In the bathroom....................

"Oh my god, I hope Justin will notice me and asked me out." Said a little six year old to her friend.

"I'm gonna tell JC that I dream about him everynight and day." Said another little girl to her friend.

"Mom, do you think Lance will think I'm cute."Said a nine year old to her mom.

"Oh my god Mary, we are stuck here in the bathroom with teenyboppers."

"I know but ignore them and get into the stall, I wanna get this ugly thing off me."

We went in the vacant stalls and put on the outfit. When Mary came out she was wearing black tight pants and a gray spaghetti strap. I was wearing tight blue jeans and a baby blue spaghetti strap. We stared at each other and smiled.

"You look so nice Charissa."

"So do you Mary."

"Come on, let's go show Roxanne."

Our seats.........

"Hey Roxanne!" She turned around and saw me and Mary running to her and she noticed our outfits.

"Oh my god, you guys changed your clothes."

"Ummmm, duh Roxanne. Me and Charissa changed our clothes."

"Why? The clothes you wearing earlier looked fine."

"Yeah, if I was Alecia."

"Your mean Mary."

"I was messing Charissa."

"Well, you guys look so pretty and that also goes to you too Charissa."And Roxanne smiled at me.

I smiled back and said, "Thanks."

Five minutes before the show............

"Testing, testing." This man yelled out on stage. "Well ladies andgentlemen, I am the one in charge of the arena and N SYNC will beperforming in a couple minutes. But. the one and only Britney Spears will be performing next and then N SYNC will be performing right after her and she'll be on in two minutes." The man left the stage and like five seconds later, the lights dimmed and a lot of girls started to scream. Then the theme song of 'Baby One More Time' came on and Britney Spears and her backup dancers came out. Some of the crowds were booing and some were hooraying. But I was in the cheering for Britney because she can seem stuck up but she's probably PMSing and I also love her songs. Mary was singing along wih the song and Roxanne was singing along too so I started singing along too.

When the song ended, Britney Spears said to the fans, "Hello everybody out there!"

"Britney! Yeah! Woooo! You suck! Go Britney! Get off the stage!" Thefans yelled back to her.

"It's me Britney Spears and you are here in an N SYNC concert."

"N SYNC! Ahhhhh! I love you Justin! Let N SYNC come out!" The fans yelled out.

"They'll be out in a little bit before they come out I have a little spacial for all you fans."

"That's bull s*** Britney! We want N SYNC! Go Britney! Britney, yeah!!!"Fans yelled out.This is my song and it's on my album and not yet on the radio but you will be hearing it very soon. This song is just for you fans. It's called 'Sometimes'."

Then the theme song of 'Sometimes' came on.

"This is a really pretty song. Don't you think Mary?"

"Yeah I know." Then we started to sing along with the song. Then it ended and Britney yelled out. "Alright fans N SYNC will be right out."Then she left the stage and her backup dnacers were right behind her. Right when she left, the lights were still dim then the music video of' IDMC' came on and fans started screaming and some sang along with thesong. Me and Mary and Roxanne sang along too. In two and something minutes the music ended and then they showed the music video of 'GMHSALMTOY'. Then more girls started screaming and me and Mary and Roxanne continued singing along. In three minutes the video was over and then the lights turned off. Then in the big screan tv, the started showing the stars and then it showed our galaxy. Then five look-alike astronauts appeared upon stage.

"Hey Charissa, I bet you that's N SYNC."

"Naw s*** Sherlock."


Then she looked back at the stage. Then the picture of our galaxy disappeared and ten the lights turned on and N SYNC ripped off their astronaut clothing and started to sing their beginning song 'HWG'.A whole mess of fans started screaming. Me Mary and Roxanne had a smile on our faces and started singing along with them.

Me, Mary, and Roxanne started singing along with the song 'HWG.' When the song was over they introduced themselves to the audience. When they were done introducing themselves to the audience, they started with another song which was 'CFY.' After that they started with other songs and when a couple of their songs were over, they told their fans that they'll take a short break and will be back in a little bit. When they left the stage, the music video of 'HWG' came on and fans started to scream.


"Justin has a crush." Chris sang to Justin.

The guys stared at Justin. "Chris shut up."

"Awwwww, Justin's hormones are kicking in aren't they Justin."

"Shut up Lance."

"Justin is growing up."

"Guys, don't tease him."

"Thanks JC."

"How cute. The youngest member of the group has a crush."


"I'm joking Justin. So, where does she sit, or what is she wearing."

"She is sitting at the front row, next to a blond chick and some mexicangirl."

"Mexican girl?"

"Yeah Joey, a mexican girl."

"Did she have like, long brown hair, and was wearing a short black skirt and it was slit in the sides and she was wearing a white shirt."

"Ummmm,yeah Joey. Why? Do you have a little crush?"

"So what if I do."

"Awwwww, Joey has a little crush." Justin sang to Joey.

"Shut up Justin." Then the guys started laughing.

"Guys, don't tease each other."

"Yes dad."

"Justin, what was she wearing."

"Ummmmm, she was wearing tight blue jeans and a baby-"

"Blue spaghetti strap?"

"Yeah. Did you see her?"

"Yeah I noticed her. She's pretty cute."

"Well duh JC. Did you find any pretty girls?"

"Well, just one."


"Ummm, you know the blonde girl that was sitting next to the girl you have a crush on."

"Ummm, yeah what about her."

"Well, that's her."

"Hold on, was she wearing black tight pants and a gray spaghetti strap."

"Yeah that's her."

"Ohhhh, so that's who you were staring at the whole time."


"I saw you JC and don't play stupid with me."

"I don't know what you're talking about Justin."

"Oh my golly. You were staring at her constantly."

"Was it that obvious."


"But it seems like she wasn't interested in me."


"Because I saw her staring at you mostly."

"Me?!?! Why me?!?!"

"Ummmm, probably because she likes you."

"She wasn't staring at me."

"Yeah she was."

"Whatever JC."

"Guys, hurry up. Show is starting in 2 minutes." A man yelled at them.

"Okay" JC yelled back. "Listen Justin, we'll talk later. C' mon guys let's go."

"Yes dad."

"Hey Justin."

"What Chris."

"You want me to hook you up."

"You can't."


"I don't know. It seemed like she was interested in JC."

"Why, what are you talking about?"

"I was staring at her and she was staring at JC, so it seems like she likes JC."

"Oh, well man, it alright. I mean there are other girls out there in the world. Like you'll always have Britney Spears."

"Britney Spears and I are only friends. I'm not interested in her anymore."

"Well, there's Veronica."

"Chris shut up."

"Guys, hurry!" JC said impatiently.

"Yes dad."

The guys ran out on stage and a lot of fans started screaming. Then they started with a song. "

Your all I ever wanted Your all I ever needed So tell me what to do now Cuz, I want you back."

Music played in the background while fans started screaming.

Back at the car.............

"Oh my god, that was sooooo fun."

"I know."

"Justin is soooo cute."

"Ohhh, Charissa."


"I noticed Justin staring at you."

"Whatever you big fat liar."

"I'm serious. I'm telling the truth."

"Whatever. I was gullible in junior high but now since I'm a junior, I ain't gullible no more."

"I'm serious. Roxanne did you notice Justin staring at her."


"Whatever Roxanne. Haha, nice trick , very funny."

"Fine, don't believe me."



"I noticed JC staring at you."

"Oh my god Charissa. Your lying. He wasn't staring at me. Your just getting me back for what I said earlier about Justin staring at you. But you know what, I'm telling the truth and your not so stop lying."

"I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth."

"Whatever Charissa."

"Oh God, you don't believe me don't you."


"Even ask Roxanne, she noticed JC staring at you."

"He was Mary."


"Your full of it Charissa."

"Fine, don't believe me Mary, but I swear, someday, but I don't knowhow, but someday you will know that I am telling the truth that JC was staring at you. And you will be very happy with me and you will start believing me."

"Yeah, in my dreams."

"Okay Mary, but I swear."

"Oh God Charissa."

"Hey Roxanne."

"What Mary."

"I saw Joey staring at you."

"I know."

"What do you mean you know."

"Because I noticed it too."

"Oh, well anyways, where do you guys wanna go."

"Ummmm, let's go to a club."

"But Charissa, you can't. Your sixteen."

"Yeah she can."

"How Mary?"

"Ummm, with these." Then Mary took out a fake id out of her bag.

"Oh my god. How'd you get it?"

"Oh, a friend."

"Dang, Charissa, you are so lucky to have sister like Mary."

"I know."

"So, what club do you guys want to go to."

"Ummmm, we've never been to Klub Kiis."

"Roxanne, have you been there."


"Alrighty then that's where we're going."

In line.............

"Are you sure your eighteen?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Sir, she just turned eighteen."

"Are you sure, because I don't want to loose my job."

"Positive sir, we wouldn't want you to loose your job would we."

"Fine, go in."

"Thank you."

"Charissa nearly got caught Mary."

"This always happens."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Charissa doesn't even look eighteen, that's why it's sometimes hard for her to go in clubs."

"Ohhh, well let's find a seat." The three of us found our seats and sat down.

"Hey Charissa."


"Me and Roxanne needs to use the ladies room."

"Oh okay." So the two of them went off to the ladies room. I was just sitting there all alone with nobody to talk to. *

"Hey guys, there's our seats." Then the guys went over to their seats.

"JC, me and Lance are going to go jock some girls."

"Alright, umm, Joey, are you gonna go with them."

"Girl, concert, fine, pretty, beautiful,-"

"Ummm, Joey."

"Girl, fine, mine, gone, never see her,-"

"He's out of it."

"JC, Justin, are you guys gonna go with us."


"Alright, it's your lose." Then Lance and Chris went out to jock somegirls.

JC started to look around to see if he knew anyone. Then he saw me at the table next to him. Then he smiled and turned to Justin."Hey Justin."


"The girl from the concert,-"

"What about her, I'm never gonna see her again."

"You wanna bet you'll see her again."

"Fine I bet you. Ummm, 20 bucks."

"Your on." And they both shook on it.

"Alright, so where is she."

"Look at the table next to us."

"Yeah so-oh my God."

"I told you. Now, show me the money."

"Ummm, yeah, here." And he took out his money from his pocket, stills taring at me, and took out forty bucks and handed it to JC, and Justin was still staring at me.

"Oh, thanks, extra money."

"What do I do?! What do I do?!"

"Ummm, hmmm, let me think. You go up ot her and talk to her."

"Oh yeah huh." So he stood up from his seat and started to walk towards me. He took a couple steps, freaked out, and walked back to JC."I can't."

"Why? You do it all the time."

"I know but, she's not interested in me."

"What do you mean?"

"In the concert, she was busy staring at you."

"Listen, do you know that for a fact."

"No, that's what I think."

"Yeah, think. Talk to her and probably you might be wrong."

"But what if I'm right."

"Then that's her lose."

"Alright." So he stood up, took a couple of steps, freaked out, and walked back to JC."I can't."

"Oh God Justin, do you want me to do it?"

"No, I'll do it." He stood up again and started walking towards me. He took a couple of steps, freaked out, and walked back to JC."I can't."

"Here, you know what I'll go up to her."

"Yeah you do that. Go. But make sure you point to me, not Joey or anybody, me."

"Yeah, okay." JC stood up and took a couple of steps to me then Justin grabbed his hand and made him sit down."What?"

"I'll do it JC, it's okay."

"Okay then go." Justin stood up, took a couple steps, freaked out, and sat back down to JC."I can't."

"You know what, I'll do it." And JC just stood up and tapped me on the shoulder. "Excuse me miss."

"Ummm, yeah."

"Hi, my name is J-ummm Joshua."

"Oh. ummmm, my name is Charissa."

"Charissa, nice name."


"Ummm, are you here alone or your with someone."

"Oh, I came here with friends."

"Oh, where are they."

"They're over at the bathroom.""

Ohh, ummm, you see my friend over there." And he pointed at Justin and Justin freaked out, and he hit his glass of wine, with his elbow and it spilled and he started to take tissue's and started to wipe the table,and Joey got wet. But Joey was out of it so he didn't seem to notice.

I smiled and looked back at Joshua.

"Sorry, he's a bit clumsy."

"I can tell. Here, I'll go talk to him."

"Ummm, no, you sit right here and he'll go talk to you."

"Ummm, okay."

Then JC walked over to Justin. And smacked him upside the head.

"Hey, what was that for."

"For being a cluts."

"Well, sorry. It was an accident."

"Well, now go up to her and talk to her."

"Okay, but did she notice."

"Naw, she's blind and doesn't know what the hell happened."

"Alrighty then, that's a yes."

"Just go up to her and talk to her."


"Hi, I'm Jus-Randall."

"Oh, Randall, umm, I'm Charissa."

"Charissa, nice name. Weird name, but nice."

"Oh, so your saying my name is weird."

"No, it's just unique."

"Oh, cool."

"So, did you come here with anybody."

"Umm, yeah. They're not here right now but will be here soon I hope."

"Why? Where'd they go?"

"To the bathroom. Oh well, they're probably dancing with some guys rightnow."


"Ummm, Randall."


"Do I know you?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"I don't know, I just have this weird feeling that I know you."

"Oh, well, we probably bumped into each other at the mall or something."


"Hey Charissa."

"Oh, hey guys."

"Who's this?"

"Oh, ummm Randall, this is Mary, and this is Roxanne. Mary and Roxanne,this is Randall."

"Hi." Randall stood up and shook their hands, then when he went to shake Mary's hand, his eyes widened.

"Ummm, I'll be right back.""

Ummm, okay."


"What Justin, your supposed to be talking to that girl."

"I know, but I met her friends."

"Oh soooooo-"

"One of them is the girl that you were staring at in the concert."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Why don't you sound so happy?"

"I don't know."

"Oh, and the girl that Joey like is there too."

Then finally Joey snapped out of it."Where is she?"

"I knew that would snap you out."

"I know, okay, but where is she."

"Over there." Then he pointed at the table where she was sitting at.

"Wow, she is beautiful. How do I look?"


"Okay now I'm gonna go dance with her."

"Okay then, go ahead."

"Will that be okay with you dad or do you want me to sit here next to you and not have fun."

"Sit here and not have fun."

"Well, to bad dad, I'm disobeying your rules. Bye."

"Hold on, Why am I all wet?"

"It's a long story Joey."

"And I'm gonna hear that story later right now I'm in love and wanna dance with that girl." He walked over to Roxanne and he asked her to dance and they both started to dance.