Chapter 1

Dan: Yo, are you ladies ready yet? Kristen: No, so stop complaining. It’s your fault that you’re best friends with girls. What do you expect? Dan: I don’t know. I was hoping that there would be a miracle, and we would actually get somewhere on time. Jenna: Well it’s not going to happen, babe, so get over it. No one gets to these clubs early, anyway. Dan: Yeah, well I’m hoping that the women, here in Florida, are more interested in me than the ones back in New York. Kris: (pinching cheeks) How could anyone not love this adorable face of yours? Jenna: I know! I’m having so much trouble keeping my hands off of him right now. Dan: Okay, okay. Enough with the jokes, now can we get going? Kris and Jenna: (looking at each other) Oh, I guess so.

Later at the club: Kris and Dan are talking, and Jenna’s getting a drink…

Man: Hey there sweet thang, wanna dance? Jenna: (smiling and laughing) Why not. Man: So, uh, what’s your name? Jenna: Oh, sorry. I’m Jenna. Man: My name is JC. Jenna: You are him, aren’t you? JC: (he pulls her close and whispers in her ear) Who do you think I am? Jenna: Aren’t you in that group, ‘N Sync? JC: How did you know? Jenna: Well I’ve sorta been in love with you for a wh...Okay, I did not just say that out loud. JC: Sorry to bust your bubble, but ya did. Jenna: Alright, well there goes all chances for a relationship— JC: Well actually, I feel even more attracted to you right now than I was before. Jenna: Oh really? JC: (pulling her even closer) Mmhmmm.

Meanwhile Dan goes to get some drinks…

Woman: (sitting right next to the refreshments) Hi. Dan: Hi. Woman: What’s your name? Dan: Dan. What’s yours? Woman: Andrea. Dan: If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your leg? Andrea: Oh, I fell down a flight of stairs when I tripped on a skateboard. Dan: Ouch. Andrea: Yeah, it hurts, but I’ll live. I was wondering if you’d sit down and keep me company. All of my friends are partying on the dance floor and left me all alone. Dan: It would be my pleasure.

Across the room…

Man: Hey there. Can I have the honor of dancing with a beautiful young lady? Kris: Who me? Man: No, the person next to you...of course you! What do ya think I’d want to dance with that guy right there? Kris: Hey, ya never know. Man: Well? Kris: I’d love to dance. Looks like my friends have found dates anyway. Man: (taking her into his arms) Well isn’t that convenient? Kris: (laughing) Who are you anyway? Man: Oh, I must have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is James, but everyone calls me Lance. Kris: Lance? How does that have anything to do with James? Lance: Well, Lance is my middle name and James is sorta formal, so it just stuck, I guess. Ya know, you never told me your name either. Kris: I didn’t, did I? My name is Kristen, but my friends call me Kris. Sorry, but I don’t have any cute reasons why they call me that. It’s just a nickname. Lance: That’ll do.


Andrea: So, Dan, where are you from? Dan: Oh, I’m from New York. Andrea: I love New York! So why are you here? Are you on vacation, or something? Dan: Sorta. Me and my best friends just graduated college. We’ve been planning on taking a trip to celebrate the occasion for a while, so here we are. Andrea: You have friends here? That’s cool. Where are they? Dan: Umm...oh there they are. That’s Jenna over there dancing with the brown-haired guy. Chances are, he has blue eyes cause she is such a sucker for blue eyes. And, Kristen is dancing with the blond-haired-guy over there. Kris is a nut. (laughing) She definitely acts like a little kid with an adult body. Andrea: That’s cool how you’re best friends with two girls. And you guys are comfortable with rooming with each other and everything? Dan: Oh yeah. Our relationships are completely platonic. Jenna and I almost hooked up once, though. Andrea: How? Dan: Well, we have a really tight relationship. I have been friends with Jenna longer than with Kris. We’ve been best friends since ninth grade. That means that we’ve been friends for almost eight years now. Andrea: Wow. Dan: Anyways, one day, Jenna was kidding around and said, “See ya later, babe!” Then this whole big joke started and we started calling each other babe, hun, honey, darling...the list goes on and on. We would put our arms around each other, and even joke that we were going out. Everyone believed us and thought that we were actually a couple. We always told each other about our current crush, but I always had a certain attraction to her. The way she holds herself, and how she cracks jokes all the time. I always thought that she felt the same way about me. Andrea: Aww, that’s so sweet! Why didn’t you ever tell her? Dan: Because I knew how strongly she felt about this one guy. She always talked about how she knew he liked her, and was hoping that he would ask her out. Andrea: So why don’t you tell her now? Do you still feel the same way about her? Dan: I’ll always feel that way about her, but I’ve learned to get past that. I’ve dated girls that I was really serious about while feeling this way. Andrea: Yeah, but you’ll never know what she would say if you don’t ask her! Dan: I guess that’s just something I’ll have to wonder about.

As the two are dancing…

JC: So, do you wanna meet my friends? Jenna: You mean the rest of the group? JC: Yup. Jenna: Sure. (the two walk over to three guys sitting at a table) JC: (with his arm around Jenna) Guys, this is Jenna. Jenna this is Joey, Justin, and Chris. Joey: So, how has JC been treatin’ you? If he does anything to you, we can always rough him up for ya. Jenna: Aw, you would do that for me? Chris: Of course. Jenna: You guys are just too sweet. Chris: We know. (with a smirk on his face) So, uh, are you up for a little fun? JC: I’m still getting to know her, and you wanna scare her away? Jenna: Hey, I’m up for anything. I’m the party animal out of me and my best friends. Joey: You have friends here? Jenna: Yup. Justin: Hey, ya think you could hook me up with one of ‘em? Jenna: Well, I’m here with two friends. Looks like Lance already got to one of them. That’s Kristen over there. You could always hook up with Dan, but it looks like he’s taken too. Justin: Yo, you never told me that one of them was a guy. Jenna: Well you never asked. Justin: (sarcastically) Ha, ha, ha. Jenna: Why thank you. I know I’m just so hilarious, right? Chris: Okay, okay. So are you ready for some fun? Jenna: I’m always ready for fun. Joey: (to JC) You got a feisty one, here. You better watch out. JC: (staring at Jenna) Yeah, but that’s what makes her so attractive. Justin: Hoo ha! Down boy! Chris: Alright. Back to the topic, now. I challenge you to do a skit with me on the stage in front of all of these people. Jenna: That’s all you could come up with? Nah, we gotta spice this up a little. Let’s go talk about some of my ideas.