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For all those concerned:

My religious beliefs have no reflection on this web site or the contents therein. Last season, I received an e-mail that politely flamed me as hating Christians. I am not anti-Christian nor do I readily reflect that behavior. In fact, I welcome all spiritual beliefs and hate none. I realize, more than lay people, the trouble that the foundation of Halloween has with devout Christian groups. My ongoing research has so far concluded to me that Halloween is a Celtic and Pagan holiday, and Paganism is not Satanism. Even though I have been told that demons are mentioned in the Bible, I do not wish to be plagued as an anti-Christian. My enthusiasm lies in Halloween and Halloween only, not the dark religious overtones the holiday creates.

For all you devout followers out in cyberland, I caution you, either you WILL or WON'T like Dragnor's Castle. Be prepared to pray. For the rest of you, please enter . . . . . . .