Chapter Four


Brooke, Lindsey, and Natalie were still chatting with the guys. They had all gotten closer in a short period of time. Brooke more with Joey, Lindsey with Chris, and Natalie with Lance. The girls were all so excited about going to the dance with the “dragons.” Natalie hoped that Jackie and Shayna were all right, but they seemed to be. At least Shayna did, she hasn’t seen Jackie since her encounter with Scott and when she ran off, with JC following her. She shook her head and went back to talking with Lance.

Brooke wasn’t really paying attention to anyone since she and Joey were busy flirting with each other. They were like a match made in heaven (well maybe).

Lindsey had know a little bit about Chris since she had some classes with him in school. She also sees him around her neighborhood once in awhile, hanging around the rest of the “dragons.” She and Chris were just chatting about nothing really, just kinda getting to know each other.

Brooke thought they weren’t in the best place right now, so close to Scott and Jeff. She spoke to the group around her.

“Hey you guys, we should move. A tad too close to you know who,” her gaze went over to a group not too far away from their own. The rest of the girls nodded and stood up. The guys followed suit and stood up as well. Lindsey looked toward Shayna’s direction, she was talking with Justin. *We shouldn’t bug her.* Lindsey thought as the group walked away...



“Shayna, wanna go to the dance with me tomorrow?” Justin asked her, hope gleaming in his eyes. Shayna felt guilty, *Maybe I should just go and see what happens.* She thought.

“Sure sounds good, what time you want to pick me up?” Shayna replied, Justin’s eyes lit up.

“Great! How about 6?” He smiled brightly.

“Sure, ya know where I live?” He blushed slightly at this.

“Um yea, I’ve been passed there a few times and I saw you in your window singing.”

“What?? Opps, um okay then.” Shayna felt quite embarrassed. She never wanted anyone to see her singing.

“Um okay, see you around 6 tomorrow then?”

“Yea, hey wanna walk around? I wouldn’t feel too safe with Jeff here.”

“Sure.” With that, the two began to walk around the mall...



The group of 6 was now split into groups of 2, into couples. Brooke and Joey; Lindsey and Chris; and Natalie and Lance.

Lindsey and Chris were just walking around and talking on the second floor of the mall, far away from the group of jocks below. They still didn’t know where Jackie or JC were, but Lindsey felt that Jackie was all right.

“So Lindsey, what time do you want me to pick you up?” Chris asked her. Lindsey, who was standing next to him, smiled. She was so happy when Chris asked her to the dance for tomorrow night, she had always wanted to go out with Chris. But that little piece of her wanted to keep her popularity in good shape pulled her away. She knew that’s what kept Nat and Brooke at bay as well, but when Jackie had shown she was going “out” with JC, it was okay now.

“Um, 6?” Lindsey suggested, “that’s when everyone else is getting picked up.” Chris nodded in approval.

“Sure, sounds all right, but I’ve got a question for ya,” Chris looked at Lindsey with a questioning gaze.


“Okay, well why haven’t you had a boyfriend this whole year? I know tons of guys that want to go out with you.”

“Well, I was kinda waiting for this one guy to ask me.”

“And that is?” Lindsey laughed.



“Yes, you.”

“Really? Well then,” Chris took Lindsey and embraced her and gave her a light peck on the lips. Lindsey felt great, she had been waiting for this moment her whole life, and now it happened...



Brooke and Joey stayed on the first floor of the mall, and were now in the food court grabbing a snack to eat. They sat in the booth in the corner of the food court, chatting mostly about tomorrow night, the dance. Brooke was so happy to be going with Joey, he was like her perfect match. She had never had the guts to ask him out, since she felt like it would hurt her social status a tad, but that was different now. It didn’t matter now, and she didn’t care...



Now I know different, that all the dragons are different. The saying, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” defiantly holds true here. I know now that people aren’t always as they seem, and I’m glad I know that JC is different.

From where we were standing, I could see Cindy holding an ice pack to Scott’s eye. My eye wasn’t too bad, but it still hurt a lot. JC sensed my pain.

“Hey, that’s pretty bad. Lemme take you back to my place and I’ll take care of it,” JC offered.

“I don’t want to be a burden,” I said.

He shook his head. “You’re never a burden.” He smiled and took my hand. We walked outside and out to the parking lot. We passed Brooke’s 4-Runner and went a little farther. We came to five motorcycles. This must be all of the Dragon’s motorcycles. We walked over to one of them and he handed me a helmet. “Gotta stay safe.” He said and put on his own helmet. I put mine on, and thought, me on a motorcycle? Now that’s a laugh! JC got on the motorcycle and I got on behind him. “Ready?”

I nodded. “I guess so,” I said and he started the bike. I put my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his back. He didn’t say anything the whole ride, and soon my eyelids felt heavy and soon I was asleep...



Jackie had fallen asleep, JC had felt her body go a little limp. He smiled under his helmet that covered al of his face. He’s finally going to go out with her, and she may even soon be his girlfriend. He had waited for this day for a lifetime. He’s known Jackie for about four years now, and since the first day of high school he’s been in love with her.

After about five more minutes, they arrived in JC’s neighborhood. He lived in a house that had one floor, but it was still very nice. He lived alone, since both his parents and his younger sister died in a plane crash when he was fourteen.

He stopped the motorcycle in front of his house and took off his helmet. He glanced behind him at Jackie, who was still asleep. *She must have been tired after what happened today. I’ll just let her sleep.* He got off the bike and scooped Jackie into his arms. He carried into his house and went into his bedroom. He laid her gently down on his bed and covered her with a blanket. He went out of the room and shut the door quietly behind him.

JC flung himself onto the couch in his living room and sighed. Today had been a long day for him, but it still wasn’t over...



Natalie and Lance strolled around the second level of the mall. They saw Chris and Lindsey a little ways away, but didn’t want to disturb them. Lance and Natalie passed many stores until stopping to look in one; a nature store called Natural Wonders.

“Hey Nat, can we stop and look in here? I love nature stores,” Lance asked. Natalie looked at him a little surprised. She wouldn’t have imagined in her life that Lance would like nature stuff.

“Um, yea. Sure Lance,” Natalie answered.

Lance chuckled softly. “Ha, you wouldn’t have imagined that I would like nature would you?”

“Yea, I wouldn’t have thought.”

“Well I have a lot more surprises up my sleeves Natalie.” He smiled and they walked into the store...



Justin and Shayna were now in front of a small flower shop, and Justin stopped.

“I need to get something in here, he told Shayna and walked into the shop. Shayna stood outside the entrance, leaning against a wall. After about five minutes, Justin still didn’t return so Shayna decided to check her voice mail. She walked over to a nearby pay phone, dropped in some coins, and dialed the number. 1 message was all she had one her voice mail so she decided to listen to it.

“Shayna, you best tell your friend Jackie to watch her back. She’ll never know when someone will come to get revenge!” Jeff’s voice said in an evil tone. Shayna gasped. *What does he mean? What is going to happen to Jackie?* She thought to herself. She hung up the phone slowly, Jeff’s voice haunting her mind. Why was he threatening Jackie? Maybe it was from Scott but Jeff decided to deliver the “news.” Her thoughts were interrupted by Justin’s voice.

“Close your eyes,” he said softly. Shayna followed his instructions and closed her eyes. Justin was behind her, but had now moved in front of her, “Okay, you can open them now.” She opened her eyes and gasped at what his hands held out in front of her...



I woke up with a feeling of something on top of me. My eyes blinked open slowly, and I saw a blanket covering me. I shook my head back and forth to wake myself up a little more to take in my surroundings. Where was I? It took me a few moments to remember where me and JC were going, his place. So this must be his room.

The room was white in color, with a light fixture on the ceiling. A desk with binders, books, and paper scattered about it sat in the right corner of the room. A dresser was located next to that, and it was black. Cologne and stuff like that sat on top of the dresser, like a typical guy. A TV was in front of me, sitting on a table, against the wall. His room was pretty clean, which I didn’t think it would be, well there were some clothes here and there on the floor, just some shirts. I looked around and saw the end table next to the bed had a little note on it, being curious, I read it. It said, ‘Locker F1 = Jackie’s Locker.’ I chuckled softly, he wrote down which locker was mine. I looked around for a clock and found one on the floor next to the bed, an alarm clock. It read 5:00, and no way it would be AM so it’s was PM. I must have slept for about half an hour.

I yawned and stretched my arms. I got out of his bed, folded the blanket and placed it neatly on top of the bed. I walked quietly out of the bedroom and into a hallway which led to a living room. I looked around and saw JC, who was sleeping on the couch. I smiled and went over to him. I tapped him lightly on the arm, no response. I tapped him again, nothing.

“Hey sleepy,” I whispered quietly in his ear. This time he pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss on the lips. I wiggled out of his arms and he smiled brightly.

“So I wasn’t dreaming. I was kissing an angel from heaven,” he said.

I blushed. “Nope, I think you WERE dreaming,” I replied with a light laugh.

“Nah, I wasn’t dreaming, no way.”

“Well, I do.” He was now sitting up and I was sitting next to him, my head against his shoulder. He put his arm around me, and we just sat like this. Enjoying each other’s company, happy to be together. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. Today had been a very long day, one of troubles, and one of slight happiness. “Man I’m beat.”

“I could tell why. You had a very rough day.” I winced a little as the pain from my eye came about.

“Oww.” He looked down at me and got up and went over to what appeared to be a kitchen. He grabbed some ice out of the freezer, put it in small plastic bag, and came back and sat next to me. He put the ice on my black eye. I winced a little more and he put his free arm around me.

“This will make it feel better,” he assured me. The ice was making the pain drift away slowly.

“Thanks.” I smiled...