Chapter 11

JC: I have a feeling what I’m about to give you isn’t something you were expecting. Jenna: Oh really? JC: (pulls out a small black box and gets down on one knee) Will you marry me? Jenna: (stunned) JC…I’m shocked. JC: Just say yes, and we can start planning our life together. Jenna: Of course my answer is yes! What do you think I’m crazy? JC: (grinning from ear to ear, slips the ring on her finger and kisses her) I love you. Jenna: And I love you.

Later that Night…

Dan: Hey guys, how was dinner? Jenna: It was wonderful. Dinner has never been so special. Justin: That good, huh? Joey: Hey, if I had good food, I would have that reaction too. Jenna: Well, actually. It was what happened after dinner that made it so memorable. Lance: Which is… Jenna: (to JC) Why don’t you tell them? JC: Well…when we were dancing, I accidentally fell. Chris: Are you okay? JC: Oh yeah, I’m fine. (smiles in Jenna’s direction) Well, as I was saying. I accidentally fell, and wouldn’t you know, I fell right onto my knee! (holds up Jenna’s left hand) Kris: (excited) Oh my god! (jumps up and hugs Jenna) I’m so happy for you! Jenna: Thank you. Joey: Yeah, congratulations. (shakes JC’s hand) You really deserve each other. Dan: What else can we say, but that we wish you the best of luck. Justin: Yeah, so any ideas for the honeymoon? Jenna: (looks at JC) Well I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. JC: Well, then Europe it is. Jenna: Really? JC: If you want to go there, then that’s where we’ll go. Kris: More importantly, on the agenda, who’s going to be your bridesmaid? Jenna: (laughing) As if you even have to ask! Chris: (brings in a tray with glasses full of wine) This calls for some champagne! Joey: (raises his glass) To JC and Jenna. For I have never seen any couple so much in love. We wish you the best of luck in your life together. And hope that we, too, can someday have a relationship as special as yours.