Chapter 8

JC and I were facing eachother at a our table. He was still looking at me like a lost puppy dog.

"Autumn?", he said while looking at me with those eyes that could just be the Pacific Ocean if they wanted to.

I had been leaning on my elbow ,with my hand clasped onto my cheek until he'd said that.

"Yes?", I replied.

"Why didn't you ever talk to me when I left for the show?", he said through one breath.

I was so surprised by that one question that all of my anger and hurt came out in a heaping rush.........

"What? What are you talking about...why didn't I ever talk to you? How could you say that when you didn't ever talk to me and you said you would? I mean I sent probably hundreds of letters to you at that show and I never knew your home address because you never communicated and told me what it was! and about the letters I sent , you never replied back at all once!"

By now I was trying to hold back the tears. I hadn't expected myself to have said all of those bottled up feelings.

Josh looked at me with a face that looked just like he was plain hurt and confused. By now Justin and Edele were off in the play area w/ the other guys so we were talking alone.

"Letters? I never got any of those letters. The executives for the show...they must have not given them to me for some reason. They were always really strict with all of the kids and were always making us work our ass' off. I probably sent you that same amount and you didn't get them?"

I looked up at him confused. He had never gotten my letters? and even worse I hadn't gotten any of his letters? This was all a complete mess.

"No, I never recieved any letters at all. I don't understand, I mean..the person I was living with was my aunt and wouldn't have kept them from me, would she?"

By now, his face was ever more confused and my face was probably looking just the same.

"Wait a second, I said, " Besides the letters why couldn't you call me? I tried calling there a couple of times but those people always said you weren't there and I couldn't try your house because you had never given me your number. Another reason was because it was long distance and you know I didn't have all that much money...."

Josh replied," I never had the time to use the phone, I was either taping the show or doing some other entertainment thing. But if I got to the phone, I wasn't allowed to call long distance because my parents were pretty strict n'all."

I snickered at that. Me and Josh used to get in so much trouble that I knew how strict his parents could be.

JC was just sitting there looking at me wondering what I was thinking about.

"What are you thinking?"

I was surprised by the question and said," Of the good ol' days".

He smiled, remembering all the times we played together.

"Why didn't I ever get your letters?", I said, going into the mess again.

"I don't know...but lets just forget about that for now.What do ya say we go play in that play area with everybody else and catch up on all that we've missed together?"

I looked at him with loving eyes and told him," Ok, as long as we can play tag."

He grinned and said," I 'll give ya a headstart."

With that I started running for the play area and soon I was in the colored ball pit..with Joshua ready to tickle me.

Chapter 8

Man, let me tell you when JC tickles you, you can never get out of it! He was tickling me so hard,tears were coming out, until Joey came from behind him and they started wrestling. Gosh they could act like such little boys!

The letter stuff hadn't completely escaped my mind. One question was still lingering about...Had my aunt stolen the letters? Did she not like Joshua?

All of a sudden, the manager of Burger King came out yelling and screaming , apparantly at all of us for being in the play area.

JC and I looked at eachother ready to laugh,but we held it in as we walked to the exits.

As soon as all of the guys and us girls were outside, we all started cracking up laughing.

"Man, I haven't had that much fun in a while!", Chris said out of breath from laughing.

"I know, dude, that was the best!", Justin replied while looking at Edele with a huge smile.

We were all now walking to our cars and as JC and I were walking to the jeep, we started talking again.

"Autumn, um.. so you're going to the concert later right?"

"Yes, of course, we have front row and backstage passes and all that good stuff."

He smiled and said," Good, I was just wondering if after the concert, you might want to go with me to the beach?"

My eyes were just sparkling when he said that. "Of course! I would want to catch up on the old times with you."

He replied, "Ya, me too."