Close To Your Heart

Part One

*****Flashback*****June 1995*****

"I'm going to get the mail, Adrienne!" I yelled.

"Alright!" she yelled back.

I was waiting on an important letter from my boyfriend, Scott. He told me he had something very important he needed to tell me. I asked him why he didn't just tell me over the phone. He said he could express it better by writing it. I walked into the lobby of the apartment complex and over to the mail boxes. I found ours, 321, and opened it. On top was the letter. I ripped it open and pulled out the letter. He talked about his new apartment and college. Then I got to the bottom of the letter, and it read,

"...I was thinking about us last night. I came to a decision. It was very hard, but I decided that you and I shouldn't be together any more. You haven't done anything wrong, it's just me. We're too far apart to be together and close. Please don't take this to hard. Oh, and I'd still like for us to be friends, if that's all right with you."

'I knew this would happen,' I thought to myself. With tears in my eyes I threw away the letter. I looked at the rest of the mail. A bill, a magazine, and a letter to Joshua Scott Chasez. I saw his apartment number on the address and decided to deliver it to him myself. I didn't know anyone else in the apartments except Adrienne and the landlord. I found his apartment, but before I rang the bell I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I rang the bell. A guy my age appeared.

"Hey, can I help you?"

"Yeah, if you're Joshua Scott Chasez."

"That's me, but please call me J.C."

"Alright, well, here's your mail. It was in my box," I said handing him the letter.

He took it and said, "Thanks. What's your name?"

"Theresa Carter, and I live in room 321."

We talked for a little while longer, and then he asked me, "Would like to go do something later?" I almost said no, but then I realized that I didn't have a boyfriend any more. "Sure, but only if you can get a date for my cousin Adrienne. She lives with me."

"No problem, my roommate Joey will go. We'll be at your apartment around 8:00."

"Okay, see you then."

"Bye, " he said as he shut the door.

I walked back to my apartment. when I got there Adrienne asked what took so long. I told her about Scott. Then I told her that we had dates with J.C. and Joey. She thought that I was starting to date other guys to early. Then I told her that it was just a date, I mean I wasn't going to marry the guy or anything. The rest of the day we arranged things in our apartment. It was a really nice apartment with two bedrooms. There was only one problem, one bathroom. It was difficult to get ready, but we were finished when J.C. and Joey came to pick us up.

I answered the door and introduced Adrienne to J.C., and he introduced Joey to Adrienne and me. They were good dressers. J.C. had on khakis and a black shirt while Joey had on dark denim jeans and a red Tommy Hilfiger shirt.

"Where do you all want to go?" Joey asked.

"Why don't you all pick a place since we're new in this town," I said.

"Okay, why don't we go grab something to eat and then go to a club," J.C. suggested.

We all agreed. J.C. drove his car while I sat in the passenger seat, and Joey and Adrienne were in the back. They talked while J.C. and I talked. I told him I was 18 and would be a sophmore in college at the University of Central Florida. I had transferred there from the University of Tennessee. I told him about majoring in journalism and how I had always wanted to do that ever since I was a little girl. I told him I would be working for a local newspaper that summer. J.C. told me that he was 18 how he had been on the MMC for a few seasons. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go to college or not. He talked about how he wanted to work in the entertainment business, most preferably singing.

We ate at AppleBee's. We had to wait for a long time to get a table. During that time I asked J.C. and Joey about some of the fun places in Orlando. We talked about that the whole time we were at AppleBee's! They knew that town inside-out! Especially Joey. It seemed like he knew everyone in town.

They paid for our dinner, so we insisted on paying for the admission to the club. And we did. We decided to go to an under 21 club Joey went to a lot. He got us a discount since he knew the owner. We found a table and ordered something to drink. Then, J.C. asked me is I wanted to dance. I gladly accepted. We danced to a fast song first. I was blown away by how well he danced. Then a slow song came on. It was "Fields of Gold" by Sting.

"Oh, this is one of my favorite songs," I said.

"Mine too. May I have this dance?" J.C. asked.

"Of course, " I said wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist. "I didn't know you were such a good dancer."

"I had to learn for the MMC," he said.

"Maybe you could teach me something. I seem to lack in that area."

He laughed and said, "You did fine."

"If you say so," I said and looked up at him and smiled. He returned the smile and pulled me in closer. I didn't mind that so I laid my head on his shoulder. We stayed that way for the rest of the song. Then a fast song came on and J.C. tried to teach me some moves.

Later, Adrienne came over and said, "You guys have been dancing for hours. It's 2:00 in the morning, and Joey and I are tired."

J.C. looked at his watch, "Wow! I guess we should leave now." He grabbed my hand and took me back to the table. Then we headed home.

When we got back to the apartment complex, Adrienne walked Joey to his room. J.C. slowly walked me up to my room. At my door he said, "Theresa, I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do it again."

"I had fun too, and I'd like that. Thanks for taking me."

"Anytime," he said. He leaned over and kissed my cheeck. Then he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Goodnight, Theresa."

"Goodnight, J.C.," I said as I watched him leave. Then I unlocked my door and sat and waited for Adrienne. When she came in I asked her how her night was.

"I had fun. Joey is nice."

"So do you like him?"

"Just as a friend. We have nothing in common and that's fine. He said he'd introduce me to his guy friends."

"What were you doing at his apartment?" I asked.

"Nothing! We went there so you and J.C. could have some privacy," she replied.

"You think he likes me?"

"Think?! I know. I saw he way he looked at you all night."

"That's good. I like him too. Well, I'm going to bed."

"Me too, " Adrienne said. She came over and gave me a hug. Then we went to our seperate rooms. Before I went to sleep I reached to turn off the light. I saw I picture of Scott and remembered I hadn't even thought of him tonight. I took his picture out of the frame and threw it away. 'Sweet dreams,' I told myself.


J.C. and I became closer and closer as summer went by. We fell in love with each other more and more each day. We spent as much time as we could with each other. If I wasn't working, I was with J.C.

I remember our first "real" kiss. It happened on our second date to Disney World. We were riding the Tower of Terror. Right as we were about to go on the second drop, he gabbed my hand and turned my face towards him. Then he kissed me. I even had a picture of it. We had kissed right as the automatic camera had gone off. I put that picture on my night table.

For my 19th birthday, July 30, he had a surprise. He came to my apartment and said, "I have a surprise for you. Come with me."

I said, "Wait, let me change." I had on cut-off shorts and a t-shirt. I changed into khaki shorts, a navy tank top, and brown sandals. I quickly fixed my curly hair. When I was finished I walked out into the living room. He had a blindfold in his hand. He told me he didn't want me to know where we were going. When we got to his car, he put it on me. We drove for about half an hour, and I had no clue where we were. We finally stopped. J.C. got out of the car and came and opened my door. When I stepped out he removed the blindfold.

"Oh my gosh! J.C. how sweet!" I said. We were at a secluded park, and there was a picnic laid out. Complete with a small birthday cake and a boquet of red roses.

"I knew you'd like it," he said. "C'mon," he said pulling me over to the blanket.

We sat down and I said, "This is so nice! No one has ever done this to me before."

"That's good. Adrienne and Joey helped me. They brought it all up here."

"Thanks J.C. This is the best!" I said. Then I kissed him. We ate and talked. When it was time for the cake, he lit the candles. He sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I blew out the candles and made a wish.

"What'd you wish for?" he asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true."

He leaned down and kissed me.

"Okay, it came true," I said and laughed.

It was beginning to get closer to dark. J.C. laid down on the blanket, and I laid down beside him with my head on his chest. We watched the sunset. Then, he told me he had a gift for me. He pulled out a small wrapped present. I unwrapped it and found a small box. I opened it and inside was a gold necklace with a ring on it. I was J.C.'s ring. His mom had given it to him when he was on the MMC.

I drew in my breath, "J.C., you didn't have to do this."

"Yes, I did. I want you to always remember me. That's why I put it on a necklace, so it will be close to your heart," he replied. He took the necklace and put it around my neck and fastened it.

I looked into his eyes and said, "I love you, J.C."

"I love you too," he replied and kissed me tenderly.


On his 19th birthday we went to AppleBee's and a club. The same thing as our first date. I wanted to relive that night. I made reservations there at the same table. It was pretty simple, but fun. When we got back to the apartments, I ran inside mine to get J.C.'s present. He unwrapped it and found a necklace. It was a silver charm on a piece of black leather. The charm had a picture of a lion, the sign for Leos. That seemed like a perfect gift to give him, since we were both Leos , and he loved it.


At the end of August I went to school. I saw less of J.C. because of work and school. We still managed to see each other and kept our relationship strong.

In September he talked about joining a singing group with some of his friends. One of his friends, Chris, who I had met a couple of times, got the idea. Joey was going to try it, as well as one of his friends from the MMC. I told him it was the opportunity he was waiting for. I went with him to the first time they all sang together. It sounded good, but something was missing. They needed a bass. One thing led to another, and they found Lance Bass.

They started looking for managers, agents, etc. After a while they found that and a record company that was in Germany. I remember when J.C. told me this. I tried so hard not to cry in front of him, but I couldn't. We had our longest talk over this and decided that it was best that we split up. He was leaving for Europe, and it would be very difficult to have a relationship. He was going to be in Germany for months!


I remember the day he left:

J.C. and I stood in the airport. "I'm going to miss you," I said holding back sobs.

"Same here," he said with tears in his eyes.

"I'll never forget anything we did together, I promise. Just- please don't forget me," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

He wiped away the tear and said, "I promise I'll never forget you" He played with his necklace, "Remember I'm close to your heart and you're close to mine." He kissed my forehead.

"Good-bye, J.C. I love you."

"I love you too, Theresa. Good-bye." He picked up his carry-on and walked away.
