Chapter 2

On the dance floor…

Kris: You know, the only thing we’ve been doing all night is dancing. Lance: I can’t help it if I love holding you in my arms. Kris: Yeah, well can’t we just talk for a while? We hardly even know each other. Lance: Sure, let’s go sit at that table in the corner, so we can be by ourselves. (they walk over to the table) So what do you wanna talk about? Kris: Well, for starters, why aren’t you introducing me to your friends? Lance: My friends?! Kris: Do you really think I’m that slow, that I don’t know who you are? Lance: Well... Kris: Oh, thanks. I knew who you were from the moment I saw you. Lance: Okay, okay. I’m sorry. It’s just that I’d like to have a regular relationship once in a while, without the girl knowing that I’m famous. Kris: Well, I’m not one of those girls that take advantage of people with money. Lance: Prove it. Kris: How do you expect me to do that? Lance: Take me out on a date. Kris: That won’t prove anything. Lance: Yes it will. Kris: Yeah, and what will it prove? Lance: It’ll prove that you like me enough to go on a date with me.

Still sitting at the table…

Andrea: So, I was wondering. I may have asked you to sit with me for a while, but why haven’t you gotten up and started to dance with someone? You’ve been talking to me practically the whole night. Dan: I don’t exactly like to dance. Andrea: You don’t!?!? Dan: No. I feel like everyone is staring at my goofy moves. Andrea: But they’re not! They’re thinking about how everyone else is staring at them, and are checking people out. Dan: Well, that’s besides the point. I love talking to you. You’re a very open person. Andrea: Why, thank you...Listen, what do ya say, we blow this joint? Dan: Cool. I just have to tell my friends. Andrea: Sure.

Sharing an ice cream soda at the table…

Lance: So, are you mad at me? Kris: How could I be mad at that adorable face of yours? (they kiss lightly) Dan: (clears his throat) Sorry to interrupt ya Kris. Kris: Oh, hey how’s it goin’? Lance meet Dan, he’s one of my best friends. Lance: (shakes his hand) Nice to meet you. Dan: Likewise. (to Kris) I’m leavin’. Kris: Where are you going? Dan: I met this girl. We’ve been talking the whole night, and we’re sorta bored cause I don’t like to dance, and she can’t right now. Listen, long story. I’ll tell you and Jenna later. Speaking of Jenna, do you know where she is? Kris: She was hanging out with those guys over there. Why don’t you ask them? Dan: Okay. (walks over to the guys) Excuse me. Justin: Hey, you’re Jenna’s friend, aren’t you? Dan: Yeah. How did you know? JC: She’s been talking about you and your other friend practically the whole night. Joey: What’s your name again? Dan: It’s Dan. Justin: That’s right. Now I remember. Joey: So what can we do ya for? Dan: Well, I was looking for Jenna. I’m leaving now and— Justin: No! You can’t leave yet! Dan: Why? JC: Jenna and our friend, Chris, are going to do something on stage. It’s going to be so funny. You can’t miss it. Especially if you’re her best friend. Dan: It’s gonna be that good, huh? Justin: Yeah. They should be on in a few minutes, anyway. Dan: Alright, I’ll stay. Thanks guys.

Back at the table with Andrea…

Andrea: So, are we set? Dan: Not exactly. Andrea: What happened? Dan: Jenna’s gonna be on stage. Andrea: What!? Dan: Yup. Her and one of her new friends, Chris, are going to do a skit. Andrea: Are her other friends those guys over there? (points in their direction) Dan: Yeah, why? Andrea: Because they’re my friends too. I met them at a club like this before. Chris is completely insane. It sounds like Jenna is too. Dan: Jenna is definitely the most daring of all three of us. She’d do anything. Announcer: (interrupts their conversation) Okay everyone. We have a special treat for you all. I’d like to ask that everyone sits down in their seats. Okay. We have two friends that would like to sing a song for you all. They’ve been working on it for about an hour, and I think it’s ready. We’d like you all to welcome Chris and Jenna! (Applause and cheering fills the club as the curtains open. They perform a standup comedy act until they have the whole place laughing hysterically)


Kris: Jenna, you guys were so funny! (gives her a hug) Jenna: Aw, thanks. We were weren’t we? Andrea: Yes, you were. Kris: Dan, you’re still here? Dan: When I heard that Jenna was doing something, I knew I couldn’t miss it. Joey: Guys, that was terrific! I almost peed in my pants! Jenna: Well I’m just glad that you almost did, and it didn’t actually happen! Chris: So it looks like our groups are combining at last. Jenna has been talking about the two of you, the entire night. Andrea: Yeah, well Dan hasn’t been any better. Lance: Neither has Kris. Kris: Ha! It looks like we can’t get enough of each other! Jenna: Yup! JC: So do you guys wanna go somewhere? Dan: Like where? Justin: What about that party we heard about? Joey: Which one? Justin: The one at the Marriott. Chris: The party’s dead in here anyway. Kris: And I’m definitely not tired yet. Andrea: Me neither. And all I’ve been doing is sitting! Jenna: Yeah, but sorry. I’ll hafta steal Danny Boy from ya! I’m gonna get him on the dance floor! Right honey? Dan: We’ll just see about that, cupcake. Justin: Okay, why are you two talking to each other like that if you’re best friends? Kris: Long story. Just go with it. That’s just how they talk to each other. Lance: So are we going to the party? Chris: Yeah, let’s go!