"Deadly Secrets"


As soon as Devon saw Vinnie he pointed his gun at Billie. "Hey boss I think we have a little problem here." Vinnie didn't take his eyes off of me. "You know Billie I thought that we had a deal. As long as you kept your part of the bargain, You know kill who I wanted you to and never turn on me I wouldn't kill your family and friends. Now what am I supposed to do. You nixed on your part of the deal I guess I'll have to Nix on mine." And with that Vinnie focused his attention and pointed his gun at JC. "Forget it Vinnie." When Vinnie turned his attention back to Billie she had a gun pointed right at his head. "You shoot him I shoot you. And trust me I will. You know I don't lie." Vinnie gave an Erie laugh. "Billie you shoot me and Devon shoots you. Now we all have a little problem here. We will all die if you shoot me. But if you are smart and don't pull the trigger. Me, You and Devon can all go back to New York and forget about this. Deal?" "No Deal!" Devon's deep voice boomed through the house. He quickly pointed his gun at Vinnie. Billie grinned. "Vinnie if you didn't know there are a lot of people in New York that hate you and if we kill you we will be Heroes. So give us one good reason not to kill you." Vinnie was getting angrier by the second. And he had reached his boiling point. "I can't." And with that he focused his attention back on JC. "Nice knowing you Mr. Chasez. " Billie's mind stopped thinking and as Vinnie pulled the trigger Billie did the one thing she could think of. She ran and pushed JC out of the way. A sharp stinging sensation went through Billie's shoulder. The pain was to overwhelming. The last thing Billie heard was the sound of gunshots blasting in her ear. And that was when she passed out. Not knowing who was shot and who wasn't.

When Billie woke up she knew she was in the hospital. She glanced over to her mother that was sitting in a chair reading a magazine. "Mom?" Mrs. Weathers smiled and stood up next to her daughter's hospital bed. "Hi honey. How do you feel? " Billie ignored her mothers question. "Mom how's JC? Is he okay?" Mrs. Weathers smiled. "Yeah he's fine. Actually he is right outside. He wanted to talk to you. Is that okay?" Billie nodded as she stared out the window. She didn't hear her mother leave and JC enter. "Hey Billie." "Hey." She kept staring out the window. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with me after the whole ordeal was over." "I didn't." " So what are you doing here?" Billie's tone was not cold and hateful but curious and almost childlike. "Billie after you passed out I didn't know where you were shot and I thought you were dying. And I realized I will always care for you and in the past 2 weeks you and me have, well it has been like it used to be. And I know for a fact that I still have feelings for you. So when I saw the blood I got scared that I might never get to tell you that." Billie looked at him almost like she didn't believe him. "How can you still have feelings for me after I almost got you killed? And I don't even know who else is okay or dead. So I might have gotten your friends killed." JC smiled. "Justin. Melanie and her dad are fine. Vinnie well Billie he didn't make it, and Devon got shot in the leg but the doctors said he would be fine. SO you only got the bad guy killed. And Billie you saved my life. And I maybe I am losing my mind but I still have feelings for you and I don't think that will ever change." Billie looked shocked. "JC what can I say? I still have feelings for you too. But I have to ask. Will you ever trust me again?" JC looked into Billie's eyes. "I already do. " "JC can I ask you a question?" "Yes?" "Well before these drugs they gave me take effect and in case I don't remember this. Can you kiss me? That way I know I won't forget." Not missing a beat JC leaned over and placed his lips over Billie's. As they kissed Billie knew that JC trusted her and she factually felt safe for the first time in 3 years.

JC reluctantly pulled away when a nurse came in. "Sir I have to ask you to leave. Visiting hours are over." Billie held on to JC 's hand. "I don't want you to leave." The nurse looked at Billie. "Mrs.Weathers you are only going to stay here overnight for tests and then when visiting hours begin at 7 tomorrow morning Your boyfriend can come back and See you then." Billie's mother had entered without anyone noticing her and spoke up. "Nurse Crawford JC can stay. Believe me you wouldn't win an argument against my daughter anyway. I'll go home and come back in the morning." Billie and JC stifled their laughter at the look on the nurse's face, She wasn't happy. But Billie was. "Thanks Mom I'll see you in the " Billie had to stop to yawn. "Okay I am going to sleep now. " Right before Billie closed her eyes she grabbed JC 's hand. "JC?" "Yeah?" She smiled. "You owe me a ride on the tower of terror." JC laughed. "Okay Billie. I know. Good Night." "Good Night." And with that Billie closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep knowing that her life was headed in the right direction.