"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 8

JC backed next to the wall in fear and in shock. Billie looked him in the eyes. "How much of that did you hear?! HUH? I asked you a question!" He looked at her first confused and then angry. "You were going to kill him?!?! You were going to kill mel's dad!" Billie looked at her feet. " I knew you would react this way thats why I didnt tell you." JC looked at her in disbelief. "Billie you said that when you wrecked my car, You don't say that when I find out you are a murderer!" Billie raised her head and looked at JC with anger in her eyes. "I am not a murderer .You got that. I ama hitwoman. I kill people who do bad things. Mr. Heary was no angel you know. In the last 3 days I have found out he cheated on his wife 12 times, he stole 2 million dollars from a mob boss and he Runs an illegitament issurance scam. He is a con artist! e deserved what he was going to get!" JC Was disgusted with what he was hearing. "I can't believe this. You are sick. You disgust me more than anyone ever could." "You don't know what you are talking about Mr.Chasez." Billie knew that voice. "Vinnie?" She turned around to face a handsome italian in his late 20's. "Hey baby.Look like you told our little secret."

Billie gasped as Vinnie pulled her into a kiss that usually melted her. Even though they were only buisness partners Vinnie had a charm about him that billie couldn't resist. But she was to scared to feel anything. "Um Vinnie what are you doing here ?" He grinned an evil grin. "I think the question is what are you doing here? And why did you Mr.Chasez about our little buisness?" When she didn't answer him he grabbed her wrist and asked her the question again. "Vinnie it was an accident. He found out by accident. But what are you doing here." "I decided to see what Florida is like. Plus one of the other guys said that you hadn't called in for 2 days so i had to see if you slipped up. Obviously you did. And you know what happens when you slip up." He looked over at JC who looked like he saw a ghost. "Mr.Chasez. Can you step over here please?" JC slowly walked over to Vinnie. Billie knew what Vinnie was about to do. So she stepped in front of JC with a quick plan. "Vinnie let me do it. He caused me a lot of pain with those little name calling games earlier. Please?" Vinnie gave her a suspicious look as he took a gun from his jacket and handed it to her. "Okay. Here dont waste to many bullets." As Vinnie walked into the crowded streets Billie turned around to a scared JC. "Billie Dont kill me...." Billie looked at the gun and laughed. "JC its either you or me."