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Brain Injury Laughs

Is it possible for people who have injured brains to laugh?

" I've had interesting times because of my balance. Once it took me 15 minutes to convince a cop I wasn't drunk but could not walk a line for him. Told him I probably COULD walk the line if I'd had a few!"

. . . . Kim, yes, you can sign my name Lonna Hovland

Jo and I chat in the Brain Injury Room.

She sent me this anecdote in email:

"I did a funny one yesterday. I was telling my sister about the brain dead room and how I felt so at home there. She really cracked up and had to tell me what I had said."

This spot reserved for -your- anecdote!

Kim's Konnotations

encrugement = motivation among the brain injured

dope-a-kote = a medication for the brain injured

mild tbi = when you have a brain injury

severe tbi = when the doctor has a mild brain injury

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