Holly and I had only been in bed for a couple of minuets when our door swung open.

“Holly, did you forget to shut the door?” I asked her.

“No, I shut it.” She said sitting up in bed. I looked over at her.

“Well, then why did it just swing open?” I asked her hugging the blankets.

“Go shut it.” Holly said.

“You shut it!” I replied.

“I ain’t going over there!” Holly said.

“Me neither! I’m in my PJ’s.” I answered.

“Ok, we’ll both go.”

“Ok.” I agreed. I stepped out of bed and took my blankets with me. We slowly crept up to the door and was just about there when,.....

“RRRRAAAAHHHHHH!” and Holly and I ran back into our beds. I jumped on my bed all tangled in my covers. Then somebody jumped on top of me and started tickling me. I could hear Holly laughing.

“OK, OK!” I yelled in-between me laughing. I untangled myself and found Joey, Lance, Chris, JC, and Justin standing at the edge of our beds laughing at us.

“You don’t lock your doors?” Chris asked.

“See, I knew that I shut it,.....I just forgot to lock it.” Holly said with a laugh.

“What are you guys doing up here? Couldn’t sleep?!” I asked with a smile.

“You could say that.” Joey said.

“SOMEBODY, no names, was making a lot of racket!” JC said.

“That’s odd, we didn’t hear anything, did we Melissa.” Holly said looking over at me.

“Nope,” I said, “We didn’t hear nothing.” I tried saying without laughing, but both Holly and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. We bursted.

“I’m sorry, I was just think of a joke that Melissa told me earlier.” Holly said trying to keep a straight face.

“Well, I’m really tired. So, not to be rude, but could you leave so we can get back to our humble sleep.” I said laying back down in my bed.

“Yeah, we can do that. Good Night, sweet dreams.” they said walking out the door. We ran over to the door and looked out the peek hole. Once they got into the elevator, we locked the door and ran back to our beds. A couple of seconds later, we called them to make sure they were there and to say “Good Night.”

Holly and I waited for ten minuets and then we turned on the TV and started our act again. About an half-n-hour of dancing Holly turned off the TV.

“You’re tired?” I asked.

“Nope, I just got an idea.” Holly said walking over to her bag. She pulled out her CD case and popped ‘N SYNC in the CD player. “Now lets dance!” Holly said starting to do the moves we just learned. We ran through the whole act twice during the night. It was around 6:30 when we thought that we were finished. We climbed in our beds and got a wink of sleep.

Chapter 10

“Good Morning.” I said to Justin who was sipping his coffee, “You drink coffee?” I asked.

“Not usually. But I couldn’t get to sleep last night.” he said.

“Oh, why’s that?” I asked.

“Someone had a party last night and didn’t invite us.” he said looking at me. v“Huh- that’s weird, I never heard anything. Did you Holly?” I yelled over to her.

“What?” she asked.

“Did you hear anything last night like someone was having a party?” I yelled to her.

“Nope. All I remember was you guys bursting into our rooms and tickling us to death. What was that all about?” Holly asked. v“Us? Bursting in your room? You must of been dreaming!” Chris replied.

“Nope, I remember that also.” I replied.

“That’s weird, I never heard of two people having the same dream.” Joey said.

All of a sudden JC comes over humming. Then he started dancing. Just then Chris got up and joined him, then Justin and Lance joined them and finally Joey got in. They were right in front of us singing their hearts out and dancing to the movements that Holly and I were dancing to last night. As quickly as they started, they stopped and sat down. JC picked up the newspaper and started reading. Justin continued to sip his coffee. Chris ate his eggs, and Lance ate his French toast. Joey walked out of the room.

“Okay.” Holly said looking at me. I just started laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee my paints.

Justin looked over at me and said, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” I said trying to hold it all in.

“Nothing? Are you sure?” he asked me.

“Yeah.” I said.

“Well, I’m not!” Holly said just recovering from her laughter attack. “You guys got us.” she continued, “I never laughed so hard in my life before!” she said.

“Me neither. How long did it take you guys to make that plan?” I asked. v“Well, we had nothing to do all night, I mean we couldn’t go to sleep, so we sat up and made up some plans.” Chris said.

“At least we know that you two have the dance moves down.” JC said with a laugh.

“No, you know what was funny, your faces when we came into your room. Holly, I would pay a million dollars to see that again.” Lance said walking over to us.

“I couldn’t get loose, I was tangled in my blankets!” Holly said.

“Me too.” I replied.

“I know. You looked like a caccoon!” Justin said laughing.

We all sat there laughing about the incident that happened last night. After we ate our breakfast, we got ready to go and practice some more.

Chapter 11

The practice was the longest one that we had to do so far. It was an 10 hour practice. And man, were we tired.

“I’m so tired.” Holly said walking over to me.

“I know.” I said leaning up against her.

“Well, maybe if someone wasn’t dancing all night, then all of us could get some sleep!” JC said looking over at us.

“What are you talking about?” Holly asked with her innocent look. But both of us started laughing again.

“Ok, lets try this from the top.” Johnny said walking out on stage, “Holly and Melissa, when you do the flip, you have to be ready to do the moves that follow it, Ok?” Johnny asked us.

“Yup.” we both answered.

“Ok, everyone off stage, it’s now the night of the concert. And perform!” Johnny yelled jumping off the stage and taking a seat in the first row.

We all ran off stage and then the band started playing. That was our cue to run out on stage. Holly and I were in the back with Lance, Chris, and Joey. We all had some cool shades on and was trying to act all cool and stuff. Once we got into our positions, Justin started singing “Giddy Up” with help from Lance who had the famous line of, “Girl are you alone?” with this deep, bass voice. All of us were in unison doing the dance moves. After that song, Holly and I ran off stage and got into different clothes while ‘N SYNC played with the audience.

We got into our clothes and ran right back out there. As soon as we got back on stage, they started with their next song, which happened to be ‘Tearn’ up my Heart’. We got through that one alright and next we went to ‘Here we Go’, ‘Crazy for You’, ‘For the girl who has everything’, ‘I just wanna be with You’, ‘God Must have spent a little more time on You’, ‘I want you Back’, ‘You got it’, ‘Sailing’ and ‘I Drive Myself Crazy’ . During ‘God Must have spent a little more time on You’ and ‘Sailing’ Holly and I got to go off stage and take a small break.

With all of the dance moves, instrumental solo’s, and audience participation, that dragged out the show. With just them singing, the concert would of lasted for about an hour, but when you add all the extra stuff, that’s when you make fun. vAfter the whole run through, we got to get a bite to eat. Then we had to go back to the arena and practice through the show three more times before we got to go back and sleep. The guys walked us up to our rooms and said ‘Good night’. As soon as Holly and I hit the bed, we were out.

Just then I woke up to loud blaring music. I opened my eyes to see Lance, Justin, Joey, Chris, and JC in the middle of our room dancing.

“Hey!” Holly yelled, “Can’t you see we’re trying to get some sleep!”

But they just kept dancing, and ignoring the fact that we were yelling at them. Holly got up out of bed and walked over to JC who was now dancing on a chair from our table. She tried talking to him over the loud music but he kept yelling, “I can’t hear you. The music is too loud!”.

As she was trying to talk to him, Lance came over behind her and picked her up. He spun around, and around, and around, till he fell on the bed with Holly. I was laughing my ass off watching everything. Justin was up on the table dancing away, Lance was on the bed with Holly beating him over the head with a pillow, which soon was reversed when he got a hold of the pillow, Joey was next to the TV head banging, and Chris was on the floor break-dancing. I was watching Chris when all-of-a-sudden, someone jumped on the bed. I looked up and saw Justin standing there. He had jumped all the way from the table, which was across the room. Then he started jumping up and down on my bed. I got up and tried to push him off. But, I was caught up in the blankets, and he got me down.

“Ok, mercy!” I yelled.

“Giving up so soon!” Justin said.

“Nope!” I said pushing him off of me and holding him down.

“Holly! Get over here!” I yelled to her.

“I can’t! I need your help!” she said laughing because Lance was tickling her.

“Hold on!” I yelled. Then I jumped off the bed and pulled Lance off of her.

“Melissa, watch out!” Holly yelled pointed behind me. Just as she said that, I was flatten to the bed. Holly tried to push him off, but Lance got her instead.

“Hey, it’s tickle the dancers!” Chris yelled getting off the floor. Holly and I tried to get loose, but no luck.

“OK, OK!! WE GIVE UP!!” Holly yelled. They got up and Holly and I just laid there trying to catch our breath. They just stood there laughing at us.

“It’s not very funny!” I said trying to get untangled from the sheets.

“We’re not even yet!” JC said, “You made ME miss my sleeping time, and that’s serious business!”

“Well, if you weren’t up here now, you could be sleeping!” Holly said throwing a pillow at them. v“Now, that’s not nice!” Chris said throwing it back.

“Tough!” I replied before Holly could.

“Someone’s gonna get it!” Justin said jumping on us, followed by the rest of them.

“I CAN’T BREATH!!” Holly tried saying. I looked over at her to try and help, but I saw that Lance was supplying her with some oxygen, if ya know what I mean!

“Hey, look at Lance!” Justin whispered in my ear.

“I know!” I said, “Mind getting off me!” I said trying to push him off me.

“no!” he said.

“Alright, when I get up, you all are going to get it!” I yelled.

“PROMISE!” Joey said with a laugh.

Finally, they got off and sat around talking for a while. Holly was laying in Lance’s lap till she fell asleep.

“Hey, maybe we should go.” JC said pointing to Holly.

“Yeah, we need to get some sleep for the show.” Chris said standing up, “Jenn is going to be coming for the show, her plane will be here around 11 tomorrow. So, we have to pick her up.” Chris said. Lance tucked Holly in her bed and we all said “Goodnight”.

Chapter 12

In the morning, all of us went to the airport to pick up Jenn.

“Hey there!” Holly said running over to her and giving her a hug.

“Hello!” Jenn said.

“Hey.” Chris said walking up to her and hugging her.

“How’s the ankle?” Holly asked.

“Oh, it’s less swollen.” Jenn replied rubbing it.

“Are you ready to get going?” Chris said grabbing a hold of the wheelchair.

“Yup.” Jenn said. We got her bags and headed back to the limo. We went out to grab a bite to eat. Then we went over to the arena to practice before the show which was at 7 tonight. We were all dressed in some costumes mainly so that Holly and I got the feel of dancing in similar clothes. It was around 5:30 when we stopped practice. For the next 30 minutes, we had a ‘Meet -n- Greet’. After that, we hung out till 6:30 when we got dressed. The arena was already packed full. At this concert, there was no other band opening up for ‘N SYNC. Finally the time came. Jenn was seated out front in one of the special seats for the managers and stuff. Just like at practice, the band started and we all walked out on stage with our cool shades on. All of the dance moves went so smoothly, after I got over my nervousness, the show was already half way over. The show just flew by, but man was it hot up on the stage. It helped with the all the bright lights on you, blinding you, then you couldn’t see any of the audience. At the end of the show, we all took a single bow then a group one. When Holly and I went, a big group of guys held up signs saying, ‘I want you Holly and Melissa.’ stuff like that, but we both enjoyed it. We ran off stage but, the crowd wouldn’t stop cheering, so we ran back on. We took another bow and then left again. Chris and Joey kept peeking their heads around the side of the stage, just enough so that the crowd could see them.

After we rounded everyone up, we got into the limo and went back to the hotel. Jenn was staying at the hotel with us, but she had her own room, next to ours. We all watched TV and ate pizza. Again, Holly and Lance were very friendly to each other. Chris was pampering Jenn and I was chill’in with the rest of the guys. All of us fell asleep watching Baseketball in our room. I woke up early in the morning and found Holly and Lance asleep in each others arms, JC sleeping on the floor, Jenn and Chris sleeping against the wall, Joey in a chair, and Justin on the end of the bed. I went in to got to the bathroom and when I came out, I found that Justin had moved from the end of the bed to where I was sleeping and Joey was now half in the chair and half hanging out of the chair. I slowly made my way over to my bed and laid down next to Justin who had taken my spot.

“Want some blankets?” he asked me.

“yeah.” I said climbing underneath them.

One good thing happened that morning, I got the best message ever.