Chapter 10

Hours Later, the Door of the Apartment Opens…

Joey: Jenna! (runs over and puts his arms around her) You poor thing, are you okay? It looks like you’ve been crying all day. Jenna: (sniffs) I’m fine, I just wanna be alone right now. Lance: Jenna, you need to talk to us. Jenna: Not right now. I just really want to be alone. (walks into her room and shuts the door) Jeff: Man, oh man. What are we gonna do about her? Joey: Well, first of all, we need to call the guys and tell her that she’s home. Justin J: Yeah, they’re probably worried sick. Lance: Okay, I’ll call. (picks up phone and dials his apartment) Chris: Hello. Lance: Hey, Chris, this is Lance. Chris: Hey, how’s it going over there? Lance: Jenna’s home. Chris: She is? Lance: Yeah, but she doesn’t want to talk to us. We’re gonna try to persuade her though. Chris: Yeah, you’ve got to convince her to talk to JC. He’s definitely not going to make the first move. He’s way to arrogant for that right now. Lance: Yeah okay. What are the guys up to? Chris: Well, Drew and Justin are playing video games right now. And Nick and I are taking a little snooze. I would ask what you’re doing, but I think I already know the answer to that. Lance:Yup. Oh, listen, I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you later if anything happens, okay? Chris: Yeah, same here. Lance: Okay, see ya. Chris: Bye. Lance: Alright, boys. This is the plan…

An Hour Later…

Joey: (knocks on Jenna’s door) Jenna, can I come in? (silence) Jenna? (turns the knob to find that it’s open, walks in and sees her crying on the bed) I’ve got something for you. How does milk and brownies sound? I know you like it! Jenna: As good as that smells, I’m not hungry right now. Joey: (sits on the bed) Jenna, come here. Jenna: (hugs him as she starts to cry) Joey, I can’t deal with this anymore. Why did he have to do this to me? Joey: I know it’s hard. Trust me, I do. Jenna: Right now, I am just so incredibly mad at him. How could he think that I would cheat on him? How? Joey: I don’t know. I think that he was just so extremely jealous of all of your guy friends, that when he saw this, he just exploded. Jenna: But if he truly loved me with all of his heart, he would know that I would never cheat on him. Not even in my wildest dreams. (sniffs) Joey: But Jenna, if you think about it, the only reason he reacted so much, was because he can’t stand the thought of losing you. You mean everything to him. Jenna: He sure didn’t act that way. Joey: But that is how he feels. He loves you more than life itself. Jenna: (crying) I feel the same way about him. I just broke up with him because I couldn’t stand the thought of him not trusting me. Joey: But he does trust you. He just doesn’t trust any of your friends. Jenna: Oh, well isn’t that nice. Joey: You’re gonna have to listen to me on this one. Now you need to find JC, and explain to him how you feel. And somehow, you two need to get back together. There’s no way that JC’s going to look for you right now, because I’m sure he’s feeling horrible. Jenna: Are you sure he’ll talk to me? Joey: If he doesn’t, then he’s even more stupid than I thought he was. Jenna: (looks at him) Thank you. (pauses) For being the true friend that I have always longed for.

At the Beach…

JC: (thinking to himself) What did I do to deserve this? I loved someone with all my heart. That’s what I did. And I got punished for it. Why would she do this? Why would she cheat on me with my own friend? I just don’t understand what was going through her head. I wish I did, though. It would make all of this so much easier. (watches the waves crash, and sighs) Boy, does this remind me of her. When we first kissed, we were right here. We were watching the sunrise, while listening to the sound of waves crashing onto the shore. Why couldn’t we be like that again? Why couldn’t we be a happy couple like the way we were before? I know now, that that was the happiest time of my life. Jenna: It’s beautiful, isn’t it? JC: (turns around quickly to see her standing behind him) Jenna. Jenna: (sits down next to him) It sort of reminds me of our first kiss. JC: What are you doing here? Jenna: Looking for a spot with enough memories to make me feel better. Looks like I found the spot. JC: (suddenly) Why did you do it? Jenna: What? JC: Why did you kiss him? Just tell me the truth. Jenna: Are you sure you want the truth? JC: Yes. I hate suffering like this. Jenna: Drew and I were sitting on the couch, and he asked me what I thought of our relationship. I was starting to tell him that I had a boyfriend that I loved from the bottom of my heart, and just as I started, he kissed me. Do you understand? He kissed me. Just at that very moment, you walked in the door. Now if you don’t believe me, then I don’t think this relationship is going to work any longer. JC: Just answer this one question. Jenna: What? JC: Have you ever thought of kissing one of your friends while we’ve been going out? Jenna: Never. JC, you mean the world to me. I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you too much. JC: How could you not be mad at me after all I’ve done to you? Jenna: Oh, believe me, I was extremely mad at you. I didn’t stop crying all day. Not until Lance and Joey calmed me down. They made me realize that no matter what mistakes people make, nothing can stop me from loving you. JC: (looks into her eyes, and suddenly puts his arms around her) Jenna, I’m so sorry. I never should have reacted that way. I knew deep down that you would never cheat on me, but I’ve just been so jealous lately, I didn’t know what to think. My jealousy took over and before I knew it, we were yelling at each other. Jenna: I know what you mean. JC: I hate it when we fight. Please Jenna, tell me you’ll be my girl again. Jenna: (turns so they look into each other’s eyes) I would be crazy not to. (they kiss passionately)

At the Apartment, the Next Morning…

Kris: (walks in the door with luggage in her hands) Hello! Anyone home? Lance: Kris? Kris: Lance! (drops bags and runs to Lance as they start to kiss) Dan: (walks in the door) Hey where’s my kiss? Lance: You’ll get your turn. Joey: Hey guys, you’re home! Dan: Yeah, did Jenna come back? Joey: She came back last night. I convinced her to go find JC and talk it out with him. Kris: So she’s okay? Jeff: We believe so. She didn’t stop crying all day, though. Justin J: Yeah, I felt really bad. Dan: Where is she now? Lance: Hopefully with JC. JC: Anybody home? Joey: JC? JC: (walks in the room holding Jenna’s hand) Hey guys. Kris: You’re back together! Jenna: (kisses JC on the cheek)Of course, that’s thanks to all of you. Dan: Shouldn’t we call the guys to let them know that they’re home? Jeff: They probably want to know so they can come over here. Jenna: Okay, well we’re gonna go get washed up and everything. I feel all disgusting right now. Joey: Yeah, make sure you take a shower too. JC: Hey, shut up, you!

Half an Hour Later…

Justin: So where are they? Lance: They’re getting ready. You know, taking showers, stuff like that. Chris: Hey, I didn’t know you guys were home. Kris: Yeah, we just got back. Justin: How was your trip? Kris: (teasing) Dan’s got a girlfriend. Chris: Oh really. How is she? Wink, wink. Dan: Okay, I’ll just ignore that comment. JC: (walks in the room) Hey guys, how’s it goin? Nick: Excuse me, but we waited for you all yesterday and last night, and you didn’t show up once. JC: I had a lot of thinking to do on my own, and I knew that you guys would be waiting for me if I went home, so I stayed at the beach all day. Drew: Listen, I hope there’s no hard feelings. JC: Well, I hope you know that I was fuming when I left the house. But I’ve thought it over, and no one ever told you that Jenna and I were together. It’s an honest mistake. I just hope you don’t expect me to be best friends with you right now. Drew: JC, I understand where you’re coming from. Let’s just forget the whole thing happened. Joey: Okay, now let’s go eat breakfast. I’m starving! Lance: You’re always starving! Joey: Well then you shouldn’t be that surprised, now should you? Justin: Okay, okay. Move it or lose it, guys.

The Night Before the Guys Leave on Tour…

JC: Is she ready yet? Dan: Hold on, I’ll go get her. Kris: So, where are you taking her? JC: We’ve got reservations at that new restaurant in town. Kris: Oh, the one on the water? JC: Yeah. Kris: How did you ever manage that? I heard it’s been booked. JC: I made the reservations over a week ago. Kris: Smart. I’m sure you’ll have a great time. JC: I always do when I’m with her…(his attention is directed towards the stairs as Jenna comes down in a beautiful black dress) Jenna: You like? (turns to show off her dress) JC: You look like an angel. (kisses her) Jenna: Well, let’s get going. We don’t want to miss our reservation.

After Dinner…

Jenna: I can’t get over this view. It’s spectacular. JC: (looking at her) Not as wonderful as mine. Jenna: (looks at him and laughs) Okay, you don’t have to use the cheesy pickup lines on me, JC. You already know I love you. JC: (looks lovingly at her) Would you like to dance? Jenna: I’d love to. (they get up and start to slow dance) JC: Jenna, are you happy? Jenna: Why on earth would you ask a question like that? JC: Because, lots of the people that I’ve met at clubs would’ve never been happy with this relationship. Jenna: Well, I’m not those people. I would go through anything to be with you. I would even stay here in Florida while you’re on tour. Haven’t I been doing that? JC: Of course. I’m just concerned that you’re not doing what you want to be doing. Jenna: If I was unhappy, I would tell you. You should know that. JC: Well then I have something for you. Jenna: (surprised) You do? JC: Yup. (reaches into his coat pocket) Jenna: (smiling) Oh my god! Don’t tell me!