Deadly Secrets

Chapter 14

**The Next Day**

Billie woke up alone. "JC?" that is when the smell of smoke hit her. Then she heard JC. "WHOA!" She sat up. "JC?!?!" She quickly got up and ran into the hall. Which was covered in a light smoke. She made her way to the kitchen. Her worst fears building up. But when she finally ran through the door she almost laughed. There was JC with a burnt skillet in one hand and a box of baking soda in the other, not realizing Billie was watching him. She had to bit her lip to keep from bursting out into hysterical laughter,forgeting all about the night before. "Umm Joshua Scott Chasez. You almost burnt the place down." JC looked at her startled. Then he looked at the skillet. "Whoops." Was all he could manage. He threw the skillet in the sink. "I was just trying to do something nice to make you feel better. So I decided I would cook bacon and eggs and pancakes and serve you breakfast in bed. But I guess I started making the pancakes and forgot about the bacon." Billie couldn’t bit her lip anymore. She nearly fell to the floor laughing. JC cracked a smile. "What's so funny?" She sat on floor still laughing. "I'm…just…picturing…your face…. When…you…saw…the…flame!" He sat next to her. "Yeah I guess I should just stick to singing and forget about my dream to become a chef." Billie had finally stopped laughing. "What do you mean you dream? I'm surprised you even knew to use baking soda in a grease fire. Hey…How did you know to use baking soda?" He laughed. "I actually did learn something in home economics! I didn't spend all my time watching you." Billie repositioned herself into his lap. "And Tell me Joshua, why did you take home EC in the first place?" He wrapped his arms around her. "Because it was the only class I could take with you. Then I realized that you took it seriously and hardly talked to me. You even became partners with Whitney Greene instead of me! And it was too late, I couldn't drop the class. So I was stuck with Mary Wilson." "Hey I remember her. She had such a crush on you!" JC looked at Billie like she was crazy. "No way." Billie nodded like a 5-year-old who was trying to make their parents believe that they saw the boogieman. "Yes way! You never noticed the way she stared at you? She wanted you JC. " "Wow. That must have been why she was so mad at me because I spent all of home EC looking at you instead of paying attention to the teacher." Billie shook her head. "If only Mrs. Lumae could see you now!" They both broke out into laughter thinking about their old teacher.


Billie and JC were still reminiscing about old times when the doorbell rang. "Who can that be? It's only 9 am." JC shook his head, "Billie some people like to wake up before noon. I'm not one of them. But I hear that it can be quite nice." Billie raised herself to her feet. "It's probably the fire department. I'll just tell them that my boyfriend was playing with matches. Yep you pyro you!" She ran to the door. Swinging it open before looking to see who it was. "Hello Billie." Billie just stood there with a look of shock on her face. JC ran up behind her still in his boxers but stopped dead in his tracks. "Mom? Mrs. Weathers?"

There in front of him stood the two women who looked like they had robbed Mr.Clean. They each had a mop and a basket of cleaning supplies. "Mom what are you doing here?" Billie asked as they pushed their way through the door. "Billie. Just stay out of our way and noone gets hurt." Billie and JC stepped back as the women surveyed the apartment. JC's mom stopped long enough to look at her son. "JC go put some clothes on." JC realized what he was wearing and started to blush. "Sorry mom I'll go right now." He started to walk away when Mrs. Chasez grabbed his arm. "Do I smell smoke?"

Billie walked back into the room dressed to see JC watching TV wearing his jeans and a Tee Shirt. "Bill, Maybe we should leave till they get finished." She nodded as he stood up. "Wait right there you two." They turned around. There stood Mrs. Weathers with a pair of shorts in her hand. How did these get behind your stove? It is very irresponsible of you. You could have started a major fire." JC looked at Billie's expression and knew she was about to lose it. "You know Mrs. Weathers. It was. So why don't we leave and y'all can finish in peace. Come on Billie." He tugged on her arm. "No. You know what JC. We are NOT leaving. THEY ARE!" Their mothers looked at Billie in pure shock. "Excuse me?" Billie grabbed their cleaning supplies and the mops and handed them to the ladies. "You heard me. G-O-N-E! You two are leaving. This is our place and if you can't respect that then too bad. Man we are Adults. Why can't you treat us like that?" "You mean you don't need us anymore?" "That is exactly what I'm saying!" JC started to slowly move away. But what he heard next suprised him and Billie. "Well finally!" The two women went to leave. "Wait that’s it?" Mrs. Chasez turned around. "JC dear, We have been taking care of you two for 22 and 23 years. We love you but we thought that you were getting a little dependent. And if we leave right now we can make meet your dads for lunch. Talk to you later. BYE KIDS!" And with that they were gone.



"Did that just happen?"

"I think so."

"Well are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"A Tom Cruise dance in our underwear?"


They looked at each other with huge grins on their faces. "We're Free!!!!!"