

One day as I was sitting in my 7th period class, waiting for the bell to ring so I could get home, I heard over the loudspeaker, "TaylorThompson, report to guidence." I left right away, wondering what wasgoing on. When I arrived, I saw my parents, the principal, my best friend Tatyana (Tibits), and her parents.

"What's up mom?" I asked as I sat down in the chair next to Tibits.

"Well," said my mother, "Tatyana's father and your's have gotten jobs in Florida, and we'll all be moving there in four days."

"What?" Tibs and I exclaimed at the same time, "What about Sandy,she'll be terrified when she finds out her two best friends are moving, and what about Chris, I can't leave him. Tibits can't leave Duncan either, right Tibits?" I replied.

"Yeah, and what about the fact that we'll both be Eighteen in about 6 monthes. Can't we stay here, then after we graduate we can move to Florida and go to FSU?" Tibits quickly continued.

"NO!" our parents all exclaimed at the same time. "You guys will have the chance to meet new kids and I hear that even though you're gonna be tutored, you can still get into college cheerleading if you join what'scalled a Pop Warner League." Tibits' mom, Lisa, added. "Well, you guys better go tell your friends goodbye since this will be your last day here."

We made a few stops, and then we went to the gym where Sandy was. "Sandy, were moving to Florida, you have to stay here. I'm sorry. I'll call you some time later. Bye." I said, not thinking.

"Well, I guess you're right, but be expecting a LOT of letters from me, and you better write back."

"Okay, well we gotta go, We'll talk to you later.


When I got home, my brother was already there, doing what he does best, eating. "So, what do you think of moving to Florida?" I asked the nineteen year old sitting in front of me.

"It'll rock! I mean think about all the girls! Girls, cars, girls, beaches and well, girls. I think im in love!" he replied. Well, thats Andy for ya!

I went upstairs to call my boyfriend Chris.


"Hey Chris!"

"Whats up Tay, you don't sound too happy."

"Well, can you come over for dinner tonite?"

"Sure what time?"

"Well, about five. I have a surprise for you."

"Ok, well c-ya later. Love ya bye."

"K, Bye." Then I called Tibits.


"Hey Tib whats up?"

"Nothing much, I just told Duncan the news and he said that he can't deal with a long distance relationship and that we'd have to break up before I left."

"Oh thats horrible."

"No, not really. I'll probably have more fun without the burden of a boyfriend." Thats Tibits for ya, livin life by the minute, not worrying about the future.

"What did Chris say?"

"Nothing yet, I haven't told him. He's coming over for dinner and I'l tell him before we eat. Will you come too so you can help me? Dinners at 5."

"Sure Tay, I know how much you like him."

"Thanx Tibs, you're awesome."

"I try! Just kidding, well I gotta pack, bye!"

"Bye!" I layed down, thinking about how I would feel if Chris did the same thing Duncan did. I guess I must have fallen asleep because when I wokeup, It was 4:56. I hurridly changed my clothes and went downstairs to wait for Chris. A few minutes later, I heard the door bell ring. I opened the door and saw Chris standing there. "Come in."

He walked in and we went up to my room. He gave me a hug and then we sat down on my bed. "You wanted to talk or something?"

"Yeah, but first I have to ask you, have you ever had a long distance relationship?"

"No, why?"

"Would you ever?"

"Maybe, Tay whats up, I can tell somethings wrong becuse you wont look me in the eye."

"Im moving to Florida and so is Tibits and her family."

"Really?" He asked.

"I dont want to, but my parents are making me," I said as I started to cry.

"It's okay," he said, hugging me. "I wish I could move with you, but I can probably deal with a long distance relationship. It should be easy if you write me everyday, call me at least 10 times a week, send me lots of pictures, and come visit me."

"Ok," I said as I smiled a little, but still crying. I looked up at Chris and he wiped away my tears. I rested my head on his chest and smiled, just because I knew he would be there for me even if I was so far away. "

Taylor, Tatyana's here!" My mom yelled, breaking the silence.

"Tell her we're up here," I yelled back, sniffling and wiping away any tears that were still on my face. When she came in, I told her she was a little late.

"You told him?"

I nodded


"And I'm fine with it."

"That rocks."

"Hey Tibs, I forgot to ask you, what do your sisters think about moving?"

"Well, Em and Naty were ok with it, but May was upset cuz she has to leave her boyfriend."

"What? Your sisters 3 and she has a boyfriend? Thats cute!"

"You think everythings cute," Chris interrupted.

"Including you," I said as I kissed him.

"How cute!!" Tibits said, making us all laugh.

"Dinner's ready!" I heard from downstairs. We all ate dinner, and afterwards Tibs and Chris left, and I went to bed.


The next morning, I went downstairs and found a note on the table:

Taylor, We went to the store to pick up a few things, be back late, probably around ten pm. Take care of yourself. Luv Ya, Mom, Dad, and the brother you love so much, Andy. I could tell my brother wrote it. I ate breakfast, got dressed, and called Chris.


"Hey Chris, its me Tay, I was wondering if maybe you want to go to the movies, since I only have a few days left here."

"Sure, but shouldn't you be packing?"

"Um, I already did." I lied to him. "I'll be over in a while. K?"

"K. C-ya then."


"Bye, Luv ya."

"I know you do." I got the money I had been saving to go to the BSB concert since I would be in Florida when I comes, and went down to the jewelry store. I bought two gold chains, and two rings. One said Taylor, the other said Chris. I put the rings on the chains and put on the one that said Chris. Then I went to Chris' house and rang the doorbell. His little brother opened the door and told me to go upstairs. I went up and knocked on Chris' door.

"If your names Ryan, go away, i'm busy."

"What if my names Taylor?" I asked, letting myself into his room.

"Oh, hey, let's go."

"Not yet, look what i got." I said showing him the neclace I was wearing and handing him the one in my hand.

"You dont have to wear it,but I got them so we could be close to each other's hearts at all ltimes."

"Tay, I want to wear it." he said, about to kiss me, but before he could his little siter Amy walked in.

"Hey Amy,"

"Hey Tay, will you braid my hair?"

"I would, but Im going to the movies with..."

Chris interupted. "Goahead, I'll be back in about 5 minutes."

"Okay," I said hugging him. I braided Amy's hair and waited. and waited.and waited, until finally, Chris came back.

"Sorry it took so long."

"That's okay, where did you go?"

"You'll see." he said with a grin.

"Oh my gosh, its already 2:30, we have to go or we'll be late." Ienergetically told him as I dragged him downstairs.

"Geez, we don't have to be in such a hurry. If we miss it, well catch the next one," he informed me.

"Yeah, but I want to make this one cuz after the movie, you're gonna take me shopping, right?" I jokingly asked.

"I would, but I have something to show you after the movie."

"Fine, I guess I'll jut have to get a new boyfriend that will take me shopping," I said, trying hard not to laugh.

"Don't say that." Chris exclaimed.

"I was just kidding, I'd never do that." I said hugging him. (I know,lots of hugs)

"Well, lets go, I wanna.." I was interupted by the ringing of Chris's phone. "Hello"

"Hey Chris, can I talk to Tay?"


"Hey Tay, Its me Andy"

"How'd you know I was over here, and Where are you guys?"

"Taty told me, and we're in Cleveland."

"What are you doing in Cleveland?"

"Well, we're stuck for a couple of hours, but we will be home tonight."

"Okay, well I gotta go, Chris and I are going to the movies, and I don't wanna miss the beginning."

"Why not, you're gonna miss the end. No one ever goes to the movies to watch a movie."

"I do, you know im not like that."

"I know, but remember, no kissy kissy for you and Chrissy."

"Shut up, Bye" I said, hanging up on him.

"What did he say?"

"They will be stuck in Cleveland for a few hours."

"Is that why you told him to shut up?"

"No, he just said something to the extent of he wont be happy if I kiss you or something."

"I guess he's gonna be mad."

"Come on" I said dragging him out the door. Let's walk.



When we got there, it was 3:30. "Guess we'll have to wait till the 4:30 show."

"Ok, what do we do till then?"

"Wait. Come here."

"Come where?"

"Here," I said dragging her in front of me. "Look at me and repeatafter me. 'I Taylor Marie Thompson"

"'I Taylor Marie Thompson"

"..promise to get a normal life, hair, and clothes."

"What I really need Is a normal boyfriend. Let's go, we're seeing Romeo and Juliet."

About halfway through the first scene I started tickling Tay. As she giggled, everyone looked at her.

"Stop" She whispered.

"Okay, I was just trying to lighten things up a little." I whispered back with the cutest smile I could give.

"You're too cute." She told me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I gently put my fingers through her hair. I didnt really pay attention to the movie, I just thought about how much I would miss her while she was gone and if I could really deal with her being so far away.

"Are you okay Chris?" She asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, lets go."

"What did you want to show me?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, come on. I took her back to her house, and told her to go into her bedroom.

"Thank you so much!" She said kissing me when she saw the BSB standing in front of her. Not really, just a cardboard cut out of them.

"Well, im gonna go now."

"Ok, bye!"


The next day, I had no contact with anyone for the morning, I just packed, I couldnt believe we would be leaving the next day. That afternoon, I spent with Tibits, Duncan, Sandy, and Chris. When weonly had one more hour together, we all hugged each other. Even the guys hugged each other. Chris and I hugged for the longest time until Tibits interupted telling us it was time to go. We all got into Duncan's car, except for Sandy. Duncan and Tibs in the front, and Chris and I in the back. By the time we got home, Tibs and I were both crying. Tibs was crying cuz she was going to have to break up with Duncan, and I was crying because I was going to have to leave Chris. I was hugging Chris for the last time before we left, and I am almost positive I saw a tear run down his cheek. Tibs and Duncan broke up, and we said farewell and left.


We arrived in Florida the next day. As I was waiting for my luggage, I made friends with this lady, Anne Marie. She was a tall women, taller than me and im 5' 10, but she was a couple of inches taller, and a few years, maybe 5, older. She told me to call her Marie. She said her boyfriend, Josh, was in a band, and they needed an assistant. When I asked what an assistant did she told me they were kinda like a maid. I am a neat freak, so I was immmediatly interested. "Can they have two?"

"Actually they were looking for two. Do you know someone who would beinterested?"

"Yeah! TIBITS!!" I yelled across the airport. Tibs hurried over to me."Marie, this is Tatyana, you can call her Tibits or any form of that word, and Tibs, this is Anne Marie, or Marie as she likes to be called. She wants us to be like maids for a group/band. Do you wanna?"

"Maybe. Can we have your number so we can have time to talk over itwith our parents and call you back?"

"Sure, its 555-6789."

"Okay, talk to you later," Tibs said, dragging me along.


"Hey guys im home!" Marie yelled into the sliding glass door. The one guy that was home looked out the window and saw a tall girl with dirty blonde hair and pure blue eyes.

"MARIE!" yelled a voice as an older guy came running right toward the closed glass door. Marie tried to warn him, but SMACK. He ran right into the door.

"Hey, where are the others?" she asked, helping him up.

"Handing out flyers for the assistant job."

"No need, I found two great girls for the job. They're perfect."

"Are they cute?"

"They're too young for you. Is that all you think about?"

"I was asking for um..Justin. Thats all."

The phone rang and he ran and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hi, This is Taylor Thompson, Is Marie there?"

"Yeah, hold on. Its for you Marie."

"Hey Marie, Its Taylor. i was just wondering, when can I meet the guys?"

"When's good for you?"

"How about, um.. next Friday at noon. At the little Italian resturaunton the corner of east and Earth."

"Hold on. Chris are you guys free next Friday?"


"Ok, thats great, c-ya then."

"Bye" As soon as I got off the phone with Marie, I called up Tibs.

"Hey Tay,"

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Who else would it be?"

"Good point. Anyways, I calld Marie, and she said that shes sorry, but....we have an interview with the guys next friday at that little italian resturaunt."

"We have to go shopping. Pick me up. Now!"

I drove over to Tibs' house and she ran out and jumped into my car. Then we drove to the mall. I got a silky blue adidas shirt and khakis. Tibs got a pink cardigan and a khaki skirt , then I drove Tibs home, went home, layed down and fell asleep.



Thats what I woke up to the next Friday.

"Hello?" (yawn)

"Tay, we have to go to the interview. I'll be over in twenty minutes."

"K, bye!" I took a shower, then got dressed and fixed my hair, and got everything else ready to go. A few minutes later, Tibits pulled up.When I got in, I heard her say

"Dya thll be cute?"

"In english, I think you were trying to say 'Do you think they'll becute?' and no, because I have a boyfriend, and I forgot to call him today and yesterday."

"Thats ok, he'll understand why."

When we arrived, we got out, sat down and ordered drinks, since we were about 15 minutes early. A few minutes later, two guys walked in,scanning the room. I immediatly thought they had to be the guys who were interviewing us. One had spiked blonde hair, and the other had bleached yellowish-blonde hair.

I walked up to the first one. "Hi, im Taylor, and that is Tatyana. I think you might be looking for us."

"Yeah, I'm Lance," he said walking over to the table we were at. I followed. The other guy followed me.

"And you are?' I asked, holding out my hand for him to shake.

"I'm um, Justin, you guys are hired."

"What?" Tibs and I exclaimed at the same time, shocked at his response.

"This is Justin, We'll be right back," Lance said, as confused a us,as he pulled Justin into a hallway that Tibs and I couldnt see.

"Whats up man?" he asked.

"Wow!" Justin replied, still in awe.

"You like Tatyana, don't you? Well, back off. She's not gonna fall for a younger guy."

"Whoa man, I don't like her. It's Taylor. But she probably has a boyfriend back in um.. I think Marie said Ohio. But if not, shes mine."Justin said shocked at Lances respose to his respose to Taylor.

"Slow down, and ask her, duh!" Lance said in a girly voice.

"Whatever." Justin responed in his best girl imitation with a grin. Then they walked back over to us and told us the others should be here soon. "

What are the other guys' names?" iasked Lance.

"Joey, JC, and Chris," Justin answered for him. "Joey-New York, JC- GelKing, and Chris-well, Chris is Chris. You'll understand when he gets here."

"Hmmm. Ok. Tibs..hey, where'd she go?"

"Her and lance are becoming fast friends, Does she have a boyfriend?"

"They broke up about a week ago. I guess she's over him though."

"Do you?"

"Do I wh..Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend. his name is Chris and he lives in Ohio."

Then 3 guys and a dog came into the resturaunt.

"Are those the other guys?" I asked pointing to the ones that just walked in thedoor.


"Hi, Im Taylor, and you must be JC, Joey, and Chris," I greeted them,pointing to each one as I said their name.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Where's Lance? And isnt there supposed to be another one of you?" Chris asked, now holding the dog.

"Lance and Tatyana went off somewhere. And who's that cutie?"

"Oh, that's Justin," he replied.

"Not Justin, the dog!"

"Ohhhh, thats Busta. You can hold him if you want." he said, throwing the dog at me.

"Oh, thanks"

"Hey guys, how'd you get here so fast?" a hurried marie said, entering the resturaunt.

"Hey Marie," those were the first words I heard JC say.

"Hey JC, Joey, Chris, Justin, Busta, and Tay."

"Hey." Chris, Justin and I said at the same time.

Joey waved.

"Marie, whats up with Joey?" I asked. "Is he sick?"

"No, he's just heartbroken."

"Oh, poor baby," I said as I hugged him.

"Im Taylor."

"I know. Im heartbroken. Are you sympathetic?"

"Im a very nice person, and Im not trying to be rude, or anything, but that's pathetic."

"Ya think?" he asked, smiling for the first time, and started tickling me.

"No, Im sorry, yes, im sympathetic, please stop."

"Ok," he said as he stopped.

"Marie, I think she has a thing for Joey," Justin whispered, watching from across the room. "Do you?"

"Justin, stop worrying, she has a boyfriend. Just be her best friend. I mean since Lance is taking Tatyana."

"Ok, ill try."

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "That's my pager. it's Chris. I'll be right back."

"Take your time." Maria told her.( While Tay was on the phone.)

"Hey guys do you like her?"

"Yeah, and tatyana too. When she gets off the phone, tell her she gots the job." Joey quickly replied.

Just then Taylor came around thecorner, about to cry, but just sniffling. "What's wrong?" I asked as I hugged her. "Nothing, I need to go home. we'll have to do this later." "Hey Tay. You have the job you start next month." I whispered to her."Call me soon." and handed her a piece of paper with my number on it. "Bye," she said, talking to everyone, and walked out the door. When I turned around, Joey was looking at me funny. Kinda like he was jealous.


The next day, in the mail, I recieved the chain with the ring that say Taylor on it and then I ripped the one that said Chris off my neck, and put them both in the jewelry box next to my bed.



"Hey Justin, Its me Tay. Can you come over. and Maybe bring one of the guys with you?"



"Hold On Justin" I opened the door.

"Wow, that was fast." I said,walking over and hanging up the phone.

"Im gonna call Tib and..."

"She's in my car, and so is Lance, lets go."


"Out. Come on!!" We all went in Justin's mercedes to the resturaunt that we met at. We had dinner, then danced a little, and then dropped off Tib and Lance at her house, and then I invited Justin in my house to meet my brother and my parents. When I tried to open the door it was locked. I pulled out my key and opened the door. When we walked in, the house was pitch black. I turned on the light and saw a note on the table.

Taylor, We went up to Tallahassee to see about business matters. We will be back Saturday. Have a friend stay with you till we get back. Luv ya lots. Your Family

"You want me to stay with you?"

"Sure. You can sleep in the guest room if you want, or you can sleep on the couch. Or my brother probably wouldn't care if you sleep in his room."

"I'll sleep on the couch."

"Okay, I'll go get you some blankets."

"Ok." I got him some blankets and he told me that he's off till next Friday, and that he'd stay with me, so he'd get his stuff tomorrow and keep it in the guest room. Then I went to bed.


(Later that night) Justin was lying on the couch when I came down to get something for my horrible headache. I couldnt find anything, so I went to see if Justin was awake. I couldn't tell, so I tickled his feet.

He was awake then. "Hey, I thought you was sleepin'"

"Nope. Just listening to a NSync radiothon."

"You like them?"

"I dont have the CD or anything. I just know some of the songs from hearing them on the radio. God Must have spent is my favorite. I really like the Backstreet Boys."

"Cool, but why are you down here."

"I have a headache and I can't find anything. Do you have anything?"

"Yeah, in my basketball bag." he said getting up and going over to the refridgerator and getting me a glass of milk and got me a Tylenol he had in his bag.


"Now tell me why you were upset on the phone the other day."

I told him.

"He just broke up with you?"

"Yeah, he didn't even say bye, he just hung up." I said crying. He hugged me. He smells so good. No Taylor, its too soon. Stop.

"It's ok," Justin said, "You deserve better." Her hair smells so good. I love you Tay. "You need to go to bed. We'll talk about this in the moning."

"Okay, goodnight." I said, walking up to my room.


I woke up at 8:17 the next morning, and tiredly walked downstairs.Justin was already awake, had made breakfast and taked a shower, but he wasnt fully dressed yet. Like um, in only boxers and a wifebeater. "Sorry," he said as he saw me looking at him.

"Nothing Ive never seen,"

"I was talking about waking you up," he lied with a grin. The same grin Chris had a few weeks earlier.

"No you werent."

"I know."

"Im gonna go change."


I walked upstairs and changed.


"Hey Lance?"


"Wonder what Justin and Tay are doing."

"He's probably trying to get her to cheat on her boyfriend. Oh wait. I think he broke up with her that one day on the phone. Yeah im pretty sure he did. Hes probably trying to get her to go out with him. Why, do you like her or something?"

"No, I just..well, um...Yeah, i guess."

"Joey! She's only 17."

"So is Tatyana."

"Just go back to sleep man. You need it."

(Back at Tay's House)

Dear Diary,

Last week Chris broke up with me. I haven't had time to write cuz im busy getting ready for my new job. Justin and the guys have been trying to get me through this, but Justin's been trying hardest. I love him,but not the way I loved Chris. More like an older brother. (He's 18.). LOL, (ed. note Lots Of Luv) Taylor

When I went downstairs, Justin had gotten dressed and made pancakes and had cereal out.

"Justin, um, I think i forgot to tell you that I was allergic to eggs.So that means no pancakes, and no..."

"Cereal, right?" he completed. "So, what can you have?"

"Well, I said, walking over to the refridgerator, and getting out a carton. "These."

"Artificial eggs?"

"Yep, that's right, artificial eggs." We sat in silence for a minute. Him staring at me, and me acting like I didn't notice. "Justin," I said, breaking the silence. "Whats the name of your band?"

I looked up just in time to see him look away. "Its well, a surprise."

"When will I know?"

"Soon." Changing the subject, he asked me what i think of the other guys.

"They're nice. Lance and JC are the sweetest guys I've probably ever met, and Joey's a cutie. Chris is well, like you said, Chris is Chris.

"What do you think of me?"I hesitated. You're well, perfect. I mean like in you're looks. I cant think of one thing wrong with your face. It's adorable. You're just the right height. You're perfect. But im not sure of you're personality or you're ego."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know. It's weird. I mean, you're one of the nicest guys I ever met, but thats the only part of you i've seen."

"Ok, well, come on."

"Where are we going?"

"Can you play basketball in that?" He added pointing to the skort I had put on.

"Oh no, im not playing basketball with you."

"Why is that?" "Number one, Im a girl, you're a guy. Number 2, you're about 6 inchestaller than me, and number three, almost all of you're nicknames have something to do with basketball.. Seems like I have a slight disadvantage dont ya think?"

"I'll go easy on you. You cant be that bad."

"Fine, Ill go change."


"Why didn't you wanna play, you're good."

"Save you the humiliation of losing"

"Is that so?" I said as he started tickling her.

"Stop please. please?" She tried to say through laughs. I stopped and she started walking down to the river.

"Why does everyone always tickle me."

"You're a very tickle-tempting person." Cuz you're beautiful.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I dont know. Its the only excuse I could think of."

"Come on, lets go."

"Oh, and that thing you said about my ego earlier, believe me, Its not very big. I actually am really shy because I don't know what people think of me."

We walked back to the Mercedes and went back to her house. The ride was silent until we got there when she asked me if I wanted to go swimming. I agreed and we invited the other guys and Tatyana over. When we were all in the pool she came up behind me.

"Hey Justin," she whispered.


"You know when you asked what I thought of you?"


"You also have a body to die for." She said as she swam over to Joey and pulled him underwater with her.

"She's beautiful," I said quietly , thinking no one was around.

"Have you told her that?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Lance and Tatyana sitting in a lounge chair behind me.

"No, do you think I should Lance?"

"I do," Tatyana spoke up.

"Ok, i'll try later, right now im gonna go for a walk."

"See if she wants to go with you. But dont go yet, I have to talk to her." She walked over to Tay.


"Yeah Tibs?"

"Come over here, I need to talk to you."


"Do you like Joey or Justin?"


"Then you need to stop flirting, you're gonna hurt at least one of them. Be careful, or you might regret some things you do, later on in your friendships."

"Ok, thanks Tibs."

"No Problem." As Tatyana started to walk over towards Lance and I, I started to walk over to Tay.

"Hey Tay?"

"Yeah Justin?"

"Im going for a walk wanna come?"

"No, im gonna stay here, but Justin?"


"Will you get some M&M's?" She said and smiled sweetly.

"Sure" Then I left.


As soon as Justin left, I got out of the pool and went in the house and changed. When I came out of the bathroom and went into my room, Joey was in there. "Hey Joe, whats up?"

"Hey Taylor, can I ask you something?"


"Do you like Justin?"

"No, why does everyone keep asking me that? Sure he's my closest guyfriend and he spends the night at my house, but I sleep here, and he sleeps on the couch."

"Why him?"

"He offered."

"Do you think he likes you?"

"Do you?"

"Think he likes you, or like you?"


"Yeah, I think he likes you, and I thought that you liked him, but I guess not. And um, yeah I guess I like you."

"Let's go watch a movie downstairs." I said walking downstairs.

He followed. "What movie?"

"Um, let's watch H2O."

"Ok." We put on the tape and Joey turned the lights off. I felt kind of uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything.

About 20 minutes later, Justin walked in and turned on a light."Joey?"

"Yeah man?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, but right now.."

"Right now you're gonna come talk to me. In the room."

"Go talk to him Joey."

"Ok Tay" I watched them walk into the guest bedroom that Justin's stuff was nowin."


"Do you like her Joey?"

"Do you like her Justin?"


"Yeah, I didn't know that you liked her."

"Who said I did."

"Man, I can see it in you're eyes. They're usually bright blue, and cheery. Now they're cloudy man. You watch her every move. You're off in your own world when you're with her. You care about nothing. Except her. Am I right?"

"It doesnt matter Joey. She doesn't like me. She likes you. I can see it in HER eyes. Go finish the movie. And give her this." I said as I threw the bag to him.

"Ok man, I'll talk to you later about this."

After the movie, everyone was finished swimming, and we decided to watch another one together. I decided to go get Justin. I knocked lightly on his partially opened door and then let let myself in. "Hey Justin."

"Hi Tay."

"Wanna watch a movie with us?"

"Why, you have Joey."

"Fine, be like that, I don't care." I said as a tear fell from my eyes. "I feel like im losing my best friend," I whispered to myself asI walked out.


"Yeah Joey?"

"The movie's about to start."

"Ok, 'I'm coming, are you Justin."

"Maybe a little later."

"Ok," I said as I shut the door and walked downstairs.


This time we watched Titanic. About 10 minutes into the movie, Tay was sick of it. Chris was reciting every word.



"Shut up,"


A few minutes later Justin came in and was forced (Sure!) to sit next to Taylor. I was not very happy about this. He didn't say anything till we were rewinding the second tape, because the last person that watched it didnt rewind it.

"Justin, why have you been so nice to me lately?" She asked him.

"Its been fun doing stuff for you," he turned towards her and took a deep breath. "like this." He said, and kissed her.

She turned around and hugged me. "Come up to my room when the movie's over. no sooner." She ran upstairs and Justin followed. I saw her shut her door before he got in.


About an hour later Joey walked into my room.

"You ok Tay?"

"Yeah," "You still mad at Justin?"

"Never was,"

"Then why'd you run up here?"

"Joey, the problem wasn't that he kissed me, it was that I liked it. But, um, I think I like you, so, um.."

"...yeah, we can. Just to see. OK? Just to see."

"Ok, thanks so much Joey." I kissed him.

"So," he asked.

"Nothing, thanks Joey. Rememer though I still love you. I have to go talk to Justin. Stay here."

Befoe I could get up Justin came into my room. "Oh, Sorry, I didn't know Joey was in here. I'll come back later." He said as he started to turn around.

"No, its ok. Come here. Bye Joey."

"Bye." He walked out and Justin shut and locked my door.

"So, what did you come up for?"

"Before you say anything, listen. I want you to know, I'll always love you, whether it's as a friend, or as a girlfriend. Does this work?" I asked walking over to her radio.

"Yeah." I turned it on. 'God Must Have Spent' By NSync was on. Its Tay's favorite. It was just starting. I sat behind Tay on her bed.

"Tay." She looked up at me.

"Im.." I was cut off by her kissing me. We sat in silence for a minute until she started humming to the song. I thought it was time for her to know, so I started singing.


"I wanted you to like me for me."

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you too."

"Justin, I want you to have this." She said handing him the ring that said 'Taylor' "I want you to wear it. No one will notice. Keep it inside your shirt, that way i'll always be close to your heart. Will you do that for me?"

"Sure. I noticed that when I first met you, you were wearing one. What did it say?"

"It was this one." She said, taking the one that said Chris out of her pocket.

"I don' t know what to do with it." She handed it to me.

"I do." I unlocked the door, knowing that Chris and probably everyone else was standing there. Then I sat back down next to Tay.

"Chris, come in here."

"Hey Justin, I was just passing by to go.."

"Shut up Chris, it's ok." I looked at Tay. she looked back questioningly. I nodded.

"Here Chris, I want you to take this. And when you find that one girl that you want to keep you in her heart. Give her this. That way, no matter how far away you are, you'll always be close to her heart. Ok? will you do that for me."

"Yeah Tay, I will. But until that day comes, will you wear it Tay? As a promise that we'll be friends. That way, no matter what happens in your and Justin's relationship, you'll be forced to stay friends. Besides, I'll probably lose it till then. Im not expecting it to happen anytime soon, y'know?"

"Ok Chris. I promise that I'll love you no matter what happens between Justin and I. I've also promised this to Joey, and I think its time forJC and Lance. Come on Justin. And you too Chris. I think you should bea witness. Joey and I don't need a witness. We'll always be friends."

Chris sat on the floor and watched tv. "Actually, I'll tell them in the morning. They're all falling alseep down there." We just sat there for a minute, staring at nothing.

"Justin, was it love at first sight for you?"

"Yeah. When did you realize you liked me?"

"Well, actually Joey made me realize it. When I was sitting in the dark with him, I felt really uncomfortable and I remembered that when I was sitting on the same couch with you in the dark, I felt safe and secure. Then when you kissed me, and I liked it, I knew I was in love with you."

"Let's stay up here tonight. Chris is asleep down there on the floor, Joey's in the guest room, and Lance and Tibs are on the couch."

"Yeah, and Chris is worse than my parents, so that'll stop me from doing anything with you."

"We can get him out. Just so we can talk, or we can leave him in here and go in you're brother's room."

"Well, I would go into Andy's room, but I don't enjoy looking a tpictures of naked women."

"I think im gonna like your brother."

"Justin! Let's get Chris in there."

"He won't go in there. He thinks its horrible that people are photographed like that."

"Thats the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Let's let him sleep down there. I mean everyone's gonna know about 'us' in the morning. I think we'll get in less trouble if he's in here with us."

"Ok, but i'm tired, let's go to sleep."

"Ok. Justin? Would you be upset if I asked you to sing to me?"

"No, actually, i'm flattered.

"Can this be true/Tell me can this be real/how can I put into words whatI feel/ my life was complete/I thought I was whole/Why do I feel likeim losing control?/Never thought that love could feel like this/thenyou changed my world with just one kiss/and how can it be that righthere with me/theres an angel/its a miracle.


"Lance, Tatyana, wake up. Come up here. Joey, get in here. NOW!"

"What Chris?"

"Look at this!"

"What is it?"

"Taylor's room. Come on." The four walked in and saw Taylor and Justin asleep on Taylor's bed. Taylors head on Justin's chest, and Justin's arm around her.

Taylor started to move. "You guys are the four nosey-est people I have ever met." We all stared at her.

"Chris was in here. We wouldn't do anything with him in here. He's worse then my parents."

Chris, Joey, and Lance left the room. "Hey Taylor?" I said after we were the only three people left in the room.

"Good luck. With Justin. I mean, he's a real sweety. He'll treat you right girl. Don't screw it up. He's not like Chris."

"You too, with Lance. I think that you're in love. He's a gentleman."

"He loves you Tibs. I can see it in his eyes. Ask Joey."

"Hey Justin?"

"Yeah Tibs?"

"Don't make me eat my words."

"Don't worry. I won't."

"I'll leave you two alone for a while. Be good." She said leaving the room.

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked me, sitting up.

"Well, i'll make breakfast today, you get in the shower while i'm cooking, and I'll take one after we eat." I said, before he leaned down and kissed me. I sat up. "Ok."

"I'll deal with the other guys and Tibs. Get in the shower, you look like you need something refreshing."

"Ok." He said standing and walking past me and out the door. When I walked downstairs I found a note.

Tay and Justin, We decided to leave you two alone today. You deserve it. Lance and I are going somewhere, and Joey's going shopping. Chris is gonna stay home with Busta. You know the digits if you need anything. Tibs, Joey, Lance, and Chris

I took out the fake eggs and started making Justin and I french toast. About 20 minutes later Justin came down. He came up behind me and hugged me.

"You smell so good." I said leaning against him.

"Have you ever noticed it's easier to tell people what you think than to keep it toyourself?"

"When did you...?"

"The night I explained the whole Chris situation. It felt so right hugging you, crying in your arms on your shoulder. I wouldn't let myself realize that I was attracted to you, but I was showing it without even knowing it."

"For me it was kinda the opposite. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how. From the time I saw you and Joey together I knew I was in love with you, but I couldn't show it. I was so confused, my eyes got all cloudy. Then I went in my room and cried. The clouds left my eyes,and I just went for it. Then when you kissed me, the cheeriness returned." he said, starting to eat the french toast. "I thought you were allergic to eggs."

"I am, this was made with my eggs."

"I can't tell."

"I can. I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll clean this up when I get out.I'll hurry."

"I'll clean it up."

"You're so sweet."

"Like Suga Baby!"

"I'll be out in a little while." I got in the shower, and when I was about to walk into my room, I heard Justin's footsteps in the hall. "Justin?"


"Go into my closet and get me something to wear."

"Ok, what?"

"Whatever you want." A few seconds later he knocked on the door. I opened it and he handed me the blue adidas shirt and khakis I wore when I first met him.


"Uh huh." He said, closing the door and walking out into the kitchen. I got dresses and walk downstairs.

"Justin get dressed." He had put his pajamas back on after he got out of the shower.

"Mmm kay." He walked in the guest bedroom and came out a minute later in his favorite outfit; boxers and a wife beater.

"Do you like showing off your muscles?"

"Why do you like seeing them?"

"Hmmm, my cute blonde boyfriend's muscles. I don't know. Go get dressed."

"What should I wear?" I walked into the room his clother were in.

"These Tommy jeans and this Abercombie shirt," I said throwing them at him. I started walking out.

"Don't I get a kiss today?" He said giver me big old blue puppy dogeyes.

"Busta's cuter."

"Yeah, but i'm potty trained. Most of the time."

"I love you," I said, kissing him.

"I love you too. Can I get dressed now?"

"Why would you wanna do something like that? Go ahead."

A few minutes later he came down the stairs looking hotter than I'd ever seen him look. "Justin, do you think i'm losing Tibs to love?"

"No matter what, Lance will always be there for you. If she loves him, she will too."=