"Deadly Secrets"


'Melanie Heart?!?!' Billie thought about the picture on David Heart's desk. 'Oh Man. Well maybe I can find out a little about her father.' "Hello Melanie. Nice to meet you." Billie used a warm freindly tone. The young girl returned the smile. "Well its nice to meet you too." Billie had to admit that Melanie was a nice girl. She decided to sit down and turn her attention to JC. "Well JC, long time no see. How have you been? I see *N SYNC took off." She was waiting for a reply but he just sat there and nodded his head. It looked like he was thinking of something important. Then he took a sip of his water and stood up. He gave Justin a deadly look and then smiled a little bit. "Well Billie. It's been nice seeing you again. I am going to go home. Justin I'll see you there. Melanie nice seeing you too." And with that he started to walk out the door. Billie knew she had a choice. She could either go after JC or she could stay and find out more about Mr.Heart. Even though she knew what she was going to do she didn't want to believe that she was going to do it. 'Man...' She stood up. "Justin, I'm going to go after him...I'll see you later. Melanie, I would really like to get together. Go shopping or something. Um Bye." And with that she walk out of the door.

As soon as Billie got outside she saw JC getting into his Jeep. Without hesitation she jumped into the passenger seat. JC just looked at her in disbelief and then chuckled. "Same old Billie. Still doing whatever it takes to get somebody to listen to her." Billie gave a small grin. "Not entirely the Same old Billie. But I really doubt you are the same old JC. I mean we haven't seen each other in three years." JC's smile turned into a frown. "Well that wasn't my fault now is it?" Billie looked out the window and noticed that JC was pulling out of the parking lot. "So now you're kidnapping me AGAIN? I thought you would have learned your lesson after last time." JC still had a frown on his face as he remembered when He had 'Kidnapped' His girlfreind on her 17th birthday.


"Your kidding me?!?!" 17 year old JC Chasez almost yelled into the phone after hearing that his girlfreind had been grounded on her 17th birthday. All of his plans ruined. Then a michevious grin smiled across his face. "Billie, I have to go. Bye." And with that he hung up the phone. On the other end of the line 17 year old Billie Weathers was almost in tears. 'Great! Just great! JC is probably mad at me! I didn't even do anything wrong. So I was 2 hours past curfew. Whats the big deal?!?!" For the next ten minutes Billie sat there thinking about JC. She was about to cry when she heard something hitting against her door. As she got closer she was suprised to see JC's face there. She quickly opened the window and JC climbed in. "JC, What are you doing here?!?! If my parents catch you they are going to freak." He sat on her bed. "I am here to kidnap you!" She looked at him like he was an alien. "Whoa. Conservative, responsible, mature JC is going to kidnap me?" He laughed. "Yup! And you better hurry up because Tony is waiting for us holding the ladder." Billie ran over to the window and looked down and surely enough there was JC's roomate standig there impatiantly holding the ladder. She quickly thought about it. "Okay I'll be five minutes."

JC and Billie had a great time that night they went to dinner and to the movies and then the arcade. When JC helped Billie climb back up the ladder she sat in front ofd her window and gave him a long kiss. "You better enjoy that kiss. Thats the last one y'all will have for a long time!" Billie and JC broke apart and saw Billie's parents standing in front of her window with their arms crossed.


JC started laughing. "I had never seen your parents so mad before! How long was it before they let me go out with you again?" Billie gave a sly smile. "You mean how long was it before they let us or how long it was before we went behind their backs and went out anyway?"