In the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji many a times guru ji mentions about the satjug treatehjug ,dwapurjug,and kaljug.Bani of Bhai Gurdass ji also mentiones about the four jugas.Direct translation into english it means golden age ,silver age, bronze age, iron or dark age.These present age is the age of darkness .Which accoding to some historians started on February 18, 3102 B.C according to the Gregorian calendar.
The ancient scriptures view history as cyclical in character, with vast repeating series of ages. Each age has its own particular qualities. The ancient scriptures describe a number of cycles within cycles. Discussions of these cycles can become confusing because different cycles are measured in different types of units. For example, the cycles are often described in units of deva(demigods) years, each of which equals 360 human years.
The following description starts with the smaller cycles and works up to the larger ones. The length of each cycle is given in ordinary human (earth) years, as well other units where appropriate. Large numbers are described using the conventions of American English: thus, a million is a thousand thousand, a billion is a thousand million, a trillion is a thousand billion.
This is based on numerous sources, which are given in the "References" section at the end of this document.
The smallest cycle is called a maha yuga. A maha yuga is 4,320,000 human years. Each maha yuga is subdivided into the following four ages, whose lengths follow a ratio of 4:3:2:1:
This first age is 1,728,000 human years. Also known as the Golden Age or age of Truth. The qualities of this age are: virtue reigns supreme; human stature is 21 cubits; lifespan is a lakh of years, and death occurs only when willed.Dharma in this age had four legs. Gurbani :”Satjug teah maneaho chaleoh balbavan beahioh.” In the satjug the supreme Lord appeared as Balbavan(dwarf incarnate) .Bhagat dhru ji Bhagat pharlad ji appeared in the satjug.
This second age is 1,296,000 human years. Also known as the Silver Age. The qualities of this age are: the climate is three quarters virtue and one quarter sin; human stature is 14 cubits; lifespan is 10,000 years.Dharma in this age had three legs. Gurbani:” Treath teah maneaho raam raghuwans khehaeo” In the treathjug the supreme lord appeared as Sri Raamchand in the Raghu (Sun)Dynasty. note: the ten gurus are from the dynasty of Sri Raamchand ji maharaj, as stated by Guru Gobind Singh ji in the Vichatar Natak in Dasam Granth Sahib ji.
This third age is 864,000 human years. Also known as the Bronze Age. The qualities of this age are: the climate is one half virtue and one half sin; lifespan is 1,000 years.Dharma in this age had 2 legs left. Gurbani:”Dawapar krishan murar kansh kirtharath kio,ugarseanh koa raaj abeah bhagtah janh deoh” In the Dvapur yug the supreme appeared as Krishan murar(Sri krishan bhagvan).
The fourth and last age is 432,000 human years. Of which 5100 years have past. Also known as the Iron Age. This is the age in which we are presently living. The qualities of this age are: the climate is one quarter virtue and three quarters sin; human stature is 3.5 cubits; lifespan is 100 or 120 years.(this would continue continue to decrees) Gurbani:”Kaljug paarmanh nanak gorh angad amar kehaeo.sri guru raaj abeychal attal adah purkh farmaeoh”The supreme lord appeared as Guru nanak along with the ten gurus.note:guru nanak dev ji is predicted as the saviour of this age in the hindu scriptures at different places eg.bhavichat puran , simiritis etc. Dharma had one leg left in this age.”Dharm pankh kar udreaia”That also had flown away .”Sharm dharm deoeh pakh khloeah kurh fereah pardan veah lalo.”Sence of shame and religion is gone from this age.People have become shameless and irreligious.The only way to save oneself is to chant Harinaam.”Kalau meah raamnam hai saar”(more will be discussed in the topic on kaljug later) The creation disappears at the end of a maha juga and remains in seed form inside brahma.
Brahma Days (Kalpas)note: this is refering to the brahma of this universe only.There are uncountable universes” Koth brahmand jah keah dharmsaleh” (in which there are uncountable planets and planatery systems”Patalah patal lakh agasah agas”) and uncountable Brahmas.”koth brahmeah jagh sajan laeah.”
A kalpa is a single daytime period in the life of Brahma, Japji:Ik sansari ik bhandri ik lai deban”the creator demigod. Two kalpas are a day and a night of Brahma.Each kalpa is composed of 1,000 maha yugas. A kalpa is thus equal to 4.32 billion human years.
At the end of Brahma's daytime period, the Three Planetary systems (Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Swarloka) and the seven underworlds (of the nagas) are temporarily dissolved (pralaya); that is, the same folks can be reincarnated when the next day of Brahma begins.Brahma creates the world again after his night.Just like one person starts his daily work after every night.Pralaya dissolves the planets until Brahma loka only.
At the end of the daytime period of Brahma, a dreadful drought occurs that lasts 100 years, (brahma’s 100 year) and all the waters are dried up. The sun changes into seven suns, and the three planetary systems (Bhurloka or solar system ,middle planetary system , Bhuvarloka or the lower planetary system , and Svarloka or higher planetary system) and the underworlds are burned bare of life. The inhabitants of Bhuvarloka and Svarkloka flee to the next higher planetary system , Maharloka, to escape the heat; and then to the next higher planetary system, Janaloka .Inhabitants of these planets or planetary systems are more advanced spiritually and materially than the middle and lower planetary systems thus with their special powers or sidhis they are able to transfer thenselfs to the higher planetary systems.Then mighty clouds form and the three planetary systems are completely flooded with water. The lord Vishnu”Ik sansari ikh bhandari” reposes on the waters in meditative rest for another whole kalpa (4.32 billion years) before renewing the creation.
The destruction that takes place at the end of a daytime of Brahma is referred to as naimittika, or occasional. The characteristic of this destruction is that the three worlds continue to exist but are made uninhabitable. The souls of individuals also continue to exist to be reincarnated in the next daytime of Brahma.
A year of Brahma is composed of 360 day/night cycles of Brahma, or 720 kalpas, or 8.64 billion human years.
The lifespan of Brahma is 100 Brahma years, or 72,000 kalpas, or 311.04 trillion human years.
At the end of the life of Brahma, all worlds are completely dissolved (mahaparloh). This is referring to only this brahmand or universe.Note :This is the life of the 4 ages which accepted by all major Sampardas of Sikh Dharma,like the Nirmalas from which Nanaksar sampardah,Rarehweleh sampardah,Mastuanehwaleh sampardah of Baba Attar Singh ji and many such shakhans of Nirmala Sampardah, Uadsis sampardah,Baba Deep Singh Sampardah of Dhamdami thaksal,Bhai Mani Singh Sampardah
- Talks of Baba Sadhu Singh ji Maharaj Nanaksar waleh(at katong temple singapore)
- Tikah of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji by Baba Kirpal Singh ji satoh wali gali
- Faridkotiah tikah.
6 an.uh. (atoms) = 1 trasaren.u
3 trasaren.u = 1 trut.i (1687.5 = 1 second)
100 trut.i = 1 vedha
3 vedha = 1 lava
3 lava = 1 nimes.a
3 = 1
5 = 1 kaas.t.haa
15 kaas.t.h.aa = 1 laghu(2 minutes = 1 laghu)
15 laghu = 1 naad.ikaa or 1 dan.d.a
2 dan.d.a = 1 muhuurta (48 min?)(1 ghat.ikaa = 24 minutes)
6 or 7 dan.d.a = 1/4 of a day or night
4 yaamah. or prahara = 1 day or 1 night
15 days and nights = 1 paks.ah. (fortnight)
2 paks.ah. (white and black) = 1 month (1 day and night for Pitaa planets)
2 maasah. (months) = 1 r.tuh. (season)
6 maasah. (months) = 1 solar movement (south<->north)
2 solar movements = 1 day and night for the demigods = 1 year for humans
12000 years of demigods (YOD) = 1 catuh. yuga = 4,320,000 years
1000 catuh. yuga = 1 kalpa = 1 day of Brahmaa = 1 night of Brahmaa
14 Manus = 1 day of Brahmaa
50 Brahmaa years = 1 paraardha (currently in 2nd paraardha)
2 paraardha = lifespan of Brahmaa = 1 nimes.a of Mahaa-Visnu
There are 13 months in the Indian(vedic)calendar. The 13th month is called adhi-maasa or mala-maasa and is added ever 3rd year. (SB 3.21.18)
Assuming there are 365.25 days per year, it would mean that 5.25 days are unaccounted for per year using 6 dan.daa = 1/4 of a day. 252 dand.aa is equal to 5.25 days and in 360 days there are 360*24*2 (17,280) dand.aa.There should be 17532 dand.aa if 365.25 is an accurate term for a solar year.
Thus, multiply the first term of number of atoms by 1.0145833 or 487/480.
This gives approximately 3.0*10^26 atoms. It seems that 1/2 hour should
be added to the day every 10/7 of a day to keep in sync with the sun.
Notes: Planets, stars, atoms, etc. all rotate in their respective orbits.