Usual Disclaimer this is FICTION!

The next morning

"so Jase Why didn't you ever tell us that Little Lise your close friends Baby sister was Lance's Favorite actress?" Joey asked as he Gulped the last of his morning Coffee at breakfast.

"Well Joe she wasn't Lance's Favorite Actress till 3 months ago and besideds i didn't think it was important" J.C.Replied looking up from his morning paper he saw Chris and Lance Stumble into the Kitchen Area And Grab their respective Cereals Justin was already on his 2nd bowl of Apple Jacks and well on his way to becoming a human being for the day

"Morning Guys"

"uggh yeah Hi J.C." Chris muttered

"Morning Everyone " Lance said sitting down with his Cereal

"Where's Lise?"

"Still sleeping I guess She didn't sleep well last night. I heard her tossing and turning , ...Guys i don't know if i should really share this.... But last night she told me the story of her and her Fiance-"

"She's Engaged!" Justin Exclaimed Finally waking up

"Let me finish Blondie...She WAS engaged to this Guy Shane well he was Cheating on her They just Broke up about a week ago"

"uucck.."Chris said as he finished his Breakfast"Too bad for Lance"

"Shut up old man" Lance shot back" I wasn't going to hit on her"

"Uh huh sure" "Joey laughed"And I quote Your even more beautiful in person "

"Definatley sounds like hitting on her to me " Justin joined in

"Okay Guys can we reserve the Picking on Lance to later in the day" J.C. chuckled

"Yes Dad " The boys chorused

"Good , But Scoop my man you were hitting on her"

"Who was Lance hitting on?" Anelise asked sleepily as she shuffled into the kitchen

"Morning Sleeping Beauty " .. "I thought i was going to have to Wake You with A kiss"J.C. said watching Anelise reach into the cabinet for some cereal

"Yuck Please no kisses!!" She said Wrinkling up her Nose at him a s she grabbed a box of Trix

The Guys Laughed

"man J.C.a shot down and so early in the A.M." Justin said

"whatever guys , Hey Princess you can't eat thoose"

"Excuse me?"

"Trix are for kids"

"Oh well then here Chris"

They all laughed while Chris sat there with a hurt look on his face

Anelise walked over to him and planted a Kiss on his Cheek

"I luv ya Chris"

"yeah so you say"

"Silly Boy..... so J.C...thanks for the help last night"

"No prob Princess what did you do after we all went to sleep ?"

"I had a staring contest with the Choclate Chip Coookie dough Ice cream"

"Who won?"

"Do you see any cookie dough ice cream in the freezer?"

He Laughed

"we've really gotta go will you meet us for lunch?"Lance asked

"Sure" She said staring into his green eyes "I'll meet ya at 1 'kay?



and with that the guys walked out the door and Anelise went to get dressed


1 month later

Anelise had just finished putting on her makeup and now was looking for the shoes to complete her outfit . She had on a pair of Black Capri pants with a White Strappy tank top and a white button down withe 3/4 length sleves . Hanging from her ears were simple gold hoops which matched the design of the gold chain on her neck and her Ankle Braclet and her hair was pulled back in a loose bun with curly tendrils framing her face now if she could just find thoose darn white sandals she needed................. There they are buried in the bottom of her duffel bag .

"Darn it " She muttered "I'm gonna be late for my meeting if i don't get out of here soon .......

*ring* *ring*

Lance saw well actaully heard a phone next to him ringing and saw that it was anelise's I guess i better pick it up for her he thought i think she's still getting dressed


"HI , Who's this and what are you doing answering Anelise's phone?" A Male voice asked

"Who's this? and i don't think i need to explain my selff to you"

"This is Shane Where's Anelise"

"I Think She's getting dressed let me see if i can find her" Lance Answered Who the hell does this guy think he is he said to himself he cheated on her and he still acts possesive?!

"Hey Rose petal" Lance called "It's you're phone"

"Thanks sweetie uggh i've gotta I'm gonna be late . "She told him as she grabbed the phone from him on the way out the door"Oh and remember dinner tongiht is that formal banquet thing "

"Hey they call me scoop for a reason remember ?" He said laughing

"Yeah I remember Scoop " She said winking as she ran out the door


"Hey lisey remember me?"

"what do you want Shane"


Darn Shane Anelise thought as she was heading back to the hotel they were staying in that night He Called to try to guilt her into t aking him back once again trying to turn things around on her and the pathetic part was she almost wanted too this whole mess could be forgotten life could go on as plan and the Press would never get ahold of the Broken Engagment. well at least the ended relationship they hadn't gone public with the engagment with her being so young But once the media got ahold of the fact that they were no longer together well tabloids here we come . That's one point he had made quite clear but with time she would heal she knew that so she turned him down well actually she more than turned him down she told him to drop dead. and Anelise decided it was time to move on and tonight she would get a chance to dress to kill and she was going to have fun!

As she walked by the Guy's hotel rooms she saw that they were all gathered in J.C. and Joey's room looking at something so she walked in

"Now , now guys dont you have a party to get ready for?"

"We're not you lise we won't take 4 hours to get dressed" chris shot

"4and 1/2 Chris if you're gonna make fun of me get it right" She s aid sticking her tounge out at him

"Hey thanks for the offer but i think Lansten might get jealous"

"Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick" Anelise exclaimed as she launched a pillow at him

"YippEE!!! Pillow fight" Chris yelled

"Noooooo "Anelise said trying to get away from Chris as she pelted pillows at him. She was backing away from chris and she tripped over someones foot then she landed ........right in Lance's lap

"Gee nice of you to Drop in" He commented Grinning at the Blushing girl in his lap

'"Oh ...umm....uhhhh I really should go get ready" She stammered

"Real Articulate Lissey" J.C. Commented

"Oh Shut up Chasez" She said blusing even more....trying to save face she got up and sat down next to J.C. "What are you reading anyways?"

"Nothing" J.C. tried to hide the magazine from her

"Let me see!" She grabbed it from her and found a picture of Shane and Rachel staring her right in the face The caption read *Actor Shane Walker With up and coming actress Rachel Spencer attending a banquet last week...Kinda makes you wonder what happened to his usual gal-pal (and rumored Fiancee) Anelise Passmore Miss Passmore took some time off to intern with Pop sensations NSYNC. and in her absence Shane has been often spotted with Miss Spencer ..could there have been trouble in paradise for everyone's favorite celebrity couple?*

"Well it's public now" Anelise sighed 'Hey guys the magazine says so it's official I'm single"

"Oh Lisey forget about him let's have fun tonight 'Kay?" Justin said as he offered a hand to help her up off the couch

"Yeah Lise come on it's party time!" Joey added

"Yep Lise Party! yay!" Chris exclaimed "save a dance for me?"

"Nope sorry can't Chris"

"and Why not?"

"I can't Dance with old men" Anelise said ducking as chris threw a pillow at her

"Get outta here" He said laughing

"I'll meet ya guys in the lobby in a few"She said as she walked to her room to get ready


"Isn't she ready yet?" Lance asked impatiantly tugging at the tie to his tux

"Calm down scoop! we're not late yet and we told her 7:00 , Haven't you learned yet she's always exactly 10 miin late?" Justin said Chuckling at Lance the poor boy looked so uncomfortable

"He's right Lance i've known her for ever and if she was ever on time for anything i think the world was ending or something" J.C added

"Yep Lance and anyways she's one fine lady she'll make it worth the wait " Joey said

"Man , can you think of anything else" Chris said

"I can ,........But Lance can't"

"Shut up!.." Lance said blushing

"You know Lance Red is just a great color for you" Anelise said giggling as she walked twoard the guys

"Stop Cinderella Let us get a good look at ya" J.C. said

Anelise stopped and executed a small turn for the group of admiring guys She was wearin a Long Emerald green Dress that matched her eyes the dress was quite simple it had a halter style top and a low back . and feel in a simple form fitting line to he feet which were encased in Silver Strappy 3 inch heels she had the sides of her hair held back off her face with a silver barette and gebtle waves fell to her shoulders she wore a ruby and diamond pendent on a silver chain and matching earings and braclet.

"wow"Justin gasped

"Gorgeous Princess" J..c exclaimed

"you look great sweetheart" Joey commented

"Rose petal you're absolutley stunning"Lance managed to say

"Stunning.yes ...but i think I look better "Chris said with a perfectly straight face

"I can still beat you up in this dress Kirkpatrick "Anelise shot back "so watch it. Thanks guys you don't look half -bad your selves.........well except " She stopped as she saw Lance he loooked gorgeous in his tux except for one problem his tie was crooked"come her Lance let me fix that" Lance stepped ove to her and she straightened his tie for him "there All done" She looked into his green eyes and caught her breath he was so handsome and so sweet.......

"cough , cough" Chris said" can we go now you too Just tell Lance he's sooo fine and we can go now 'kay lise"

Anelise broke the gaze blushing I'm gonna kill you Kirkpatrick! " and Laughing they left for the Banquet"


The group had just finished eating and music started playing After whispering together , J.C , Joey ,justin and chris all got up and left to find dancing partners leaving Lance and Anelise at the table

"well Shall we Lisey" Lance said as he walked over to her chair and offerfed her his hand

"We shall Lance" And taking her hand he led her to the dance floor .

Shyly Anelise ducked her head so she wasn't looking into his eyes .. AS LAnce pulled her close he lifted her chin so she met his gaze

"I prefer When my Dance partners look at me"He whispered as he led her across the Dance floor

Captivated once again as she found herself staring into his amazing eyes. ANelise just simply nodded and enjoyed the feeling of Lance's strong arms wrapped around her and the sound of his deep voice as he softly Whispered in her ear the Lyrics of the song playing

"Take my Breath away"

98 degrees

If i had castles built on high

I'd find a million ways to write your name against the sky

just to let you know

you've caught my eye

and if i had more than

wealth could buy

i would sell it all and start over again

for just a chance with you

girl i'd give you my all to win you're love


and i would be rich

And i would build all

my world around you

just to show you

how you take my breath away

and you would find love sweet lady

nobody else this side of heaven knows how you take my breath away

If i could turn the day to night

if i had faith to walk on water

maybe you would see

the reason i thank God for miracles

cause baby when you walked into sight

you turned an ordinary man like me into a King

I would do anything to win your love


I think there's something here worth saying

I don't want to scare you

so let me make my wish

and hope that you believe

in simple love like i do

say that it's true , Baby

cause you've got me Shakin'

My breath has now been taken

I've got to overcome this achin

to win your love


Lance lowered his mouth to hers as the music slowly faded away

"Lance......" Anelise started breaking away from him...."I'm sorry. ...Lance I can't" and she ran off leaving Lance alone on the Dance floor as she pushed her way through the crowd

"Lise wait" He called starting after her but he stppped when he saw the girl wind up In J.C.'s arms always J.C. when would she come to him with her problems?


"Whoa Princess" J.C. said as he saw Anelise pushing her way through the crowded dance floor he had just finished a dance with a lovley young lady and was heading back twoard the table When he saw her He caughtAnelise's arm and pulled her to him

"Lise what's wrong?What happened with Lance"

She just sobbed against his chest he could make out very few words all he caught were

"lance.........Kiss.....Love "

"Sweetie you're not making sense come on let's go for a walk" and he led her outside

"now tell me what happened darlin"

"OH Josh I don't know what to do Lance Kissed me And i like him I Really do I think I might Love him But it's so soon too soon I can't deal Josh I Just can't"

"shhhh Sweetie we'll figure something out okay"

"Promise Josh?"

"I promise Lisey , I promise"


The next morning

Anelise awoke to a soft Knock on her door She opened her eyes to see she was still wearing the dress from last night and then rolled over to find that her "pillow" was actually a sleeping J.C. "what" She muttered thinking why is J.C in here oh they had COme back to her room to talk things over about Lance They must have fallen asleep

"Who is it?"

"It's Your worst Nightmare.I Wanted to know if you were ever getting up and have you seen J.C. can I come in?

"Depends is it just you?"

"Yep Well and Curly Joey's still asleep And Lance is out taking a walk or something"

"come in then" Anelise got up and pened the door

"well I guess you've seen J.C." Chris Raised his eyebrows as justin followed him into the room

"Don't give me that look Chris WE're bothe fully dressed"

"Nuh uh"

"What do you mean "nuhuh""

"J.C. doesn't have a jacket and tie on anymore"

"oh shut up Chris "

"Who gets to wake him up?" Justin asked

"Definatly not me"

"I will < Iwill "Chris said jumping up and down"

"Go for it kirkpatrick"

Chris went into the bathroom and filled a cup with cold water then he stood over J.C. and sprinkled some on his face

"Lise.." He mumbled"why Lance why not me...."

"oh my " Chris exclaimed"this could get interesting.."

"Christopher!!!!!" ANelise said blushing

"okay okay I'll wake him up" ANd with that Chris Dumped the cup of Ice cold water On J.C.'s chest

"accckkkk" J..C. jumped up "Chris i'm gonna kill you"

"NOOOO I'm scared " Chris screeched as he hid behind ANelise

"Help me princess The big bad SLeep Monster's going to get me "

Chris stood up and Ran to where Justin was by the bed as he started handing Chris Pillows which he threw At J.C,

"come on Lise help" Justin said

Anelise observed for a minute Chris looke dabsolutley crazy as he stood on the bed throwing Pillows at J.C who was Picking up the pillows Chris threw at him and throwing them back .

Justin was trying to pick up the pillows Chris dropped and throw them at J.C. but was getting hit with the majority of the pillows they both were throwing

What to do she thought well ANelise reached out as J.C. moved past her and grabbed him by the waist

"Tickle time" SHe exclaimed as she started tickling him J.C. Fell back onto the bed laughing

"Lis..................come on fair....................'J.C.managed to get one of his hands right behind her neck her most ticklish spot he knew and started Tickling AS he rolled over so she couldn't move

"Josh Stop " SHe said laughing "help guys"

"Okay we'll help" And Chris and Justin Proceeded t o help J.C. tickle ANelise

"ring , "ring"

"Hello Miss Pasmore's room How may I direct you" Chris answered in a nasally high pitched voice

"um hmm Okay ...miss Passmore it's you agent calling" laughing Anelise picked up the phoneThe guys watchind as the smile on her face turned to a frown

"But Julie I can't..I Know..............Oh you ..alright......fine.....yes this afternoon...fine thanks"

"hat's wrong Lisey Justin asked

"Oh Guys I have to go they need to reshoot a few weeks of shows the film's messed up and i have to leave this afternoon"

"But the internship"

"technically i only had to do a 4 week internship i just wanted to make it longer .."

"But what about lance?"

"I don't know Josh I just don't know"