"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 10

After Billie finished telling them her plan she could tell that Melanie and her father were still trying to see if they could trust her. "Are you sure it will work?" Justin asked after absorbing what Billie had just told him. Even though she was 90% sure it would. Part of Billie was a little uneasy about it. She knew Vinnie had his weakness and Billie knew that She had it but she wasnt sure if she could pull it off. But she couldn't let them know that. "Yeah. Positive.Now Lets get in JC's car and go to my house. He will know that we are going there." "How?" "Guys dont ask questions. Just do it." They all nodded in agreement as they climbed into JC's jeep and took off. The whole way there Billie couldn't help but stare at JC. 'How could I have ever put his and Justin's life in danger like this? Wht did they ever do to me?' Billie felt so guilty that she knew that they were never going to forgive her. 'Well I know it's not going to make them like me but I have to get them out of this mess.'

When everyboy got to Billie's house they split up. Billie, JC and Mr.Heart went into the living room while Justin and Melanie went to Justin's house. Billie ran to her room and looked in her trunk of old halloween stuff. "where is it? Ah-ha!" She grabbed some fake blood and ran back into the living room. "Ok I found it. JC come here and sit on the couch." JC followed her instructuions as she poured the fake blood on his forhead. "Ok there, now lay down on the couch and try to look dead when I tell you to. Now Mr.Heart I hope that isn't an expensive tie." Mr.Heart started to loosen the tie so he could take it off. Billie poured the blood on it before he got a chance to take it off. "What did you do that for?!?! That was a $300 tie!" Billie shook her head as she continued to pour it on. "Mr.Heart do you think Vinnie would believe that you had the time to take off your time before I killed you?" after he didn't say nothing Billie spoke up. "Didn't think so. Now lay down over there stomach down. JC grab the phone and call Justin and see if they are ready, then hang up the phone and pick it up again, hold it, sit up and look dead." As Billie heard Vinnie's car pulling up the road she looked at JC. "And Hurry!"