N'Sync All 4 One

Chapter 1

" I remember the days, the days when my little friends used to come over", I told the psyciatrist.

" The time when my best friend Joshua moved away when we were 13 to be on a television show called The Mickey Mouse Club and how my family was sad because they had become close friends to Karen and Roy, his parents. We used to be little boyfriend and girlfriend and we even shared our first kiss together. He said he would write or call but he never did. I never saw or talked to him again. The only thing I know of him now is that he is in a popular boy band called N'Sync".

"So you're saying that you only remember about childhood is this boy because he made you very happy?"

"Yes, he did but we were practically young, teenagers and I remember when we were little, my parents would always fight so I ran over to his house and we would always hide under the bed together."

The psyciatrist looked at me for a second and then said," Now Autumn, tell me about what your dreams have been like lately? "

That was the question I dreaded the most. It was basically the reason I was seeing a phyciatrist. You see my parents fought constantly when I was young and one night I woke up to a scream. I walked out to the living room to find my mother laying on the ground with blood surrounding her. My father had killed her and had fled. No one had ever seen him again after that.

I was only 7 so you could probably imagine me having nightmares constantly ,even at age 21. I had been living with my aunt until I turned 18.... Back to talking w/ the physciatrist.

"My dreams have been about my mother and her drifting away into the clouds... ,but then there is always something dark about the dream that makes me wake up and scream, " I said as I longingly wished to be out of this stupid docter's office.

"Well, he said," in that case I will prescribe you with these pills to help you deal with it, but if it doesn't,come see me again." ,he said while handing me the small container. "Thanks alot", I replied.

As I was getting out of my chair, the docter said pleasantly, "By the way, did you say that childhood friend of yours was a member of N'Sync?"

"Well yes,... but I could never see him because of the fact they only have concerts at the state capital here in Maryland and we are 300 miles away from there!", I responded.

The docter looked at me curiously with a grin and said," Ya know, I have a daughter going to an NSync concert at the capital in 2 days."

"Oh that is so awesome....she is really lucky to go to that", I said dreamily as I opened the door to leave.

"Wait!", he said quickly.

"Yes?", I said.

" I was going to ask you if maybe by any chance, you would like to go with my daughter, Edele, to that concert since her friend got sick on her and I think you two could get along well."

I gawked at him for a second and said," Well I would be honered to go, but...do you think I could like have her phone # so I can get to know her?"

"Oh of course, but you will have to leave tomorrow in order to be at the capital in 2 days, so I would advise you to talk alot !" I smiled at him while he gave me her #," Thank you so much, there is no words to describe to you how I feel."

" You're welcome", he replied.