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Jamie's FAQ & Biography

Vital Statistic's

Name         : Jamie Michelle Joslin
Status       : Single 
Location     : Mid-Eastern US  Indiana
Height       : 5'7
Weight       : 200 something
Measurements : 46-42-45
Hair         : Brown
Eyes         : Blue
Dress Size   : ?
Turn-On's    : Blankets on cold nights, Top 40 Music
Turn-Off's   : Short hair on women,Women that don't wear dresses,Smoking 
Turn-Off's   : Drinking and drugs.

My Obsession : Pretty Skirts & dresses,Cheer Leaders,I just got My
My Obsession : uniform it is blue and white.

This area Im filling in as I get time, so some questions are not quite totally filled in yet. Want to know something?? Feel free to ask me. My pics are at the bottom of this page, just click the link.

Q1: What do you classify yourself as... (CD, TS, TG)?
A: I consider myself a cross-dresser(A male that wears skirts and dresses). I am not living full-time as I have never considered myself as being "born in the wrong body", but my natural tendencies seem to be more feminine. I believe that many crossdressers are smarter then your average person, maybe it has something to do with using both sides of our brains equally. I truely believe we have an advantage over "normal" men and women, because we can take the best qualities of both sexes.

Q2: When did you first start cross-dressing?
A: It all started when I was about five or six, It's a long story, In a nut shell, me and my cousin swapped undies once when she spent the night, I learned That I loved wearing panties! I didn't do anything for many years, untill I got old enough to drive, then I bought my first pairs of panties, later would follow my first skirt and eventually dress.Now I have quite a collection in my Closet.

Q3: Why do you crossdress?
Good question. Hmmm... I really don't know why I crossdress! I can't count how many television shows and articles I have seen about this subject and we still don't know a whole lot about it. Without going into the chemistry of it (although I believe there is most definitely a biological component), I assume we are talking about feelings. I guess I have always felt a little different (more feminine) than other boys and I have always enjoyed the company of girls more than boys. As I got older I noticed that more of my natural gestures and tendencies were more feminine and I felt constrained in the traditional male role. My female persona gives me the ability to express many facets of my personality that would otherwise be stifled. I have never felt like "I was born in the wrong body." I don't "dress" because I feel like I am female, but in order to express myself more fully as a human being. I also just find that skirts and dresses are way more comfortable and cooler than pants any day. P.S. and prettier.

Q4: How often do you dress?
A: Right now, I wish. I do dress at home when I can, which is almost every day. I wear panties 24hours and 7 days a week.

Q5: Are you taking hormones or had any type of surgery?
A: No, to both! For the time being, I'm satisfied with myself just the way I am and don't intend to change anything.

Q6: Is that your real hair?
A: No... My family and social ties are too strong for me to have long hair. :(

Q7: How do you keep such a slim feminine figure?
A: No comment. Figure??? What Figure???

Q8: Do you have a feminine voice? How do you make a feminine sounding voice?
A: I do alter my voice a bit when I speak as Jamie. I'm not very good at it at all. Using techniques from the following homepage might be of help to you:
Try Melanie Phillip's Site: Developing a Female Voice

Q9: Are your ears peirced?
A: NO. I don't like pain or blood. And I'm not quite into wearing ear rings.

Q10: Are You Gay or BI because you cross dress?
A: NO. I am not Gay or Bi. I consider myself a 100% Straight Heterosexual no mater what I am wearing, I do not change orientation just because I change clothing. I dress for the fun and comfort and also the learning experiences, I can Connect with Real girls more than most men because I know what it's like to have your underware ride up and skirt get blown up in the wind. I hope to find a girl some day that will see the fun that I have with it and join in with me. She will get a great deal, a great loving husband that will always be there for her, and a funloving girl friend when ever she wants.

Life is short, Have fun and enjoy it while you can, you never know when God is going to take the life he gave you. Have all the fun you want just as long as it don't offend God.(I don't necesairly promote taking on cross dressing as a hobby, alot of people look down on it, Find a hobby that you really like doing, one of mine is playing computer games.) People think Christians can't have fun, I think I have more fun than the people that don't believe in Jesus. I have been to and have had many parties where Everyone had a blast, and everyone didn't have to worry about getting an STD from sleeping with someone, or a hangover from drinking, or OD ing on Drugs. Belive me when I tell you a party can be fun without Sex, drugs and drinking.

Finally the pics you have been waiting for.

Did I not answer a burning question you have? Why not fe-mail it to me?

Your at the BOTTOM of this page for now, Hit your "Back" button to return to my Main page. have a good day. :)