Chapter 3

Beep!!Beep!! "Aaaaaa!!!", I screamed as I sat up.

"Stupid alarm!",I said. I smacked the alarm and fell back onto the pillow. That is until I saw my beautiful N'Sync poster hanging on my wall. Then I realized that today I was going to be traveling w/ Edele to see N'Sync!

I ran to my closet and pulled out some shorts and a tank top and then ran again to the shower. As soon as I was out, I started hurriedly, packing the things I needed because it would take us 2 days to get there since we were driving. By the time I was done, Edele's horn sounded outside. I ran out to her black convertable and got in.

After driving quite a bit, we stopped for lunch at McDonalds.

"This is going to be so awesome to see N'Sync and to finally see Joshua after all these years," I said while taking a bite out of my quarterpounder.

"I know. Justin Timberlake is such a fox with such a great personality and we are both 18 which makes chances pretty good w/ me and him!", Edele said while picking at her fries.

"And what makes things even better is that we have backstage passes too!", she yelled while taking a huge bite out of her cheeseburger.

"What!?, I screamed, "you didn't tell me that!"

She looked at me, surprised, while clasping her hand to her mouth and responded," I guess I forgot to tell you, but we have them...and we're gonna meet them fine guys!"

I jumped out of my chair and started jumping up and down while I grabbed her and soon she was jumping up and down w/ me. Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy or something so we sat back down. I was so happy that Josh would see me but would he remember me?

After lunch, we started driving again. It was starting to get dark after a couple 100 miles so we stopped at a motel. The next day was just the same except we only had 50 more miles till we got to the capital which was Washington, DC.

I was sound asleep ,dreaming of JC's beautiful face when someone started shaking me.

"Hey Autumn! Come on, get your ass up! We're here in Washington, DC!", Edele screamed at me.

I sat up and we were in front of the capital building. "Oh my god! We're here already, I must have dozed off. Do you realize how close we are to N'Sync, Edele?" I said while looking around.

"Well of course! Come on, lets go find a hotel and go shopping for clothes to wear tomorrow at the concert", Edele said while opening my car door.

We went to the hugest mall in the city and went into a store called Tommy Hilfiger Apparel. All of the clothes were so cool and hip that it was just so hard to decide.

Finally, I settled on a black tube top w/ big Tommy letters all over it and some black Tommy jeans. Edele got a red, Tommy baby tee and a black mini skirt. Now we were all set for the big night....the night I was going to see Josh finally after 8 years but what would he think of me? and why did he never call or write me when he went to the Mickey Mouse Club?