn't a single thing in this world that I would have denied my dad. And, when he wasn't able to do things for himself, I tried my best to be there for him. Anything he needed, even if it was just to have someone to talk to, I was there for him. Before he got too sick to walk, I had the opportunity to take him for his doctor's visits. Those times were very special to me, because it gave me the chance to be alone with him. The only thing I regret is that I never told him how much that time with him meant to me.

Daddy's been gone for almost 9 years now. Although he will live on in my heart, his presence on this earth is missed.

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