"How Do I Get There?"

Chapter 1

"Tamara, Hello are you there?" I picked up the phone that I had dropped two minutes earlier. "Lisa Michelle Bass tell me you are joking." I told my best freind of three years. I heard her sigh on the other line. "Tamara do you want me to repeat myself?" After a long pause she cleared her throat. "Fine. Tamara. I gave your demo tape to my cousin Lance so he could here what you sound like and decide if he wants to be your manager." I was upset. "How could you do that?!?!?!" "Hold on I'll be over there in a second." Before I said no I heard a click. "Man." I hung up the phone and walked over to my back door, unlocked it and stepped back just in time for Lisa to walk in. "You know Tamara you always complain that your music career isn't taking off but you don't do anything about it!" I sighed. "Lisa nobody wants to hear a 15 year old singing country music." She gave me one of her famous 'are you crazy' looks and said "Hello, ever hear of a little superstar called LeAnn Rimes? Look I know what your problem is." "Oh no here we go again." Lisa was always someone's shrink. In fact that's how we became freinds.

I listened to Lisa tell me that I needed guts. "Tamara, you are too scared. If you really want to be somebody you need to do something to make it happen." "I thought you were the guts of this operation. Isn't that how it works? I plan it out you pull it off." Before she could answer my phone rang. "Lisa you get it." She picked up the phone. "Hello Tamara and Lisa's fish fry. You catch 'em. We cook 'em....Oh hey...Oh....Hold on." She handed me the phone. "Hello?" "Hello Tamara?" I heard a deep voice reply. "Yes, Who is this?" I heard Lisa give a small laugh. "This is Lance Bass. I'm calling about this Demo Tape My cousin Lisa gave me." I started to feel a knot form in my stomach. "Is that you singing on it?" The knot was getting larger by the second. I could barely squeek out a "Yes." My stomach started to feel like it was going to explode. "Can you verify that it's you?" "Ummm yeah hold on." I motioned for Lisa to get my guitar and I turned on the speakerphone. "What do you want me to sing?" "Anything will be fine." I knew the perfect song. I started to play a tune and then I started to sing the words.

Strawberry Wine,
A hot July moon,
Saw everything,
My first taste of love,
Oh Bittersweet,
Green on the vine,
Like Strawberry Wine.

"How was that?" I was scared to death that he was going to say that it was horrible. He didn't. "That was great! Tamara we are going to be in town next weekend. I would really like to meet you. Lisa can I talk to you for a second?" Lisa picked up the phone again. "Lance? Ok.Yeah.Really?Oh that is so cool!I promise everything I said is true. Yep. 3 o'clock.See you then.Bye." She hung up the phone. I didn't realize I was jumping up and down in my chair until Lisa put her hands on my shoulders to hold me down. "Whoa girl. If you jump any higher you'll go straight through the roof." I gave a nervous Laugh. "Lisa." She walked into the living room and sat down on the couch not saying a word. "LISA!!!!" She looked at me startled. "WHAT?!?!?!" "What did your cousin say?" She gave me a small smile. "Well I promised not to tell..." I gave her a pleading look. "But we are going to meet them at their hotel suite saturday at 3." "Them?" "Oh Yeah. The rest of the guys. JC, Justin, Joey, and Chris. You know the rest of *N SYNC." "I know who they are but why are we meeting all of them?" She gave me an apolagetic look. That's when I realized why we were meeting all of them. "Oh no Lisa! No way! No How!" "I'm sorry but they all want to hear what you sound like.But think of it this way. This could be your big break! And it isn't like you have anything better to do." I knew I wasn't going to win this one. I shook my head and threw my hands in the air."Fine!Fine! I'll go but only because I want to be rich and famous and be able to say words like dahling and be able to tell a waiter that the food from his resturaunt was atrocious."She giggled. "And you'll be able to wear the worst outfit in the world and nobody will care because your a celebrity." I put my hand on my forhead and pretended to faint. "And when I do something like this the tabloids will say that I have some incurable disease that they made up!" I jumped up. "And we will be eating at resturaunts with weird french names sitting next to people like Liz Taylor and Steven Speilberg!" She gave me a weird look."Dahling. I want to sit next to Leonardo Dicaprio and Freddie Prinze Jr.!" We both fell to the floor laughing. "Oh look it's the laughing Hyenas." I looked up to see my brother Jeremy and Lisa's brother Jason who was also Jeremy's best freind. I rolled my eyes. "If it isn't Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber." They both gave me a mean look. Jeremy looked over at my guitar. "I thought mom said to put your guitar back in your room after you got done practicing. I don't want to go to the hospital again." I grabbed the guitar and looked over at Lisa "Sheesh your brother trips over your guitar, falls down the stairs and breaks his arm one time and he never lets you forget it. Plus I wasn't practicing....."I started walking to my room motioning for Lisa to follow me. "I was auditioning." The guys followed us. "For what?" I laughed "My Big Break!" and with that I stut the door in their faces.