"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 7

Billie looked at THe amusement park with amused eyes. "JC. You know I haven't been to Disney World in 3 years. Is it any different then it used to be?" He looked at her grabbed her chin gently and directed it to the tower of terror. "I don't know you tell me." Her eyes grew wide with excitement. "Holy Moly! JC we have to go ride that like right now!" As she started to run towards the High rising ride like a 5 year old who just had 4 candy bars JC grabbed her aroundthe waist and lifted her up. "Whoa the ine that is probably about an hour long and we have to meet Justin and Melanie in 15 minutes so after we do that we will ride it. Okay?" She looked at him with a dissapointed look on her face. "Oh alright. But we have to get here as soon as we meet them. Promise?" JC had to laugh. "Well I see you still like the rides!" "Yeah buddy! Okay well lets go. The sooner we get here the sooner we can get back!" She had gone to walk but realized that JC still had his arms around her waist. Wehn he had also realized this he quickly released his arms and followed her to thecafe where ther were to Find Justin and Melanie. As soon as they got there hey saw the 2 at a booth sitting with an older man that had his back to them.they walked up to them. "Hey guys. Melanie you remember Billie." Melanie shook Billies hand. "Yes I do. And guys I want you to meet my father Mr Heart."

At the mention of Mr.Hearts name Billie felt a knot in her stomach. As he turned around she quickly ran outside and sat on a bench trying to figure out what to do. JC was right behind her as they left 3 very suprised people at the booth. As he crept up behind her he overheard what she was saying out loud. "Oh man. David Heart can not see me. If he does he will know Im not tat woman and he will probably figure out who I am , and my job will be ruined. Not to mention what Vinnie will do to me. Oh Man. Oh Man. Why did Vinnie have to send me here of all places. I couldhave waited till they went on vacation and killed him there. But noo...-" Billie was cut off by th sound of a bag dropping. Not just and bag It was JC's backpack. As he looked at her with his eyes full of shock and fear. She felt tears start to run down her cheek. "JC." He looked at her not saying a word. She stood up and grabbed him by the arm. "We need to talk." And with that she drug him to a space between 2 buildings.