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Mystic Knights Episode Guide

Mystic Knights Episode Guide

Legend Of The Ancient Scroll

Tir Na Nog

The Fire Dragon Of Dare

Rohan decides that they need to tame Pyre first before finding their armour. Once they reach the caverns and find Pyre, they also come to the conclusion that the armour is most important. Pyre will have to wait. Rohan sets out to battle the Ice Lord of Temra. He defeats the creature and using his elemental call summons his armour.

Tash Hound Of Temra

Deirdre is next to search for her armour. She must defeat the Ligthning Bat of Temra. After a difficult battle, she manages to defeat the creature and using her elemental call, summons her armour.

Ivar And The Sea Serpent

Ivar confronts and must defeat the Sea Serpant of Temra to gain his Mystic Armour. Once he defeats the Serpent, he uses his elemental call and summons his armour.

The Wolf In The Rocks

Angus is the last to get his armour. He must defeat the Rock Wolf of Temra. Upon doing so he uses his elemental call to summon his armour. Meanwhile, the others were left to battle the Bull of Temra. In the end, Angus returns to Maeve's castle and offers his aid to his friends.

The Taming Of Pyre, Part 1

Angus wanders into a pixie ring and gets frozen in place. The others have to pull him out without stepping into the ring. They take him to Fin Varra and have him unfrozen. The also find out that they must retrieve their Mystic Weapons from the Sentinals before they can tame Pyre. In the end, they use the Pixie ring to their advantage, by trapping the Sentinals within it.

The Taming Of Pyre, Part 2


Pyre burns a symbol into the ground. A symbol which shows that Rohan is the warrior Draganta. Rohan doesn't understand why he is the warrior that is prophesied to bring 100 lifetimes of peace to Kells. He leaves to go see Fin Varra. While he is gone, Maeve casts a spell on the other Mystic Knights, which causes them to begin arguing. Deirdre and Ivar get captured by Maeve's guards. Angus on the other hand gets all wet when Aideen informs Rohan that the bewitchment can be removed with water. Rohan sends Aideen to go do the same to Ivar and Deirdre. While doing that, Rohan and Angus get attacked by the Sentinals. Rohan manages to hold them off by himself until the others arrive. In the end, Rohan understands what Fin Varra told him from the ancient scrolls. That Draganta is a warrior and a Mystic Knight. One is part of four.

War Of The Little People

Dragon's Fury


Rohan searches out the second half of the ancient scroll, hoping to find clues to his destiny. Inadvertantly he frees Tyrune, the Three-Headed Hydra of Temra from it's prison beneath a loch. Upon doing this, Pyre becomes chained in magical chains and is unable to leave his cavern.

Tyrune Returns

Aideen And The Stone Princess

Aideen becomes jealous of Rohan's attentions toward Deirdre. In her jealousy, she accepts a potion from another fairie. This fairie tells he that if she uses it on Deirdre Rohan will no longer find her interesting. Aideen likes the idea and sprinkles the potion on Deirdre, causing the Princess to turn to stone. She is scared by what she's done. She realizes that Maeve tricked her, so in a fit of fear, she flies to Maeve's castle and attempts to retrieve an antidote. Rohan finds out what she did and goes to the castle. They take everything from Maeve's spell cabinet and go back to Kells. Cathabd releases her from the spell and Aideen frantically apologizes.

Battle Of The Druids

Cathabad's mentor and teacher, Zecon, comes to Kells. He shows off his powers of being able to see into the future. He sees some hideous monster. The Mystic Knights go to check out the area where Zecon saw the monster, at first they find nothing but a goat. When they turn to leave, the monster appears and attacks. After defeating it, they return to the castle. The King gives the Kells medallion of honour to Zecon for his seeing the monsters attack. Cathabad decides to leave the castle and let Zecon become the King's advisor. Rohan, Angus and Ivar go to find Cathabad, because they find out from Aideen that Zecon is a fraud. They return to the castle only to find the King under some sort of spell. Cathabad appears and releases the King from the spell. Zecon gets angry and casts spells at Cathabad. A battle ensues between the two and in the end, Cathabad is the victor.

Queen Deirdre

King Conchobar becomes ill. Because he is too ill to rule, Deirdre is appointed temporary Queen in his absence. She discovers that she is not ready to be a Queen yet, when she becomes too hard on her friends.

Night Of The Spirits

All of Kells is making preparations for the Samhain Celebration. Ivar doesn't understand the point of the celebration so they try to explain it to him. WHen he starts to get a little freaked about the thought of spirits coming out on the eve, Angus comes out in a sheet pretending to be a spirit and called Ivar's name. Aideen came to the rescue and removed Angus' sheet, just when he was getting to the height of his performance. Cathabad arrives with powders for the fire and decides to tell a story to explain it to them. Later Angus is in the forest, gathering firewood for the bonfire, when he gets attacked by spirits and races back to the castle. Just before Angus gets there, Rohan is trying to turn a leek into a dancing skeleton. He sprinkles powder on it and nothing happens. Deirdre tells him that his magic stinks and Ivar makes funny motions with the leek. Angus comes racing in muttering about spirits in the woods. He grabs Deirdre's hand and pulls her out of the room and the others follow. When they get to where he supposedly saw these spirits there's nothing there but some children and their dog. THey all return to the castle when they see nothing. Angus and Deirdre are in the throne room with Conchobar when the spirits attack. Angus thinks they are after him, but they instead leave and head for Cathabad's chamber. Aideen flys in and drives the spirits away. The druid sends Angus to fetch Rohan and to go to Tir-Na-Nog. Fin Varra tells them that the spirits are not otherworldly, therefore they must come from Maeve. They return to the castle to tell their news. Aideen comes in and tells them that she overheard Maeve and Mider talking about the spirits and that they are Mider's creation. The spirits return. The Mystic Knights call their armour and fight the spirits while Cathabad makes a powder to combat them. Nothing seems to hurt the spirits, but when Cathabad gets his powder done and instructs the knights to use it, the spirits seem to become weaker, fleeing back to Temra. Mider has to banish them completely because they go nuts. The next day the celebration of Samhain is in full swing. The King starts the celebration and Cathabad starts the fire with his powders. While they are celebrating Ivar sees something behind some of the huts. He points it out to the others. They all think its Angus, but just at that moment the thief appears.

Aideen's Choice

Aideen wants to be human. She goes to Maeve for help. Maeve says she will help if Aideen will get her a lock of the Princesses hair. Aideen gets the hair and is transformed. She goes to the castle and pretends to be a villager who is training to be a warrior. Maeve uses Deirdre's hair to cast a spell on her. The now human Aideen discovers that Rohan likes her better as a fairie even though he doesn't know that the girl is Aideen. Aideen goes to rescue Deirdre. In the process she steals Maeve's stone. Aideen has Maeve turn her back into a fairie in return for the stone. Aideen doesn't tell the others that she was the human girl that they had met.

Divide & Conquer

A couple of kids find a guy in a bottle looking for kells castle. He tells Ivar that desert nomads are attacking his kingdom. Ivar discovers about his chalice and leaves to search for it. Discovers that it is a trick by Torc. Ivar discovers that torc is the thief that stole the chalice. Rohan and Angus discover that maeve sent imaginary soldiers to trick the King into sending a troop to the border. Mider sends a sleeping gas throughout Kells castle. Torc shrinks ivar with a stone and sends him into a little bottle. Rohan and Angus come to Ivar's rescue. They head to Kells castle and find Maeve on the throne. She gets mad and leaves. Angus does a great Maeve impression. Rohan and Angus are talking about deirdre while shes asleep. Rohan says that if ever there were an angel that Deirdre would be one. Angus agrees and says that shes the most beautiful princess this side of kells. Rohan gently moves her hair,then she wakes up and they try to look innocent. Cathabad rushes in with an antedote after they all woke up.

Eye Of The Beholder

Deirdre goes to the valley where the Emerald Spring is to gather some moss for Cathabad. Aideen convinces her to drink from the spring. By doing so, Deirdre's skin turns green, her nose gets warts and her hair gets all frizzy. Aideen takes her to Fin Varra, who thinks she looks lovely and shrinks her. While Deirdre is having trouble there, Maeve conjures a monster to attack the Mystic Knights. The monster, which looks like a sea serpent only it can walk on land, swallows Ivar. Rohan and Angus fight the beast trying to find a way to get Ivar out. In the meantime, Deirdre managed to convince Fin Varra to return her to her normal size and informed her that the effects of the spell will fade away eventually. She arrives to help the other Mystic Knights, who give her a few odd looks. Aideen tells them not say anything. Deirdre feeds the creature some of the moss on Ivar's trident, which it swallows. Ivar uses that to make his escape. During which time, Deidre returns to normal.

Garrett And The Princess

Angus and Rohan meet up with a brash young man, who shows them a thing or two. Later at the castle of Kells, King Conchobar announces that Deirdre is to marry a prince from an ally of Kells. Deirdre is angry, but there is nothing that can be done. Rohan and Angus are appalled to discover that the man she is to marry is the man they met in the woods earlier that day. Deirdre and Garrett do not get along. In the end, Garrett is shunned and decides to return to his home.

Traitor Of Kells

On his way home, Garrett is captured by Maeve's soldiers. Maeve casts a spell on him, forcing him to fight against Kells. Mider grants Garrett a magical item that will allow him to steal the Mystic Weapons. He arranges a meeting with them, trying to sound like he wants to make peace. Instead he calls Tyrune and steals their Mystic Weapons.

The Fifth Knight

Garrett, while fighting under a spell for Maeve, steals the Mystic Weapons, with the help of Mider's magic. The Mystic Knights manage to capture Garrett and try to have him retrieve their Mystic Weapons. When he won't help them, they take him the Cathabad. The Druid mixes a potion but it seems to do no good. Cathabad remembers that since a Queen cast the spell on Garrett, that only a Queen could remove the spell. Deirdre uses the potion on Garrett, since she is a future Queen, the spell is broken. Garrett then helps them retrieve their Mystic Weapons. He discovers from Cathabad that he is the Mytstic Knight of Forest and must quest to get his armour.

The Mystic Knight Of Forest

The Knights take Garrett to King Fin Varra. The King acknowledges the fact that Garrett is the fifth Mystic Knight. He gets his weapon, the Twin Timber Axes and is told of his quest to get his armour. They journey to the place, but each of the four knights are attacked by creatures and must defend themselves. They tell Garrett to get his armour, since he must do it alone. He defeats a giant spider and gains his Mystic Armour.

Egg Of The Dragon

Deirdre, Rohan and Garrett discover a dragon's egg in the forest. They discover that Maeve wants the egg, so they do everything they can to keep her from getting it. Angus buries it where he thinks no one would find it. Instead his map gets stolen by some old buddies of his. In turn the map then gets stolen from them by a falcon controlled by Maeve. By the time Angus and Rohan go to try to retrieve the egg, Maeve already has it. The Knights send Garrett to steal the egg back from Maeve. He has little trouble doing so. After they get the egg back, they decide to take it Pyre's cavern where it can be raised where it should be. While there the egg hatches, so the Knights take the eggshells, intending to give them to Cathabad.

War Of The Little People

The Drageen

Garrett and Ivar discover the drageen in the forest. They take it back to Kells castle to keep Maeve from getting a hold of it. Pyre on the other hand is sulking in his cave. Rohan decides to take the drageen to Pyre, so the wiser dragon can show him to the nesting area for dragons.

A Kings Ransom

King conchobar gets kidnapped by the northmen that he goes to make an alliance with. When the Mystic Knights go to search for him they run into several of the northmen who say that they will let him go for a ransom of the kings weight in gold. The only option to get the King back is to form an alliance with Maeve. So they do. Deirdre sendsRohan, Garrett and Angus to search the shores. Torc accompanies them.Suddenly the fleet disappears and they are attacked by a wyvern. As Torc flees they discover that it is all a trick of Maeve's. After a while Garrett asks to go to the castle and free the King, so he can prove himself. Rohan summons Pyre, who defeats the wyven. Garrett frees the King and has to fight Maeve. Just when it looks like Garrett will fail, Rohan and Angus show up. The get out of there and head to Kells. Meanwhile, Torc has brought an army to Kells. He lies to Deirdre and tells her that the others are dead and that he came straight to Kells to help her against the northmen. Deirdre and Ivar discover to late that Torc is lying. Just as all looks lost, Rohan, Garrett, Angus and the King barge in and defeat the Temra soldiers. Back in the throne room of Kells, the King honours Garrett by telling him that he is a Kellsman now. Angus wonders to Rohan, if he is jealous. Rohan says, "Of Garrett and Deirdre? No." Then Angus says, "Maybe you should be."

The Curse of Kells

In this episode we are taken back ten years, to when a curse was laid upon the Kingdom of Kells. Cathabad first discovers Rohan and along with him Angus. A young Conchobar is trying to make a peace treaty with Kells, and little girl named Deirdre wants to be a part of it all. Cathabad takes Rohan under his wing and makes him his apprentice. During one of his times in the Druid's chambers, he is supposed to be cleaning, but Angus sneaks in and instead they end up making trouble. By fooling around with the Druid's powders they end up releasing a spirit that curses Kells. This spirit sends a noxious cloud through Kells, disabling all the King's soldiers. Later, when King Conchobar returns from his unsuccessul talks with Maeve he discovers that his guards are all sick. Rohan and Angus decide that to make up for what they have done, they are going to find out who the traitor is. They sneak into Maeve's castle and find that the King's trusted soldier, Torc, is the traitor. Cathabad, Conchobar, and the kids defend Kells against the oncoming attack from Temra. In the end, the spirit grants another year's protection from the curse. We also discover that Angus and Rohan haven't changed since childhood, as Deirdre points out.

Trial Of Angus

Things are being stolen from the village surrounding Kells. All fingers point to Angus. He is arrested and sentenced to a trial. Things get worse when the stolen goods are discoverd in his tent. Deirdre and Rohan enlist the help of a fairie justice maker. Ivar discovers the true thief and Angus goes free.

The Buckler of Bré

Torc is after the buckler, so he can be as powerful as the Mystic Knights. Mider shrinks him down to the size of a fairy and he enters Tir-Na-Nog. The Buckler is as powerful as the other Mystic Weapons, except in the hands of Torc, even more dangerous. King Fin Varra informs them that they need to use there greatest weapon to defeat Torc, so they trick Torc into thinking that they are surrendering. Inside the hut where they are supposed to be discussing terms of surrender. Deirdre starts talking, giving Rohan time to disarm Torc. They return the Buckler to Fin Varra, who then rewards them with gold, which makes Angus quite happy. On the way back to Kells, Rohan brags that he pickpocketed Deirdre and Ivar, but when he tries to give them their gold back, he discovers that Angus already picked his pocket.

Mider - King of Temra

Mider disguises himself as Angus and tricks Cathabad into making him human size. Mider then takes over Temra and banishes Maeve. Turns Torc into a spriggan. The Mystic Knights go to make a temporary alliance with Maeve. Her idea is to tie them up and lead them to Temra as a gift for Mider. There they trick Mider and try to shrink him but cant do it. Cathabad arrives and helps them. They shrink Mider and all is back to normal. The alliance with Maeve is dissolved and the Mystic Knights return to Kells.

Ivar's Revenge

Ivar finds that Maeve has his chalice. He manages to steal it from her. Cathabad tells him that the chalice should be locked in a magical sealed box so that Mider cannot reach it. Ivar is not exactly happy about putting in the box since it should be returned to his kingdom. Angus takes the chalice from him and goes to put it in the box, but decides instead to hide it in his cloak. Later he returns it to Ivar and tells him to take it home. Eventually, Maeve tricks them and gets the chalice back, returning Mider's portal to him.

King's Bride

A strange lady from a neighboring kingdom comes to Kells. She introduces herself as Lady Fianna. King Conchobar falls for her and they are to be married. Deirdre doesn't trust this woman. At the wedding, Cathabad uses his true sight and discovers that it was Maeve in disguise.

All Kings Great And Small

Something strange starts happening in the stone circle. Cathabad informs King Conchobar that this is the one day where the King's must trade places. King Conchobar and Fin Varra trade places. Meave and Mider take this oppurtunity to cause trouble. Mider manages to depose King Conchobar for a short while, until the King learns that he has Fin Varra's powers. Fin Varra on the other hand is busy having feasts and dances in Kells. All is well in the end though. The stone circle settles and the King's trade places again.

The Wish

Angus saves a Wood Elf from one of Maeve's creatures. Upon doing so, the elf grants him one wish, to be used for whatever he wants. When everyone finds out about it, they try to encourage him to use it for something wise. Angus thinks everyone is telling him what to do so he leaves. He gets kidnapped by Maeve, who wants him to use the wish for her benefit. He mananges to escape and returns to Kells. Maeve sends a vicious whirlwind after him and the Mystic Knights. Angus uses his wish to send the whirlwind back to where it came from.

Lost King

While dancing in the stone circle one day, King Fin Varra gets sidetracked by the glint of gold. He leaves the circle and is kidnapped by Maeve. The Mystic Knights have to save him and return him to Tir-Na-Nog.

Friends For Life

Angus gets angyr with Rohan because Draganta seems to be the only one getting any recognition for the acts of the Mystic Knights. Angus decides he is gonna leave Kells and the Mystic Knights. Aideen tries to reason with him to no avail. A patrol that Rohan was leading gets attacked by Temra soldiers and during the battle, Rohan is captured by Tyrune. He drops his sword as Tyrune carries him away. The soldiers return the sword to Kells castle where everyone fears the worst. Angus sees Tyrune carrying Rohan away and races to get Pyre. Angus comes to Rohan's aid, riding Pyre. After the battle at Kells Castle, the King calls Rohan and Angus together. They apologize to each other. The King pesonally thanks Angus for his bravery. Cathabad remembers a young Rohan saying that he and Angus were friends for life.

The Prisoner Prince

A brash young boy comes into Kells announcing that he is the rightful ruler of Temra. He informs them that he and Maeve were supposed to share the throne of Temra. Maeve finds out that the boy is back and sends her men to bring him to her. Eventually Maeve is "defeated" in her plans and the boy is saved.


Princess Linette appears in this episode. She washes up on shore after the ship that she was on sunk thanks to a creature named Grenden. The little people find her and take her to Tir-Na-Nog. The Mytsic Knights are summoned and take her back to Kells castle. The creature Grenden starts attacking various places, including village in Temra. The Temra soldiers chase it into Kells land where the Knights have to deal with it. They come to discover that Linetter is the only one who can destroy the creature. Rohan lends her his sword. She destroys it. Garrett gets chosen by a drawing of straws to escort Linette back to her homeland.

Rohan's Doubt

One of Maeve's evil fairie lackeys put some powder into Rohan's food. This magic powder causes Rohan to doubt his abilities as a Mystic Knight.

The Barrow Of Balin

Cathabad has a foreboding vision of the ancient protector of Kells, Balin. Maeve finds the barrow where Balin was laid to rest and brings him to life to serve her purpose. Balin appears in Kells castle, pretending to be a friend. Everyone trusts him, but instead he kidnaps Cathabad. Balin returns to the caslte many times, trying to wear the Knights down to where there can be defeated. Rohan travels to Tir-Na-Nog and ask Fin Varra for help. The fairie king sends Rohan to the Barrow, where he finds Cathabad and must fight Balin. Rohan forces Balin out of the spell and together they fight off Maeve. Balin announces Rohan to be the new protector and guardian of Kells.

Dark Rider

Maeve gets a hold of an ancient stone. While using the stone to conjure a creature to attack the Mystic Knights, she opens a portal. A man comes through annoucing himself as the Wizard Kallach, who was defeated by Conchobar's ancestor. He wishes to take Kells most powerful warriors back to the Underworld with him. Maeve tells him about the Mystic Knights being the most powerful warriors of Kells. Kallach opens a portal and goes to Kells and while they are fighting him he casts some spell at Angus and takes him under his control. When the others go to find Angus and bring him back to the castle, Kallach forces Angus to attack his friends. Later when Kallach comes back to Kells, he attacks Deirdre in the halls and turns her to his side. Rohan and Ivar see this and are horrified. Not much later, Ivar and Rohan are fighting some of the Kells soldiers that have been turned against the King. Kallach appears again and turns Ivar against Kells. By this time, the King and Cathabad are searching for answers to how to defeat Kallach. The Druid discovers a scroll that explains how Conchobar's ancestors defeated Kallach. Cathabad casts a reflective spell on Rohan's sword. Rohan races to Temra to rescue his friends. Kallach orders them to call their armour and the Mystic Knights battle each other. Kallach goes to cast his spell at Rohan, but Rohan deflects it with his sword causing the spell to be broken over Angus, Deirdre, and Ivar. The Wizard then attempts to take Maeve back to the Underworld with him, but Rohan stops him and the Wizard is thrown back into the portal to the Underworld. In the end Angus is playing as though he still is under the Wizard's spell and is walking around the throne room in a daze. Cathabad knows that he is playing and casts a little spell at him, causing the seat of his pants to burn. Angus proceeds to jump around the throne room explaining that he was just joking.

The Warrior of Temra

The day starts of with a battle. At the end of this battle, the Mystic Knights capture Torc and haul him back to Kells. Torc bargains with them to set him free if he tells them about Maeve. They agree. Conchobar learns that Temra is in ruin financially. But unknownst to Torc and to Kells, Maeve has a plan. She makes a journey to a ruined castle on a small island. Once there she summons Numaine, her former teacher. After a verbal disagreement, Maeve gets her newest warrior, Lugad, a half-human half- demon hybrid. To test his abilities, she summons three Griffins and sets them onto Lugad. He easily destroys them. Next challenge is Kells. The Mystic Knights soon discover the power of this new warrior and learn that they can't defeat him. Lugad proves to be a powerful enemy.

Battle Fury

Rohan must travel to the Mountains of Gloom to find a mysterious faeriesmith who can increase the power of him armour. While he's on this journey, Angus, Deirdre and Ivar are left to defend Kells. Torc leads Lugad and the Temra army through a small mountain pass. Angus gets Pyre to start a rockslide which blocks Torc from getting through. Meanwhile, Rohan finds the faeriesmith, Grevnu. He learns that to receive the multiples of power he must pass two tests. The first of which he must fight three large metal warriors. He battles bravely discovering that they cannot be defeated by normal means. As he loses his sword in the battle, he realizes that the best way to stop them is with water. He throws buckets of water at the metal men, which stops them in their tracks. His next test is to fight what he fears the most. The faeriesmith disappears and in his place is Rohan's twin. They battle and with each hit on his opponent he feels the pain. Eventually Rohan realizes that his fear is not being able to prove himself as Draganta. With that he defeats his twin and gains his new armour. The Sword of Kells disappears and is replaced by two wristblades and a weapon called the Dragon Torch, which can destroy anything in its path. Rohan returns to Kells, where they are battling to keep the castle. Lugad grabs a hold of Deirdre and dangles her precariously over the edge of the castle. Rohan stops Lugad from dropping her and the castle is saved. The King later pronounces Rohan to be Kells greatest champion.

Lugad's Challenge

Numaine visits Maeve in her castle, and they have a to-do. Maeve feels Lugad is ready for another fight, while Numaine says that if she continues, she will have a heavy price to pay. Lugad travels to Kells and challenges Rohan to a fight, which Rohan accepts. It turns out the the rules of the fight are "Ancient Rules." Cathbad teaches the Knights about the rules school-style, complete with Angus throwing the equivalent of spit balls at goody-two shoes Rohan and Deirdre sitting in the front row, who are TRYING TO LEARN SOMETHING. The next chunk of the show shows both warriors practicing and training for their fight. Rohan spars with Ivar, Deirdre, adn Cathbad (who changes into a young warrior) and Angus helps him by putting his foot on Rohan's back while Rohan does push-ups. The warriors can take a second-- Rohan takes Cathbad and Lugad takes Torq. But Maeve also plans to show up even though it's against the rules. Aideen overhears the plot & warns the other 3 MKs. They arrive too late to get into the special fighting place (the Land of Lug or something like that). The entrance is a cave that only stays open a few hours. Anyway, after some ceremonial stuff (including Cathbad's warning to the warriors not to fight in this ring of fire, which is a doorway to a sacred graveyard full of dead warriors), they begin to fight with pikes provided by Lug (Lug is not seen). They fight, fight, fight, and end up in the ring of fire. Rohan tries to get Lugad to stop fighting, per Cathbad's warning, but Lugad won't listen. Maeve, who has shown up in the fighting place, throws Lugad his weapon. For the kajillionth time Cathbad warns everyone about fighting in the graveyard. Rohan calls on his Battle Fury armor, they continue fighting, but their fighting has defiled the place and comets and asteroids or something are falling down near their heads. Rohan sees the same mark on Lugad's arm that is on his own, makes a comment on it, and then pushes Lugad out of the path of a falling meteor. They land back in the ceremonial fighting place; Maeve insists Lugad finish Rohan off, but Lugad won't because Rohan saved him. (Thanks to Val K.)

The Mark of Destiny

Lugad and Maeve are practicing in the castle. She decides that Lugad needs some sort of edge, so Mider has Maeve thrust her sword into the flame of the chalice. The sword becomes enchanted. Maeve gives it to Lugad and Mider informs them that by sticking it in the battlefield a new weapon of transport will appear called the Defender. Meanwhile, Deirdre and Ivar discover that the village where Rohan and Angus live is completely deserted. They enter the hut and discover Angus eating something that he cooked himself. They both look rather disgusted at the thought of eating it. Angus tells them that Rohan left early that morning and doesn't know where he went. Deirdre says that she thinks she knows where and heads out. Meanwhile, Rohan is in Tir-Na-Nog talking to Fin Varra. The little king reveals to Rohan that Lugad is his half-brother, since they both bare the mark of destiny. Rohan then calls on Aideen to get Lugad to go to Pyre's cave and meet with him. Aideen flies away and finds Lugad practicing with the sword Maeve gave him. Aideen tells him that there are many wonders awaiting him and that if he wants to see them he can follow her. He drops his fancy sword and leaves with her. Torc comes to retrieve Lugad and finds nothing but the sword, which he claims for himself. Lugad enters the cave where Rohan is. Rohan tries to convince him that they are brothers but instead they fight about it and Lugad doesn't believe him. Deirdre walks in them right when Rohan says they are brothers and is in shock. Lugad gets angry and smacks a rock. In doing so, he hurts his hand. Deirdre pulls a sliver of stone from his hand, but Lugad is confused and leaves. In the mean time, Kells castle is being attacked. Torc is using his new weapon, the Defender, which shoots balls of energy at things. Angus and Ivar try as best they can to defend the castle. Finally Rohan and Deirdre show up. Deirdre goes to help at the castle while Rohan knocks Torc and his new weapon out of whack. Rohan then calls upon his new armour and destroys some of the energy balls with the Dragon Torch. Torc vacates and Rohan takes the Defender for Kells.

The Queen Mother

Rohan gives a rousing speech to the Kells troops to prepare them for the upcoming battle with Lugad. Afterwards, the king and the knights enter the castle on their way to have dinner. As they prepare to sit and eat, Rohan suddenly gets up and leaves. Cathabad tells the others to go after him, he feels that Maeve's magic is at work. They catch up to Rohan outside in the main courtyard. Rohan is angry and acting completely unlike himself. When they try to stop him, he becomes angrier and pulls his sword. As they fight, Cathabad casts a spell on him to make whatever Maeve cast on him disappear. When Rohan comes to he is horrified to find that he had attacked his friends. Meanwhile in Temra castle, Numaine appears and calls on Mider. She wants Lugad returned to her and in return for Mider's help she promises to help him gain Tir-Na-Nog. Maeve comes in after a few moments, by that time Numaine is gone. She requests that mider casts a spell on Rohan to make him come to Temra. After a while Rohan arrives and the spell disappears. He argues with Maeve for a while. She knows that he and Lugad are brothers and reveals to Rohan that she also bears the Mark of Destiny. Therefore she is his mother. Rohan is sickened by the thought and leaves the castle. Ivar and Deirdre meanwhile go looking for Rohan. They enter into the hut where Angus is eating some vile looking soup, which he qickly offers to Deidre and Ivar. They both quickly decline. Ivar and Angus head off towards Temra using the Defender. Once there they encounter Lugad who immediately starts a fight. Deirdre comes by though and Lugad recognizes her. Within moments, Temra soldiers attack. Lugad turns against them and fights with Deirdre and the others. After the fight, Lugad leaves needing to think about things. Angus offers his arm to Deirdre, who readily accepts, leaving Ivar to walk back to Kells, since they took the Defender. At the castle, they are worried about Rohan since he has not returned. At the end you see Rohan kneel by a river, trying desperately to wash the mark off his arm. A man approaches him and asks what the best way off the island is. Rohan tells him that he'll show him since he's thinking of leaving himself.

Knight in the Forest

Maeve gives Torc a magic shield to use in the battle against Kells. The shield is enchanted with some sort of repulsing spell. But when he encounters Angus, Deirdre and Ivar, the shield gets destroyed by them all using their weapons together. Meanwhile Rohan has come to the conclusion that it is no point to run away any longer and returns to the castle. On his way there Lugad jumps out from behind the trees and attacks him. Rohan tries to tell Lugad that Maeve is there mother, but the warrior won't listen. Instead he keeps attacking Rohan. Garrett comes to the rescue in a new "toy", which he calls the Dragon Bow later. Garrett fights Lugad, who eventually runs away when he sees the Temra soldiers coming. Garrett and Rohan exchange pleasantries and head toward the castle. Once there, Rohan tells his friends that Maeve bears the same mark on her arm, therefore she is his mother. All of his friends are in shock. Maeve decides since she can't see, to get Lugad to fight for her, she will just have to do the next best thing. She summongs a Shadow and has him take the form of Lugad, hoping that when Rohan falters against attacking his brother, the Shadow can make its strike. Lugad has decided to run for Pyre's cave, hoping that he wil find Deirdre there, since she had been so kind to him. Instead he finds Numaine waiting for him. She decides to strike a deal with him and sends him into the forest to wait until he's needed. Meanwhile, Temra is attacking Kells castle. Rohan, Garrett, and Deirdre call their armour and manage to run the shade off, but not destroy it. They race out of the castle after it, where they come across Ivar in the Defender. Angus, on the other hand, is having a terrible time steering the Dragon Bow. He finally makes it to the battle and the five of them destroy the Shadow. In the end, they are all standing in the throne room of the castle. Rohan admits that he made a mistake in not wanting to attack what he thought was Lugad and decides that he will no longer hesitate. The King tells them that they all did a great job and especially Garrett for saving Rohan's life. Deirdre gets up and kisses Garrett on the cheek and thanks him. Angus just stares and asks for his kiss since he did fire the final blow that killed the creature. Deirdre just smiles at him and tells him that he should talk to Garrett. Garrett asks where all the gashes came from on his Dragon Bow and Angus comes up with some fantastic tale about enchanted trees trying to kill him.

The Final Battle

Maeve decides that she is going to get Deirdre away from the Mystic Knights and challenge their loyalty. Cathabad has a terrible vision, one showing that there is going to be a battle. One that Kells may not win. The Mystic Knights worry about Rohan because of his desire not fight his brother. This makes Rohan think that they are not willing to fight beside him, which they quickly assure him is not the case. One of the soldiers on the ramparts see the Temra army coming toward the castle, with Lugad and Torc in the front. Rohan requests that he be allowed to talk to Lugad, to try to end the battle before it begins. He agrees and sends a soldier with a standard of truce. He quickly returns with Lugad. Since Lugad is not around, Torc decides to attack. The Mystic Knights call their armour to protect the castle. Torc calls Tyrune knowing that the Knights will fight the hydra before they fight the troops. Rohan and Garrett get the Dragon Bow and the Defender. They run Tyrune off, but then the soldiers advance. Deirdre fights a couple of them, but soon she is outnumbered. Maeve captures her and gives her terms to the other knights. She wants the Dragon Bow and the Defender. They grudgingly give them up, but Maeve decides that she is going to keep Deirdre as a prisoner. The knights use their weapons to free her. Torc and Lugad come toward them in the battle cars. Rohan calls for his Battle Fury. They battle for a moment, when Torc fires the weapon on the Defender, hitting Rohan in the chest. Rohan is wounded severely. The knights race him back to the castle, where Cathabad tends to him. Before long the Temras are invading the castle. The King, druid and the knights take the wounded Rohan out of the castle and to the village. Maeve seats herself on the throne of Kells, proclaiming herself as Maeve, Queen of Temra and Kells. Mider appears and tells her that it is time that she help him gain Tir-Na-Nog. Cathabad says there is nothing he can do for Rohan, so he sends Ivar and Angus to Tir-Na-Nog to talk to Fin Varra, but the little King can do nothing for him either. While they are gone, Deirdre tells an unconsious Rohan that he can't die, since she never got to tell him her true feelings. They return and tell the King what Fin Varra said, which Garrett recognizes the phrase and produces something that Linette's father gave to him. Cathabad realizes that it is an Elixir of Vitality. He quickly gives it to Rohan and says the words, "Rare the chance to live again." Rohan awakes and Deirdre hugs him.


While Rohan is away, searching for Lugad, and the other Mystic Knights are away searching for Rohan, Cathabad and the King are kidnapped by Maeve and throne into the tower. When the other Mystic Knights return, they run right into the hands of Torc and his men. They are subsequently taken to the castle and imprisoned in the dungeon. Meanwhile, Rohan is in Pyre's cave, talking to the dragon. An old man appears and offers Rohan a deal. The old man has Maeve's chalice. Rohan agrees to the bargain and returns to Kells, where he dresses like a Temra soldier and sneaks into the castle. He approaches Maeve and challenges her. The deal is that if Rohan wins he gets Kells, if Maeve wins she gets the chalice. She agrees and they fight. Aideen, meanwhile, is freeing the other Mystic Knights (at I think it was her or maybe it was the old man, someone please correct me). They race into the throneroom where Maeve and Rohan were fighting. They want to help, but Rohan tells them not to. Maeve summons all of her power and transforms herself into a Naga (a half-woman, half-snake magical creature) and attacks using magic. They knights call their armour and all attack Maeve. Eventually Maeve is drained of power and defeated. The king and Cathabad are freed and Kells is returned to its proper ruler. The old man appears and reveals himself to be Nemain and steals away with the chalice. The King sends Maeve away to banishment on the Island of Tor-Mor, to be led there by Angus.

Amergin and Temair's Mystic Knights Reviews
