Chapter 7

Well Lance was right about Chris. He really did want to play in the play area and in the ball pit at Burger King. He can still act like he is a little boy.

Anyway, as Chris was playing in the play area along w/ Joey( who was bribed to do it), the five of us ordered some food and sat down to eat.

" Aren't you guys not supposed to be out in public during the day?", Edele asked Justin curiously while reaching for her cheeseburger.

"We can be out until 3:00 PM, but if we are later than that, schools are out and the girls are out which means..."

Justin trailed off and started having a deep conversation with Edele, asking about her life and so on.

Lance was pretty bored sitting there w/ me, JC, Justin , and Edele, so he went to the play area as well. Thats when Josh and I finally had a conversation.