Part Three

I walked out of the restuarant and found Justin's Mercedes. They were waiting for me outside.

"Finally!" Chris said. "It took you five minutes in there."

"Hey! I had to fix my hair," I said playfully pushing him.

"Where are we going now?" Justin asked.

"I need to go home and change," I said.

"Do you have a way to the arena?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have a car," I replied.

"Hey, I'll go with you," Joey said.

"That's fine."

We got in the car and drove to my apartment. Justin dropped us off and told us to be at the arena by 4:00. Joey and I rode the elevator to my apartment.

When we reached my door Joey said, "Do you have a dog?"

"Yeah, that's her barking. Let me warn you, she's got a temper," I said while unlocking the the door. A small weenie dog ran over to us. She saw Joey and started barking furiously. "Calm down, Bebe," I said bending over to pick her up.

Joey laughed, "Bebe? Where did you come up with that name?"

"Well, I bought a shirt form a store called Bebe the day I found her, so I decided to name her that. Isn't she cute?"

"Um...yeah," he said. "Nice apartment. How long have you been living here?"

"Thanks," I said setting Bebe down. "I've been here for about a year. Make yourself at home. I'm going to change."

"Alright," he said walking over to the couch. He started watching TV.

I walked into my bedroom and searched for something to wear. I decided on dark denim shorts, a red tank top, and brown sandals. I put on some lipgloss, checked my hair, and sprayed on some perfume.

"Okay, I'm done," I said walking out of my bedroom.

"Thank goodness," Joey said. "Your dog is about to kill me." He pointed to Bebe, who was growling at him.

"I told you she had a temper. She's like this around most strangers, especially guys," I said."I'm going to take her outside so she can do her business before we leave."

"Okay, I'll go with you," Joey said getting off the couch.

I found her leash and attached it to her collar. Then, we headed outside.

"I miss the weather down here," Joey said breathing in deeply.

"I bet you do. I still can't see how you all can leave this place for so long."

"It's hard, but we all love touring."

"Even getting up at 5:00 am and going to bed after midnight every day?"

"Hmmm... I don't know about that part," he laughed. "Other than that it's okay."

"Oh," I said following Bebe. "Do you ever get sick of being around the same people all day?"

"No, actually, we hardly ever get into arguments. Sure, we have our annoying habits. Everyone does, but you learn to live with it."

"What are their annoying habits?"

"Gee, aren't we full of questions?" he joked.

"Hey, I work for a magazine. I'm supposed to be like this," I said. "What are they?"

He laughed and said, "Well, I'm messy. I could care less if my hotel room or the bus was dirty." He paused and said, "They'll kill me for telling you all of this."

"That's okay," I said.

"Some friend you are," he said sarcastically. "Well, Chris can be very hyper. Actually, he's like that all the time. Justin is very grouchy in the morning, and he burps a lot. Lance tries to make us listen to country music. And J.C. is moody sometimes, especially after he gets out of a relationship with someone."

"Oh," I replied. "Was he like-"

"Ohmygosh! It's Joey Fatone! From *N Sync!" a preteen girl shouted.

Her friend screamed and shouted, "Ohmygosh! We're going to see him in concert tonight!"

Joey calmly walked over to them and said, "I'm glad you all are looking forward to the show. You'll enjoy it."

"Will you sign my picture? I always carry it!"

He took it from her and signed it while they asked questions like, "Ohmygosh! Where's Justin? Is that your girlfriend? Is that your dog? How long are you staying?" He politely answered them and told them good-bye. He walked over to me with a smile on his face. "I love it when they do that."

"Do what?" I asked unwinding Bebe's leash form around my legs.

"When they recognize me and want me to give them autographs."

"Really?" I asked amazed. "Most of the people I've interviewed hate that."

"I'm just glad they do recognize me."

"Good point."

"What were you asking about J.C.?"

"Oh, I was just wandering if he was moody when we broke up."

"That was the worst time. He moped around for weeks. We tried to get him to call you, but he refused. he said something about how he wanted you to have a boyfriend you can see everyday instead of one you never saw at all."

"Oh," I said quietly.

"You were just as miserable too, huh?"

"If not worse. I really missed him, but I could never stop him from doing that," I said. By now we were back at my apartment. "Here, let me take Bebe inside, and we'll go."

"Okay," he agreed.

I did this, and then we headed to the arena.