Chapter 3

Later on, at the party…

Kris: You don’t mind if I cut in, do you Jenna? Jenna: Be my guest. JC: So where’s Lance? Kris: He’s sleeping already. Great date, isn’t he? JC: Yeah, well Lance isn’t exactly the party animal of the group. Kris: I can tell. JC: So, uh, can I ask you something? Kris: Sure, ask away. JC: Exactly how close is Jenna with Dan? Kris: How did I know that it was going to be about them? JC: Well, I’d just like to know if Jenna’s going to be serious about me, or not. Kris: I can see it in her eyes when she looks at you. She is very serious about you...But it sounds like someone’s getting a little jealous. JC: It’s just that whenever they’re together, they’re laughing and smiling. They’re so happy and it looks like they’re interested in each other. Kris: You don’t have to worry about Dan. He’s perfectly harmless.

Across the room:

Jenna: (takes his hand) Come on Dan, it’s your turn on the dance floor. Dan: You know I don’t like to dance. Jenna: Yeah, but you’ll never see these people ever again so it’s okay to make a fool of yourself. Dan: I’m not going. Jenna: Yes you are! (grabs him and pulls him onto the floor) Dan: Now what? Jenna: Now, we dance. Dan: (standing there) I can’t. I’m leaving. (she puts his arms around her and starts to dance) Jenna, I can’t do this. Jenna: Yes you can! If you keep saying that you can’t then you won’t! Dan: Alright! Alright! I can tell that you’re never going to let me go. Jenna: (flirtatiously) You’ve got that right, hunk of mine. I just can’t keep my hands off of you. Dan: Oh really? Jenna: Yup. Can you deal? Dan: Yeah, I think I can deal. Jenna: (laughing) Well then let’s dance!

Later on…

Joey: Are you up to it? Kris: Are you seriously asking me if I’m willing to get drunk? Jenna: Okay, that’s a really stupid question. Joey: It’s just that the five of us are not supposed to get drunk. Chris: We’ll have to sneak it into our drinks without them knowing. Joey: The rest of the guys don’t like to get drunk anyway. Kris: Yeah, Dan is like that, too. Jenna: Well, you can definitely count us in! Chris: Oh, Miss! We’d like four martinis with a twist, please. Kris: And can you put a little coke in ‘em? Waitress: Sure.

Two hours and six drinks later…

Dan: Let’s get going ladies. We’ve been here for a long time. Jenna: (gets up and puts her arms around him) Aw, come on Danny Boy. Can’t ya just let us stay for a little longer? Joey: (laughing hysterically) Yeah, come on Danny. The Freaky Foursome wants to be bad boys and girls tonight. Dan: (pauses) You guys have been drinking haven’t you? Kris: (jolts up) I have not had sexual relations with that woman. (points to Chris) …At least I think he’s a woman. Chris, are you a woman? Chris: Yeah, how’d you know? Kris: I have special powers. Dan: Okay, that’s enough. I don’t need it spelled out. You guys are coming home with me. JC: What’s the matter? Dan: The Freaky Foursome, here, got a little drunk while we weren’t looking. JC: You’ve gotta be kidding me. Dan: Nope. JC: Okay, party’s over for you guys. (to Dan) Listen, I’ll give our number to you, since the ladies aren’t exactly sober right now. Andrea’s number is on there too. Dan: Great, thanks a lot. JC: No problem. Call us. I’m sure everyone wants to get together again. Dan: Yeah, that sounds cool. JC: Come on, guys. It’s time to go to home and complain about having a hangover. Joey: Goodbye girls! (he goes to kiss Jenna while Chris goes to give a kiss to Kristen) Dan: (him and JC stop them before they kiss) That’s enough ladies! We’ll call you. Chris: See ya honey! Kris: Bye sweetie!

The next morning…

Dan: Wake up ladies. How ya feeling? Kris: Like I’m going to be stuck in bed for the rest of my life. Dan: Well you girls sound like you’re in a good mood. Listen, I’m going to get something from the car. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Jenna: Whatever. (he leaves, and about two minutes later there’s a knock on the door) Kris: (wearily) Go away, we don’t want any. (there’s another knock) Geez, can’t somebody get some sleep around here? (she opens the door) Joey: Hey beautiful, how’s the hangover goin’? Kris: I’m doing okay but I’m not even sure if Jenna’s sober right now. JC: Yeah, well all she needs is for her Prince Charming to wake her up. (advances towards her and sits on her bed next to her) Chris: (joking) Well where is he? JC: Right in front of her. (kisses her lips tenderly and dearly as she wakes up) Jenna: Mmmm. Justin: Wake up sleepy head. Lance: Yo, where’s Dan at? Kris: He went to the car to get something. Joey: So he doesn’t know that we’re here? Kris: Nope, not unless he saw you coming up here. Chris: (with a sly look) Let’s trick him! JC: How? Chris: Everyone in the bathroom!

Minutes later…

Dan: Kris! Jenna! Where are you guys? Chris: (in a girly voice) We’re in the bathroom, come here for a sec! Joey: (as Dan is walking in) Yeah, come on in! The water’s fine! Dan: (with a surprised look on his face) What are you guys doing?! Kris: We wanted to surprise you! Did it work? Dan: When you find all of your friends sitting on top of each other in the bathtub, you’re just a little surprised! Andrea: (comes into the open hotel room) Hello? All: We’re in the bathtub! Andrea: You’re in the bathtub?! (walks into the bathroom) What are you guys doing? Chris: We wanted to surprise Dan when he got back— Jenna: And we did just that! Kris: Yo Andrea, can you take a picture? Andrea: Sure, where’s your camera? Kris: I’ll get it. Jenna: Kris, get mine too! Justin: Dan, you have to get in the picture too. Andrea: Yeah, we should have Jenna sit on your lap! Jenna: That would be so funny! Kris: Okay, I’m back! Andrea: Alright, let’s do it!


Chris: You guys definitely have to give us the doubles to those pictures. Jenna: No problem. Justin: Okay, well now let’s focus on today. It’s our last day together. JC: I hate to see you guys leave. It’s gonna be so hard to keep this relationship working like this. Joey: What are you going to be doing at home? Dan: Getting jobs, I guess. Then in September, we’re starting grad school. Justin: Yo, I just got the best idea! All: What? Justin: Why don’t you guys stay at our apartment for a couple of weeks? That way we could be together longer. Kris: I wouldn’t want to impose. Chris: (interrupting) But you wouldn’t be imposing! That is such a good idea! Jenna: But where would we stay? Come on let’s think rationally here. JC: We are thinking rationally! In fact, I think that’s the best idea we’ve had yet! Dan: But when we have to leave, everything’s still gonna have to go back to normal. We’ll be in New York, and you’ll be touring. Andrea: But at least we’ll have extra time together. Joey: Come on guys, say yes! Kris: Well I would love to, but I have to leave tomorrow. My cousin is getting married and I have to be there. Lance: Why did it have to be now? I’m not going to see you for such a long time. Kris: I know, but I have to go. There’s no way I can get out of this. Justin: What about you guys? Can you stay? Jenna: I’ll stay if Dan’s staying. Chris: What’s your verdict? It’s all up to you. Dan: (pauses) Alright let’s stay! JC: Good! Now let’s have fun! What do ya say we go to Disney World to celebrate? Joey: Yeah, it can commemorate our friendship. Kris: Okay, let’s go!