Chapter 6

There I was now, totally surrounded by these figures. Were they pigments of my imagination? No of course not. They were definetely real alright.

Ok, I thought, what do I do?

"Hello, I'm Justin."

I had been looking down in deep thought trying to come up with some words to say.

"Hi, I am Autumn", I said while looking at Edele who looked like she wanted to just jump up onto him and do something that was totally inappropriate but she was looking all innocent as always.

He then looked at Edele, who stuck out her hand.

"I am Edele", she said while gazing into his wonderous eyes.

As for me, I had been completely caught up in Justin that I had forgot about Josh for a second until now. I turned my head to see him starring at me, along with the 3 other guys. My face started blushing as JC stepped forward and clasped my hand, shaking it gently with his very, warm hands.

I felt like I would collapse right there. He was so beautiful just like I had remembered him. But he had just gotten even more beautiful as he had grown. His eyes were so indulging, like they were pulling me into a spell.

Our hands were still clasped even when we had stopped shaking hands. I smiled when I realized this and let his hand go.

He looked at me curiously. "Do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar."

My heart fluttered. He still recognized me.

"Well I don't know. Maybe a long time ago when we were little kids...", I said stuttering very badly.

His deep blue eyes stabbed into me. He looked me up and down trying hard to figure out just who I was. "What is your name again?"

"Autumn," said my dry mouth.

His head shot up and he said "Aldrich" referring to my last name.

I couldn't believe it. Edele had been right about him not forgetting me.

"Yes that is my last name"

His mouth was hanging open while his eyes intensly looked into mine.

"Oh my god, it's you. Autumn, you look so....." He said while being cut off from Joey.

"FINE",Joey finished for him.

I blushed majorly. God, Joey was such a flirt!

"So JC, ya know her?"

JC nodded his head," I knew her up until the Mickey Mouse Club.."

I realized he was starring at the floor when he said that. He must feel bad for not keeping in touch w/ me, I thought, ...well maybe he deserves it.

"Really, so were you guys like together?",Joey asked while his curiousity took control of him.

I looked at JC who was now looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

Alright, I thought, I have to help him.

"So Joey, what are you guys up to right now?", I asked him, totally going off subject.

He looked at me with his flirtatious little grin of his and said," Well we are off to lunch and Erin told us that you guys wanted to hang with us."

"Well ya. That would be great.. if it's alright with you guys?"

Josh was looking at me still with a look that was telling me "of course its alright".

"We wouldn't mind at all if you women came", Joey said with a very big grin on his long face.

Edele had been entranced by Justin until she overheard Joey say that.

She twirled around and said," Cool! Where are we gonna eat at?"

"We were thinking probably Burger King cuz Chris wants to play in that play area where the colored balls are at!",said Lance.

Chris, meanwhile was wandering off to the back entrance to get to his car. He had become very bored with the chatting.

"Alright, let's go!," said JC, "I'll race you to my jeep, Autumn!"

With that I sprinted as hard as I could through the doors but with all my strength, I knew I could never possibly beat Josh.