Jc And me kissed.

"Thanks, a had a real good time" I said to Jc.

"Me too," he replied. We both went to see Shakespeare in Love by our selves. I told him to drop me off at Sandra's. So, he did.

"BYE!" I said looking back and waving. He waved back and drove away. It was close to Valentine's Day and I needed something good...I came running to my friend Sandra's house and needed some help.



"CJ! I'm surprised to see you! How is it with you and Thomas?" Sandra asked.

"Sandy, you know me and Thomas broke up a long time ago!" I answered. I was still upset. It all started two months ago. Thomas and I went steady. We were both in high school when I heard that Jc from *NSYNC was actually there! Then, I found out that Thomas was cheating on me with Parrisha. So, I dumped him. Then Jc saw me alone and we started to hang out together. (I found out he was much sweeter than before) So, now we've been dating for two months now. Now I was even more upset because Valentine's day was tomorrow and Ididn't get anything for Jc.

"OK, OK, I know, just joking" she said.

"I need help. Can you help me?" I asked

"Yeah, sure!" she answered, "let me guess. You need to get somethingfor Jc because Valentine's day is tomorrow?" she asked.

"You read my mind with a ton of cheese!" I joked.

"So, let's go shopping tomorrow! I'll lend you some money under one curcumstance"

"What?" I asked.

"You gotta take me to McDonalds!" she screamed. I knew it I said to myself. So, the next day we went shopping.



"Nice driving" I joked.

"Ha Ha" she mimicked. So we got out of her car and went in the mall. IT WAS CROWDED!

"Parrisha!" we said when we saw her.

She waved back, and came running to us. Thomas was with her of course.

"Hi, Thomas" I said and shook his hand. "Hi" he answered.

"So wuzzup?" Parrisha asked.

"We two are just looking and all" Sandra said.

We said goodbye and left.

"So, where do you want to go?" Sandra asked.

"Let's just browse first" I suggested.

So, we did. We started looking around when we went to the outlet called "Your Love's Perfect Gift", so we went in. It had all kinds of things. There was a men's side and a woman's side. There was a brosure that had all these tips to keep your love life good. I found all these things for men. "Should I get him cologne, or a suit?" I asked Sandra.

"Both would be nice, Sandra replied, "Then top it off with a longkiss!" she said excitedly. I giggled. So that was my plan. Sandra said,"I wish I had a man." She sighed. NOTE TO MY SELF I thought to myself TRY AND GET SANDRA A MAN. So we bought that and I did take Sandra to McDonalds. Then we left and I was thinking...


"Happy Valentine's day baby!" Jc said as I walked in and he gave me a kiss.

"Jc! It's not even Valentine's Day yet!" I told him.

"Yes, mommy" he joked.

As I sat on the couch, he gave me a massage. "Thanx, I love you," I told him.

"I love you too hon," he told me. That night I went to sleep thinking how much I loved Jc.


I woke up as happy as ever. You know why? There was Jc by my side with his hands covered by mine. "Hi," I said.

He smiled then suddenly said, "Go pack up your bags."

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't ask," he said smiling.

So, I did. Then I took my bag of presents to him. I was planing to give it to him once we got to this place (Of, coure it was a place. Why would I be packing my bags?) "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said.

I was getting suspicious. "Omigod!" I said.

Jc had taken me to our first date. It was beautiful. When we got to our room, it had everything! Even a hot tub.

"Happy Valentine's Day babe!" he said.

I sighed then gave him a kiss. "Oh, I have something for you," I said. I held out the bag and he kissed me.

"This cologne is my favorite kind. It's so expensive! Also, is the suit! I love you!" he said and gave me a kiss. We went out to the pool.

" Oh, I forgot. You know my good friend Sandra?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, she lent me some money to buy this stuff for you and I heard her say she wanted a man. Can you help me?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said smiling, "I'd be glad too."

"Well, first of all, I've seen her eye on Chris ever since he had that make over and stuck with it." I said to Jc.

"Well, he is single, so yeah, let's talk to him" Jc suggested.

So, we did. It went along good!


I showed Chris a pic of Sandra and Chris was all tied up. "I'd be glad to meet her! She's pretty hot!" Chris said.


when we left, I told Sandra that she was going on a date with Chris. She practectly fainted! "That's not all, when I showed him your pic, he said that you were hot!" I said.

"Omigod!" She said.

"It's this Saturday, and when you get back, tell me very little thingthat happened and good luck!"

"OK, I will," she said as she escorted me to the door.

Jc was waiting for me in his car. I turned and waved back as she did the same."So, how'd it go with Sandra" Jc asked.

"Well, a few faints, screams, and happiness would describe how it went" I said sarcasticly.

"Oh, I see," he said and we both started laughing. I put my head on his shoulder as we drove away, back home...

.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(I got this info, after she had the date.) Sandra told me that the date went pretty well. In her own words, she said this: "First, Chris came to my house and he was wearing a suit. He was so cute! I went to change because I was wearing just regular. You know,like casual, and he told me we were going somewhere formal. I was so excited! He had a really cool car! And we drove to a formal buffet where the stars where! I was kinda shy, but happy 'cuase I was with Chris. We ate and then we left just before the sunset. Chris brought some leftovers and we drove, we actually drove to the beach. No one was there 'cept for us! Then, we turned to each other and he said this tome, 'Sandra, I think, I love you' and I said that back. We walked across the shore and then we kissed (sigh). That was my date. And were going on another one this coming Friday!" "Thanks," I said.


I asked Chris a couple of questions. He was at Sandra's. I asked him, "So, what do you think of my friend?"

So, he answered it. Chris said: "Well, we did go to the beach, and I told her that I loved her. She's really pretty, and her personality is everything I could think of in a girl. (blushes) I mean her eyes shine like the moon and, and, and,well, she's everything I ever wanted!"

"Thanks" I said and left.


"Hey Hun! How are you? I missed you so," I said and gave him a big kiss. I counted how long the kiss was. About 30 seconds.

"So, how was the interview?" he asked me while we hugged.

"It was just like us," I replied.

"Said I love you? At the beach?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"I gave him those tips on the phone last night," Jc said nodding his head like he was some kinda geinious. I started laughing hard.

"What?" he asked me.

"YOU!" I said. Then, he thought and remembered the look and started laughing too. I went up-stairs laughing.

"Where are you going?" Jc asked.

"To sleep," and I blew him a kiss,"Good night."

"Good night" and he blew a kiss back.


So, my birthday was in 10 days. I planned it and some people were coming. I made an invitation and it the front looked like this:

Come To My Party and Let's Get it on!!!

The inside looked like this:

Please Attend at Cj's 19th B-day and have fun! On Feb. 24th at 3:00 P.m. 'till your curfew! Full of fun and dancing. Bring a date or meet one there!Head couple is Jc Chasez and Cj Hidalgo So....Come to my party and let's get it on!!!

I was going to invite Parrisha and Sandra. It was a simple little party but it was going to be a blast!


Parrisha came and was with Thomas. While Sandra and Chris came too.

"Hey," they said to us.

"Hey," we said back. It was time for dancing and Thomas asked if he could talk to me. So Parrisha said yes. Then he asked Jc if I could talk to him. So Jc answered yes.

So, Jc and Parrisha sat out and watched Chris and Sandra dance.

"So, what do you want to tell me?" I asked Thomas.

"Cj, I can't get you outta my mind. I mean your hard to get out of my heart. I mean... I love you!" he said.

"Thomas, it's over, we both aren't single and you know that. So, get it in your punie brain that WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" I screamed.

Then he made a sudden move and started kissing me.

"mmm mmmm mmm," I said. Trying to say "stop it Thomas!"

Jc said to Parrisha," I wonder what's taking them so long." So, he went in the hall and Jc saw the fear in my eyes trying to say toJc, "help me!!!! Jc I love you!" He knew what I was saying. Parrisha,saw the un-love for her in his eyes. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING TO MY GIRL???" Jc screamed.

I kicked Thomas and he let me go. I ran to Jc and he held me tight. "I SAID WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING TO MY GIRL???" Jc said.

That time Sandra and Chris heard him.

"What's going on?" Chris asked.

"SHE AIN'T YOUR GIRL PRETTY BOY!!!" Thomas screamed.

Then they started fighting and when Jc got hit, he hit the floor and I started to cry while I rubbed his head. He put his hand on mine and he passed out. Parrisha went up to Thomas and said, "How dare you do that to my friend or anyone's boyfriend!" and she slapped him.

"GET OUT!" I yelled at Thomas I put my head on his chest and started crying. Sandra called 911 while Chris was dragging him to the couch. And I was crying and saying that everything was going to be all right. Parrisha, was calming me down while Thomas was leaving...

That night, I couldn't stop thinking about how Jc is feeling. I had so many questions that I started crying once more...


Parrisha, Chris, Sandra and I went to the hospital the next day. I brought him some flowers. They were the same kind as the first one he gave me when I met him.

"Good Morning," the woman at front desk said, "May I help you?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered, "Do you know where Jc Chasez's room is?" I asked the woman.

"Third floor,Room 239," she told me,"Who are you three?" she asked.

"Well, I'm Jc girlfriend, Cj and these are good friends of mine and Jc and we just wanna see how's he doing and all," I managed to say.

"Oh, well, go ahead and visit him," the woman said nicely.

"Thanks," we said and left. Once we got there, some people were there. Joey, Lance, and Justin. Joey and Lance had girlfriends except for Justin. Joey was with Maile and Lance was with Jeanette.

"Well, I guess me and Jeanette gotta go,"Lance said.

"Yeah, us too," said Joey.

"Well, I'll stay," said Justtin. So, they said there goodbyes and left.

"KNOCK! KNOCK!" went the door when I knocked on it.

"I'll get it," Justin said.

I stepped in and said, "JC!!!! HOW AREYOU??? I MISSED YOU!" Then I have him a hug while he stood up smiling. Chris and Sandra came in and chatted. Then next came Parrisha.I saw Justin blushing when Parrisha came in. They've met and all. But this was funny. I told Jc and he and I started to luagh. Then I kissed him and sat on his bed with him.

"Oh, these are for you," I said handing out the flowers.

"Thanks,"he said,"but nothing makes me feel better than seeing you."

Then I kissed him. " Why don't you two guys go ahead and chat. You know outside?" I asked them. Parrisha started to blush then said yes...


"Bye hun!" I said to Jc.

"Bye," he said. Then we left.

"Parrisha!!!!!" I called. She and Justin where about to kiss where I saw her.

"Ooooh," I said.

"Bye Justin," she said.

"Bye," he said.

"Were just friends," said Parrisha.

"That's what Bobby said to Skeeter about Nina, you know you like him and I bet he likes you," I told her.

"OK, I confess, I like him," she told me...


I decided to go to court because of what Thomas had done. The jury had found him guilty of law. So, the judge sentence him to two weeks in jail.

"Well, that went along well," I said to Sandra, Chris and Parrisha. (I mean Chris was stuck to glue with Sandra!)

Parrisha sighed.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm sorta sad that Thomas is in jail but I'm never going to be with him ever again." she promised.

"OK, what ever you say," said Chris and Sandra giggled .So, that's the end of court.


I went back to the hospital to pick up Jc and I just remembered that Thomas was let out of jail that day! We walked home when we bumped intoThomas.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I asked him.

"They let me out sugah and I'm ready to get back to you," he told me.

"Hey back off man, she's my girl!" Jc said defending me.

"Well, she was mine at first," Thomas said.

"Yeah, until I found out you were cheating!" I said.

"Yeah, and now she's mine and she came to me," Jc said.

"OK, but you better back off 'cuase you know that your just playing with her," Thomas rumored.

"That's a rumor!" Jc said.

"Is that true?" I asked him about to cry.

"No, I swear it isn't true," he told he hugging me me.

They got into a fist fight but Jc won! I turned to him on the floor sitting and said, " That's what you get...sugah." We laughed and left.

Jc turned to me and said," You know what? You go girl!"

I smiled and took his hand while we walked home.


I decided to call Sandra since she didn't come.

"Hello? *sniff*," said Sandra.

"Sandra? What's wrong?" I asked.

" *sniff*, come to my house and I'll tell you...bye..." she said andhung up.

I knew something was very wrong....

"DING DONG!" the door went.

"Hi, Sandy," I said and she started crying."What happened?" I asked her while she was whipping her tears.

"Well, Chris wasn't here this morning. Instead I found a note on his bed," she started.

"Yes, go on," I told her.

"The note said:

To My Dearest Sandra,

You know that I will always love you and there will be a place in myheart for you. But I feel that I am not yet ready to take it any farther and I hope you can understand my words my love. But I will see you around Christmas and please don't worry about me. Of course I'll worry about you, but I'll know you'll be alright with your very good friend, Cj. Well, I must go....

Love forever Mon Chéri,

Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick"

she said then started crying.

"It's OK, I said calming her down then I left 2 hours latter.


"Jc! I'm back!" I shouted.

He came down and gave me a kiss.

"Jc, I feel so bad," I said holding back tears. I told him about the tragety Chris had putted Sandra into. But I knew in my heart that I had to get them back together.

"That's sad," said Jc. "That seemed like it was going to last forever but it didn't work out as good as us," he said hugging me.

"Yeah," I answered while hugging him back. "I'll never let you go Jc," I said looking into his eyes.

He looked into mine and said,"Neither will I."


I told Parrisha and then we planed to get them back together when Chris came back. So, days became weeks, weeks became months, and the month turned into Christmas-when Chris was coming...


Sandra came to my house for a party on Christmas and she had to come soe arly! Let's say about 7:00 A.M. when the party wasn't until 7:00 at night! She had to wake me up!


"I'm coming, I'm coming," I said. I opened the door and said," What do you w- I mean Hi Sandra! What are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry if I woke you up!" she said.

"Well, you did," I mumbled.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing... Come in! I guess we should get ready since we have guest." I told this hyper girl named Sandra. "Oh, you know who's comming today?" I asked her excitedly if she still remembered.

"Oh, my one true love from afar!" she exclaimed," Chris!" she said.

"This affaire reminds me of Romeo and Juliet," I told her.

"How so?" she asked.

"I don't know, just feels like it." I said. "Just wait, I'm going to wake up Jc," I told her.

"Jc, wake up," I said waking him up gently.

"Hey, girl," he said smiling.

"C'mon, help me get ready and guess what?" I told him.

"What?" he asked.

"Chris is coming," I told him.

"Cool!" he said.

So he came down and Sandra and I went to buy some groceries around 3 in the afternoon. While we were gone, the phone rang.


"Hello?" Jc said while answering it.

"Jc, it's me Justin," Justin said.

"You can't make it?" he asked.

"I can, it's just that I need some advice," Justin said.

"Advice on what?" Jc asked.

"How to ask a girl if she'd like to go steady with me, I mean you've done it," Justin said.

"Well, yes I have done that and might I ask who's the lucky girl?" Jc asked.

" *gulp* Parrisha Martelly," Justin said.

"Wow, you really want to do this?" Jc asked. "I mean you've only seen her two times this year. You sure?"

"Yes, I may think it's crazy, but it's love at first sight, you saw me blush haven't you?" Justin asked.

"Well, yeah," Jc said.

"So, can you help me?" he asked again.

"Yeah," he said. "Go get a pen and paper if you want to."

"No, I'll be fine remembering," Justin said.

"Well, all you gotta do is ask the girl and tell her," Jc said.

"What if she doesn't accept?" Justin said sounding nervous.

"Well, your just gonna live it that way. your gonna have to learn either way," Jc told him.

"Thanks, you've been a big help," Justin said.

"Well, bye," they both said. Then they hung up. Then it rang again.


"Jc, it's me, Chris!" Chris said.

"Hey! You can't make it?" Jc asked.

"Well, I'll make it but don't be surprised if I don't come till maybe midnight," Chris said seriously.

"Why?" Jc asked.

"Well, I left as early as I could on my plane but the plane is delayed. So, I had to take the 2:00 plane. If it wasn't delayed, then I would have gotten there 6:55 right now! But it's going to take a little longer 'cuase of all the stops." he said. Then he sighed.

"You really miss Sandra, don't you?" Jc asked.

"Yes, sometimes, I think I should have never done that," Chris sighed after saying that.

"Well, I tell Sandra once she comes so, she doesn't get upset," Jc said.

"Thanks. your a real pal," Chris replied.

"Hey, where are you?" Jc asked.

"In Florda, 'cuase my mom moved there," Chris answered. They said goodbye and hung up.


Well, Chris was last of coure.

"DING DONG!" the door went in the middle of dinner witch was at 8.

"Sandra, please answer it," I said.

Once, she did, we heard a scream and we ran to the door and there was Chris and Sandra kissing!

Then, Justin said to Parrisha, "Parrisha? Would you like to go steady?"

"YES! YES! YES!" she said while she started kissing him!

"Jc, where's my gift?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm saving that 'till midnight...." he said.

"Sandra, let's start all over and be together forever, OK?" Chris said.

"Why, my darling, yes!" Sandra said.

Chris held out a box that was for Sandra. "This is for you,"he said. It was a locket that said, "Chris + Sandra = Love"

"Thanks," Sandra said.


After dinner, Jc tapped the side of his glass cup and everyone became quiet. "I have a an announcement to make," he said.

"Uh, oh," I said.

"Cj,my love,would you please sit in my seat and wait 'till I get back," Jc asked.

"Sure," I said smiling.

Then, he came down in a tuxido and with a velvet box. "Merry Christmas," he said bending on one knee smiling.

I opened thebox and there, was a diamond ring! Engraved was: " I Love you "

"Thanks," I said smiling.

Then, we kissed and hug.

"Read, the card," he said.

"There's a card?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said as he held it out from behind his back. "Believe it or not, I didn't have the courage to say this out loud so I put it in the card," he said.

"Then I'll read it out loud," I told him while opening the the envelope.

"Dear Cj,I did not have the courage to say this, but will you marry me? Love, Jc" I said then started to cry.

"Well, is it a yes or not?" he asked while feeling my cheek.

"Jc, yes! I love you so and I will marry you," I told him smiling and we kissed once more. While we did, all our guest stood up and clapped.


Everyone left and Jc called me in the living room. I came there and the place was dim full of lighted candles!

"What the?" I said.

"Hey,my lovely fiénce,how are you doing tonight?" he asked me smiling.

"Oh, my gosh! How'd, how'd you do it so fast?" I asked.

"Oh, it's just me," he said walking up to me.

"Wow," I said.

When he got up to me, we started kissing, kissing, for along time. He turned on the CD and the song called "I'll Make Love ToYou," came on. We sat on the couch and we started kissing again. Believe it or not, we went to the kitchen and there was a fancy dinnertable. We ate and we drank some wine while while we cheered our cups and kissed again. I was so happy when finally someone spoke up.

"Jc, I'm so happy when I'm with you," I said smiling.

"Me, too," he said.

I saw a sweater on the counter and it was Parrisha's. "Maybe, Parrisha will get the sweater tommorow," I said but she came a little too soon...

The back door was open and while Jc and me where kissing, Parrisha and Justin came in!

Parrisha said,"Oops!"

Then, we heard her!

"Uh, maybe I should leave," Justin said. Parrisha got her sweater and said to us before she left,"You two should get a room."

"Let's make the wedding in Spring," Jc suggested. I agreed and it was all set!


Days turned into Weeks, Weeks into Months, and Months turned close to the wedding! It was finally the day! As I walked into the alter, Jc was standing there smiling real hard and we made our vows and at the end the priest said," I now pronounce you husband and wife."

We kissed and turned to the crowd.

"Ladies and gentalmen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Jc Chasez!" Everyone clapped and then I had to throw my flowers to the bachelorates and Sandra caught it!

Then Chris said to the crowd," I have announcement to make, Sandra Quam, would you marry me?" he asked.

Sandra ran across the room and said," Chris I love you so much and well, yes!" Then they kissed. Everyone stood up and clapped. Finally it was time for the bachelors to catch Jc's wrist band. Then when he the wit, Justin caught it!

Justin suddenly said to the crowd, "There is another announcement to make from me and I would like to marry this lucky girl I have allways love. Parrisha Martelly,"he said while running to her and then bending on one knee, "will you marry me?"

Parrisha was quite shocked then managed to say, "Justin I'm speechless.I don't know what to say!"

"Then say you'll marry me," Justin told her.

She thought for a moment and finaly she said, "Yes, Yes, and another Yes!" They kissed and the whole crowd clapped.

"Jc," I told him.

"What?" he asked.

"Our life will be great won't it?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "Yes, it will."

Then we danced to the tune of God Must Have Spent A Little More Time OnYou.-

--The End---