"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 13

* 2 months later *

"JC, JC! No! JC!!!!!!!" Billie screamed out in her sleep. "Billie! Wake up!" Billie immediately sat up in the bed and wrapped her arms around JC. "Oh JC Vinnie was there and…and….I didn't push you out of the way, I couldn't…. I couldn't move." JC slightly stroked her hair. "Shh, Billie I'm right here nothing happened to me." JC and Billie had moved in together a week before. Everybody told them that they were rushing into things and that they should have thought about it first. But both of them were to stubborn and they found an apartment. But one thing JC hadn't counted on was Billie's nightmares about that day. He thought that she had gotten past everything but he was way wrong. She never got any sleep at night. She was either watching TV or reading a magazine. Always looking behind her to make sure noone was following her. And even worse she didn't eall anyone about it. Not even JC. Billie had put up a front to make people think she didn't think about it at all. But's all that it was. A front. An act. Inside she was afraid that one day one of Vinnie's guys would show up and hurt everyone she knew and loved.

"Billie. He didn't kill me. You saved my life. Remember?" She got out of the bed. "I'm going to go watch some TV." But she didn't even take one step when JC pulled her back down. "Billie, I want us to talk about this." Billie looked up at JC with her innocent looking eyes. "Talk about what Jace? I don't know what you're talking about." JC had a look of frustration cloud over his face. "Yes you do Billie. You know damn well what I am talking about and I can't take it anymore." Billie touched his face gently. "Baby, you wouldn't understand." "I wouldn't under stand?!?! I was there to you know! But you keep shutting me out and I don't understand why!" Billie could feel the anger boil inside her. "You could never understand! JC you were there but it was my fault! If it wasn't for me getting involved with Vinnie none of it would have happened! Its not you who has to live with the guilt and the fears, I am! You could never know what it feels like! I almost got you killed and What if you had died, huh? I would have gotten the love of my life killed!" With just that thought tears started to flow down Billie's face. "I'm sorry JC. I'm sorry."

JC was surprised with Billie's confession. He did the only thing he could. He pulled her into an embrace and held her until she fell asleep. Just holding her hearing her sobs tore him apart. But He didn't let it show. He just sat there holding her in his arms until her breathing became even and he knew she was asleep. As he laid here down and looked at the peaceful expression on her face he sighed. 'Billie, I only know one thing.' He thought to himself. 'I am never going to let you get away again.'