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~ February Diary ~

~ February Diary ~


Sunday, February 1
I'm sick and weak. I stay in bed.

Monday, February 2
I can't sleep for going to the bathroom.

Tuesday, February 3
I'm nauseated all the time. I have severe cramps.

Wednesday, February 4
The doctor says my stomach upset and other problems are being caused by the antibiotic. "Why didn't you tell me to expect this?" I ask.

"If I told you all the side effects, you wouldn't take the medicine," he says.

Thursday, February 5
The bank calls my husband. The bank loan is 26 days late. I forgot to pay it.

Friday, February 6
Last day on antibiotics. I hope!
I write in my diary.

Saturday, February 7
93 new messages in my inbox.

Sunday. February 8
Still sick to my stomach.
Struggling with so many email messages.

Monday, February 9
I don't do anything all day.

Tuesday, February 10
I try some yogurt.
I hate the slimy taste. I mix it with milk and ice cream in the blender. I slurp it through a straw while I read. I don't think about the slimy taste.

Wednesday, February 11
The yogurt is suppose to improve my stomach ache.
Not yet.

Thursday, February 12
Sagasha asks to link to my page!

Friday, February 13
I receive a cute card from peapod today.
I'm inspired to do something with my email inbox.

Saturday, February 14
I knuckle down and bite the bullet.
Mmmm mmmm, not bad. Better tasting than yogurt. I tackle my email inbox. I put all the unread messages from TBI WORK into another folder. I don't want to discontinue the list, but I'm overwhelmed with email. I catch up on the email from people I know. I feel well enough to update my diary today.

Sunday, February 15
I haven't been organized since I got bonked in the head.

Monday, February 16
The meds tire me, but my mood improves.

Tuesday, February 17
Beautiful sunny day. Too nice to stay indoors.

Wednesday, February 18
Tried to clean today. I distract easily.

Thursday, February 19
I called the Brain Injury Association today and ordered their catalogue. I mixed up words on the phone.

Friday, February 20
Energy is returning.

Saturday, February 21
I dread turning on the computer because it's sure to have too many message.

Sunday, February 22
I spend the evening with my son. He and I rarely talk.

Monday, February 23
I've lost interest in the web page. It no longer draws me like it did at first.

My son is working and does not have time to help me with the computer.

Wednesday, February 25
The longer I put off turning on the computer, the worse it gets.

Thursday, February 26
The doctor increased my meds.

Friday, February 27
Birds feed outside my window.

Saturday, February 28
I received quite a shock in the mail. Social Security records show I haven't worked in ten years! I don't remember it being that long.

. . . . . to be continued

~ March Diary ~ ~ ~ January Diary ~ ~ ~ December Diary ~

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