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Mystery 3......

Have you ever noticed that Justin never keeps a hair style for too long? Is it that he's afraid he won't be the center of attention anymore? Hmmm...
Look for yourself..

This was one of the first looks of Justin..with his actual natural hair color...

Then BIG J moved on up & bleached it..I think this was his best look personally..

Then he left that scene & had the frosted look goin' on..I'M NOT FINISHED YET....

Yea, the picture pose is cute, but this hair-do absoutely sucks! I think he looked soooo ugly with it like this...Sorry Girls!

He musta knew how much I hated that one cuz then he went back to this look, but dark..It looked good but...

He went back & grew it out..this time, all of it..Lets see how long he keeps this one..

Now do you guys see what I'm saying? Is it in fact because he thinks his popularity level may decrease? Or maybe it's because Britney wants her baby to have a new look...Looks like we'll never know..