Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the radio . Who else to be on but N'Sync singing "I Drive Myself Crazy". I layed there listening to the sounds of those beautiful voices and then when Josh's voice came on, I thought about why he had never talked to me again and how I had missed him all these years.

All of a sudden, I felt my eyes become filled with tears for I realized that Josh had left an empty hole in my heart for leaving and I needed him more than anything now. I started crying softly but Edele could still hear me.

She ran into the room, wet from her shower, and sat next to me. "Autumn, are you alright? Whats goin' on?", she said softly.

I stopped and answered,"Edele, I haven't stopped thinking about Josh ever since he left. He was the one who helped me through my mother's death and when he didn't call or write to me, I tried to shrug it off but his face was always there. I mean, I missed him so much, I watched the MMC shows everyday just to watch him and only him. I've missed him so much, Edele."I said through one long breath, wiping away my dried tears.

She looked at me, grinning, and said," Well today is your lucky day, Autumn, you get to see Josh again and I'm betting ya 100 bucks that he never forgot about you." I smiled at her while she punched me playfully in the shoulder.

"Now," Edele said," time to look like a Goddess!"

I jumped out of bed and took a nice warm shower. When I got out I put on my new Tommy Hilfiger clothes. I put my long brown hair into ringlets and started putting on make-up.

Edele was doing just the same, standing right beside me, looking into this humungo mirror in the bathroom. As soon as I was finished, I looked at Edele who was finished as well. "So what do ya think?", I said, posing like a model.

Edele looked at me up and down and put a thumbs up. "Good job, girl. I think JC will surely notice you with that petite little figure of yours! HeHe.. Now what about me?",she responded. I looked her up and down also and said," Same for you man, Justin will be sure to notice your long legs in that skirt!", I told her as we headed out of the motel.

We jumped into Edele's corvette and zoomed down the highway to the Pavilion. By now it was noon and the concert would start at 7:30, but we just wanted to be there early to avoid the crowds. As soon as we got there and parked the car, I took a long deep breath. Would Josh remember me? What would I say to him? I thought.

Edele and I got out of the car and walked to the front doors to the Pavilion. Nobody was around so we just walked inside. There were stairs leading to the seating areas but since we had front row, we just had to go to the doors in front of us.

When we opened the big doors, there was the stage.. and there was N'Sync doing soundcheck. But all Autumn could do was look at her old best friend, Joshua Chasez.........the only thing she was thinking was.. Would he remember her?