Part Four

Joey and I arrived at the arena safely, meaning that we weren't spotted by the pack of girls waiting for the concert. On the way to the arena, he explained what went on before the concert. He told me about the soundcheck, meet and greet, and other things.

Soundcheck had already started when we got there, but Joey still managed to introduce me to several people. During the soundcheck, I stood off to the side of the stage. I took out my notebook and pen to write down some notes. I watched them all sing for a few minutes, and then I wrote down a few things. When I looked back up, J.C. was watching me. I felt myself blush as I smiled and waved. He smiled and winked at me before he started to sing his verse of a song.

When the soundcheck was over, J.C. came over to where I was standing and asked, "How did we sound?"

"Great," I replied. "I'm getting excited about the show."

"That's good. I think you'll really enjoy it. Are you going to the meet and greet?"

"Yeah," I said following him.

He opened one of the doors that went backstage and let me go in first. A young woman walked by and he said, "Hey, Alicia. I'd like you to meet someone."

The woman turned around and said, "Oh, hey J.C. Who's your friend?"

"This," he said as he put his hand on my back, "is Theresa Carter. We go way back. She works for Music Sentinel, and she's doing an article on us."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you," she said shaking my hand. "I'm Alicia Simpson, also known as Chris's girlfriend."

"Well, it's nice to meet you to," I said.

"We have to go to the meet and greet, but we'll see you later," he said leading me to the room it was being held in.

"I'll find you after this is over," he said opening the door for me.

"Alright," I said looking around the room at the fans talking to the guys. J.C. left me and joined them. I watched them talk with their fans, take pictures, and sign cd covers and posters. They were so interesting to watch. I saw girls with huge smiles plastered on their faces, girl who were speechless, and girls who were crying. I was taking notes during all of this.

"Gee, you were easy to find," J.C. said bringing me out of my daze. I hadn't realized I was standing in the same spot the whole time.

"Is it over?" I asked.

"No, I told the guys I had to use the bathroom."

"But instead you're over here with me, huh?"

"Yeah," he said. "What are you writing?"

I closed my notebook. "Just some notes," I replied.

A young girl walked over to us and asked J.C. for his autogragh. He gladly accepted and even called her 'sweetie'. Then, she looked at me and said, "Your girlfriend is pretty."

I opened my mouth to say, "I'm not his girlfriend." Instead, I was interrupted by J.C. saying, "Thanks."

I looked at him with a very surprised expression on my face. When the girl left I said, "J.C., I didn't think you were allowed to say that."

"So?" he said and winked at me before he returned to the other guys.

I spent the rest of the meet and greet oblivious to everything but the thoughts in my head. I didn't snap out of it until the guys came to take me to the lounge with them.

Hey, Theresa. Are you okay?" Justin asked me when we got there.

"Um... yeah, I'm fine," I said. I saw his concerned look and said, "Really, I am."

I sat in the lounge with them while they took turns getting ready. Right before J.C. had to go he came and sat by me on one of the couches. We were the only ones left.

"Are you okay? I mean, did I make you upset or anything during the meet and greet?"

"No, no, I was just surprised, that's all," I said assuring him.

Can we go somewhere and talk after the show?"

"I guess. Where?"

"How about my apartment?" he asked.

"That's fine," I said getting up to leave.

"Where will you be during the concert?" he asked and stood up.

"Front row on the left- your right."

"Alright. Well, I have to go get ready now, so I won't see you until after the concert. Meet me here," he said. " I hope you enjoy it," he said and leaned down to give me a kiss on my cheek.

"I will," I said softly.

'What is happening?' I thought to myself. My cheeks were flushed. 'I feel like I'm back in middle school. Do I want this to happen?' By now I was at my seat.

I watched the opening act s perform, and I forgot about my problem for a little while. While I was waiting for *N Sync to come out, I started to wish that one of my friends was here with me, even though they don't listen to this kind of music. Then, the girl next to me started talking to me. She seemed pretty nice.

Throughout the concert J.C. made eye contact with me. I blushed each time.

"Ohmygosh!" the girl next to me screamed. "He's looking at you!"

'Yeah, he is."