Part Two

Present Day

'Ahh...memories,' I thought to myself. I ws sitting in the conference room where we always held interviews. I was nervously playing with my pen when my secretary walked in.

"Hey, Theresa," Stacy said. "Here are your e-mails," she said handing them to me.

"Thanks, Stace."

"You're welcome. *N Sync will be here in a few minutes. They are finishing up the photo shoot."

"Okay. Have a nice afternoon."

"You too," she said as she left.

I sat and skimmed over the e-mails. Most of them were fans wanting me to ask certain questions. Then I looked at several pictures and magazine articles of *N Sync. I always tried to do some research on the people I was interviewing.

I came across a picture of J.C. He was wearing a black jacket and a blue shirt. A million thoughts rushed through my head, 'Will he recognize me? Will he remember me? Has he changed? What if he's uncomfortable? What if-'

My thoughts were interupted by someone entering the room. I looked up and saw the guys. They stopped talking and simultaneously said, "Hi! We're *N Sync!"

J.C looked at me and said, "Theresa? Oh wow! How have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!" He walked over and gave me a hug.

I returned his hug and said, "I'm doing great. It's good to see you too." Joey came over and gave me a big hug, "It's been too long. How's Adrienne?"

"She's fine. She owns a salon, Coeiffures by Adrienne. It's a few blocks from here."

"Hey! My mom goes there!" Joey replied.

"Really?!" That's when I noticed the other three standing there. "I'm sorry," I said to them. "My name is Theresa Carter. I used to live in the same apartment complex as J.C. and Joey. I've met you before, but it was only a couple of times," I said shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you...again," Lance said.

"Okay, you guys can sit on the couches, and I'll take the chair," I said. When we were settled I explained that during the interview I would ask questions sent into me by fans, ones that I made up, and the ones that are always asked.

First, I asked the ones always asked, 'How did you get together? Where are you from? Nicknames? Ages? and etc.' Then I asked the dreaded question, "Are any of you in a serious relationship right now?"

They all groaned and Justin said, "No. We have no time."

I turned off my tape recorder and said, "Whatever! How can you guys not have girlfriends? I think you're lying...I won't tell, I promise."

"We'll tell you. But only if you tell us if you have a boyfriend," Chris said.

"Hey, I'm the one asking the questions here," I joked.

"Fine then. I guess you'll never find out," Chris said.

"Okay, I'm single."

"Alright. I'm the only one who has a girlfriend," Chris replied.


"Yeah, and I have two kids," he said.

"Chris!" I said throwing my pen at him. "Tell me the truth."

"Alright, you don't have to get violent. I do have a girlfriend. She is 25 and lives here in Orlando."

"No kids?" I questioned.

"No kids."

"Oh, I'm not dating the chick from 'Boy Meets World'," Lance said.

"Yeah, and I'm not dating Britney Spears. She isn't pregnant with my child either," Justin said.

"Okay," I said. I went on asking questions. I wasn't nervous any more. Then, I found one that aked, "Where did J.C. get his necklace? Why does he always wear it?"

My eyes got wide. I had read it to myself before I asked it out loud. I quickly looked through the pictures in my lap. 'He has it on there. And there. And there! How did I miss that?'

"Okay, this is a question for you, J.C.," I said glancing at him. "I really don't need to ask this. Where did you get your necklace, and why do you always wear it?"

He played with the necklace and smiled at me, "Well, a girlfriend gave it to me right before the group formed. She meant a lot to me. I always wear it because it brings me good luck."

I started blushing. I hoped the guys hadn't noticed. Then, I continued with the questions. Half an hour later we were done. It was lunch time, and I was supposed to go to their soundcheck. I also had front row seats to their concert. My editor had just informed me about it yesterday. I told the guys this.

"You should go out to eat with us," Joey suggested.

"I don't know...," I said pretending to think about it.

"Oh please," the guys whined.


We decided to go to a small restaurant Joey liked. We all rode in Justin's Mercedes while the bodyguards drove behind us.

"Sweet car," I said to Justin. I was sitting in the front seat.

"Thanks! Now check this out," he said pulling out his keys. He pressed a button and out popped his key. "You like that don'tcha?"

"Very nice," I said.

"You have to do that every time, don't you?" Chris asked.

"Of course," Justin said. He stuck the key in the ignition and drove us to the restaurant. On the way there Joey, J.C., and I reminissed about past experiences.

A few minutes later we reacked the restaurant. After we ordered our food Lance asked, "Were we easy to interview?"

"At first I was nervous, but I got over that pretty quickly. You all made me feel comfortable, plus you were fun to interview."

"Who was the worst person to interview?" J.C. asked.

"Gee. There has been quite a few. I don't know if I would say it was hard to interview them, but they were totally different from what I had expected."

"Like who?" Lance asked.

"I can't name names. There was one group that I thought would be so sweet and nice, but they were extremely rude. I've had guys come on to me and try to ask me out for dates. I've had lots of snobs. Several of the females I've interviewed were very, very vain. They were constantly looking in the mirror or fixing their hair."

"That happens a lot in the business," Joey replied. They told me their stories of meeting famous people. Justin started talking, and I felt someone staring at me. I looked at J.C. and smiled at him. He winked and replied to a comment Justin made.

Our food came out, and we talked some more. J.C. excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Chris said, "Okay now. Why did you blush when J.C. answered the question about his necklace?"

"You noticed that?" I asked.

"We all did," Justin replied.

"I did because I got him that necklace," I replied.

"Ugh! How did I forget that?" Joey asked.

"Did you all date?" Justin asked.

"Yeah! They were very serious!" Joey answered.

"I asked here not you," Justin said.

"Sorry," Joey said.

"Did he give you that necklace?" Lance asked.

I looked down and realized I was playing with my necklace. "Yeah, he did."

"And you wear it as much as he wears his?" Chris asked.

I nodded my head.

J.C. returned to the table then. We got our check, and they insisted on paying for my meal. I didn't mind that. Before we left, I went to the bathroom. I basically just had to clear my head. Thoughts were running through it like, 'He looks so good. He wasn't uncomfortable. He was staring at me. He doesn't have a girlfriend. What does this mean?!' I left just as confused as I was when I walked in.