"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 1

21-year-old Billie Weathers quickly stepped out of the taxi that she had taken from the airport. As she looked around she felt memories come back to her. Orlando was her hometown born and raised. She spent her normal years there and when she left at 18 she didn't know that she wasn't going to go back for 3 years. She looked at her parents house. The typical two story ranch house with the perfect yard and a birdhouse mailbox. "God some things never change." She took a deep breath and walked up to the porch. She had called her mother and made arrangements to stay there. "Billie." She was eloped into a hug by her mother. "Hi Mom." Mrs.Weathers looked at Billie's outfit. "Honey aren't you hot in that?" Billie looked at her Black leather pants with matching boots and her black tank top. "No I'm quite comfortable. Where's Dad?" Her mother had walked into the entryway followed by Billie. "He went to give the Harless' their dog back. The darn thing keeps digging up our yard. "Why don't you go say hi?" Billie looked at her suitcase and her breifcase. "No I have some buisness to attend to...." Mrs. Weathers gave Billie a knowing look. "Honey he isn't there. I saw him and a few freinds leave this morning." She knew what her mother was talking about. Her ex-boyfreind. She hadn't seen him since she left. She hadn't even exaclty broken up with him before she left. She was only supposed to be for 3 weeks not 3 years. Even though she needed to do some digging for imformation she decided that she could spare a few minutes. 'Well if he isn't there...' she grabbed her purse, told her mom bye and walked over to the Harless' house.

As soon as she started walking up the Harless' driveway she saw her father on the porch. "Daddy!" Her father turned around. "BillieBug!" She walked up to her father and gave him a hug. "Hello Mrs.Harless." "Hello Billie. Long time no see." Billie put on a fake grin. "Oh I know but New York had an appealing thing about it!" They talked for a few minutes and as Billie and her father walked back over to their house a jeep drove by. Billie automatically reconized the driver and she knew he reconized her when The color drained from his face and his jaw dropped. There in the driver's seat was her ex-boyfreind, The one, the only, JC Chasez.