"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 2

JC Chasez couldn't beleive it. There walking not even ten feet away from him was his first love Billie Weathers. "Oh My God." "JC Are you okay?" He looked over at Justin Timberlake his bandmate in the group *N SYNC. "Ummmmm I'm not sure. I think I just saw a ghost." He noticed how different she looked. Her once perfectly tan skin was now a pale color and her long hair was now in a shaggy short cut. And her clothes were different as well instead of polo shirts and jean shorts she was wearing black leather. But he was sure it was still the same person. She still had the same look in her eyes as she did when she left for her 'vacation' in New York. Although he didn't quite know what it was, it was still there. She gave a quick smile in his direction and walked up her front yard with her father. "JC!" He looked back to the backseat where two of his bandmates Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone sat. "What?!?!" They gave an annoyed look. "You stopped in the middle of the road." He noticed the dogs passing him up. "Oh."


Billie ran up to her old room and looked out the window to see JC's Jeep sitting in the middle of the road. "Guess I really gave him a scare." She closed the blinds and opened up the breifcase and grabbed the manilla folder. 'Hmmmm David Heart, age 38,Occupation salesman, address 345 Wilma avenue, phone number 678-2345, okay lets see what he lookes like, Handsome man, what did he do? Well stealing 2 million dollars from a mob boss isn't the smartest thing to do.' She grabbed the gun and placed the suitcase under the bed. She grabbed her cell phone from her purse and dialed a number. "Hello? This is Weathers. Yes I got the imformation. I know. Try to make it look like and accident. I will. OK." She took one look at the gun ,placed it in her purse along with the Manilla folder and walked to her rental car. ' Well lets go see what Mr.Heart is like."

As she opened the door of the Mustang she heard a familiar voice say " So have a nice vacation?" She put on another fake smile and turned around to face the voice. "Well yes I did. Thank you for asking." He smiled a fake smile as well."Well that's nice." She looked at her feet and then back at him. "How have you been Justin?" He laughed a small laugh. "I thought you forgot my name for a minute there. She laughed. "Well that is kind of hard considering you are on the cover of every teen magazine in the world." He blushed "You saw those huh?" "Yeah everytime I look at the magazine rack there I see you, Chris, Joey ,Lance and him." "You mean JC?" When she realized what she had said she quickly covered it up. "Look Justin I have a meeting. Um call me and we can get together for lunch sometime during the week. Wednsday if you're not busy.Bye." Before he could get another word in she was gone. He turned around and went back to his house. As soon as he got in the house he ran straight to JC's room. "JC guess what." JC looked at him. "What?" Justin smiled. "Me and you are going to meet an old freind of mine for lunch Wednsday. That alright?" JC just nodded. Justin left the room with a michevious grin on his face singing a song he made up. "Love is in the air.And they are going to thank me for it."