Chapter 5

"Excuse me, the concert will not be until 7:30. If you have backstage passes, you may go wait by the door that is upstairs to your right to be allowed inside. Right now, the guys are doing soundcheck and are not to be bothered", said one of the big bodyguards in a deep, gruff voice, while pointing to the stairs.

Edele and I looked at eachother, trying to hold in our laughter. Those bodyguards just crack us up when they get all serious like that. But that is just for the safety of the guys so thats a real good reason.

We headed up the stairs until a big door appeared into our view. Of course, there was no girls waiting there since we were so early. We stood there for about 10 minutes, telling ourselves that maybe coming here early was a stupid idea.

Finally, we heard someone walking to the door that we had been standing in front of.

A business-type lady walked out, saw us two completely bored and said,"Well..Well.., there is 2 girls here already." She looked at us funny and was trying to think of something." Since you're here so early..,"she thought some more for a second and then smiled," I'll give you a special bonus, I would like to invite both of you to hang out w/ the guys for a couple hours. I think they would appreciate it alot to have some fans to talk to."

My mouth must have been hanging open for what seemed like forever. Hang out with N'Sync? Hang out with N'Sync? was racing through my mind a bizillion times.Finally, I came back to reality.

"Are you two going to be alright with that?", the lady asked curiously after Edele and i finally shook off our delight.

"Oh of course we are!", Edele and I said together, trying not to sound overly obvious that we were quite excited.

"Well then, alright. My name is Erin and I am N'Sync's executive producer for the show . I am quite a good friend to them. I want you to follow me through this door and when we get to the guys, I will introduce them to you. By any chance, do you ladies have names?"

"Well yes. I am Autumn and this is my friend Edele."

"Alright then. Follow me."

I looked over at Edele who was smiling so hard ,her face was turning red. She looked at me with a "well look at you" look. Yes, I realized my face was probably red also.

Erin waved her hand, motioning us to follow her. We went through the big door and we were backstage. She took us along this ramp and finally down some stairs. My heart was pumping faster each step because I knew I was so close to you know who. We were now by the dressing room areas.

"Alright, I am going to go bring them out. Wait right here," said Erin.

Our heads nodded and she disappered into the dressing room.

"Oh my god, Edele, what am I going to say to Josh?", I said wide eyed to her, realizing I hadn't thought up anything.

"Tell him you're Autumn and you guys were best friends when you were little or something, I don't know"

My mind was racing and I realized my palms were sweating. This was all happening so fast.

Finally, a glimpse of Erin appeared into view, along with 5 tall, dark shadows following close behind.