"Deadly Secrets"

Chapter 9

Vinnie sat on the same bench that Billie had just moments earlier.He was reading a news paper when he heard a gunshot go off. HE gave another evil grin. "Thata girl Billie." He slowly sat up and ran towards the space like many people that were running at that point. When he finally got to the space. He saw nothing there but a peice of paper. He picked up the paper and read it.


Sorry our partnership didn't turn out better. See you around. Billie.

Vinnie crumpled the peice of paper. "I knew she was a no good peice of trash." He quickly ran out of the space and into the nearby cafe. He ran up to a paniced waitress. "Excuse me miss. Did you see a girl and a guy about in their mid twenties come in here after the gunshots?" The waitress nodded. "Yeah they went over there to that booth with those peo- Hey where did they go?"


*In the parking lot*

JC and Billie had quikly grabbed Mr.Heart, Justin and Melanie and led them out to the exit of the park. Explaining the whole thing on the way out. Well what JC knew about it anyway. Mr.Heart was angry. "You wanted to kill me? Im going to call the cops!" As he reached for his cell phone Billie picked up a gun and pointed it at him. "That would not be a wise decision David. First of all you would get us all killed if you did that secondly you will go to prison for your "Insurance" Buisness. Now if we all want to live. Which I think we do, y'all are going to listen to me. You got it?" Melanie couldn't beleive her ears. "You were going to kill my daddy. Now you want us to listen to you why?" JC looked at melanie. "Because she has been the killer. She knows how Vinnie thinks. Mel. we are safer with her than without her. She had a chance to kill me but she didnt. I trust her." Billie smiled. "Thanks JC." He glared at her. "But after this I never want anything to do with you. Got it?" Billie looked at her feet. "Got it." She looked up again. "Guys this is what we are going to do."