"Deadly Secrets"


For the rest of the drive Billie and JC talked about old times. at about 7pm JC pulled back into the resturaunt's Parking lot. "I can't believe we drove for 4 hours!" Billie exclaimed. "Well JC, I better go." As Billie opened the door to the jeep JC grabbed her arm. "Billie I need to ask you a question." Billie turned around so she would face him. "Yes?" He looked her in the eyes. "Why didn't you come back from New York?" Billie looked at her ex-boyfreind. "JC if I ever told you. You would want nothing to do with me. So lets just pretend that this question never came about. Okay?" JC looked frustrated. "No Billie it's not okay. Look if you don't tell me I don't want nothing to do with you anyway. Look at one time you told me that you could tell me anything. And you can." Billie looked into JC's eyes and kissed him with passion on his mouth. "Not this JC. Not this." And with that she got out of the jeep and into her car and took off. Leaving a stunned JC in his car yet again.



Billie woke up to a familiar scent. A scent she hadn't woken up to since she left. She slowly opened her eyes, and not to her suprise JC was sitting at her desk watching her. "Ugh...JC what are you doing here?" He threw a pair of jean shorts and a polo shirt at her. "Put these on." She looked at the clothes. "JC I don't think I can wear this." JC picked up a pair of leather pants. "Well you cant wear this to where I am taking you." Billie was suprised. "What are you talking about. Look JC I have work to do. I cant go out and play today." He handed her a pair of tennis shoes. "Well to bad. Im kidnapping you. But don't worry this time your mom knows so she won't catch us making out on the roof." Billie laughed. "Fine but you better have me back by 5 or you are in trouble." JC laughed. "What? JC WHAT?!?!" JC looked at her. "With you around I don't need to be scared of your parents." She looked at him. "Why not?" He laughed. "Because I'm scared of you!" He laughed and ducked from a flying pillow that Billie had threw.