"Deadly Secrets"


As JC waited for Billie to get ready he started to look through her picture albums. Most of them were filled of pictures of her family and their freinds but when he came across a purple album he opened it to reveal pictures of him and Billie and Pictures of just him. 'Man I had a bad haircut.' He laughed at some of the crazier pictures. But on the last page was his and Billie's senior prom photo. That was the night they had been voted prom king and queen. It showed them wearing their crowns and laughing like maniacs. The photographer had offered to take a better picture but Billie had insisted on keeping that one. "Besides, ours will be unique!" He looked at the photograph one last time and grabbed another album. This one had pictures of their graduation and pictures of JC and the rest of the guys when *N SYNC had first started. He noticed that unlike the other album which had pictures that were taken days apart, these pictures were taken weeks or even months apart. He flipped through the album to the last picture. That picture was taken the week before Billie left. It was JC and Billie smiling at each other . They had been talking about her trip when Joey had taken the picture without them knowing. "Damn Billie. What happened to us?" "To telll you the truth I don't know." JC was suprised to see Billie standing in the doorway.

"Billie what are you doing there?" She shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to him. "JC I don't know what happened to us. I just got to New York and something happened and I couldn't come back." He shut the album and stood up. "Come on, we have to go meet Justin and Melanie." Billie sttop up as well. "Melanie's going to be there?" JC gave her a weird look. "Yeah her and Justin. We re going to the amusement park. Billie are you okay? You seem more excited that Melanie is going to be there than the fact that we are going." Biliie shook her head. "No! Thats not it, I was just glad I finally get to talk to her. I haven't really seen any old freinds besides you and it will be great to have a girl to talk to. Come on like you said we have to go." With that she grabbed JC's arm and dragged him down the stairs and out the door.